Kotlin Dynamically string.xml Values (KDSV)

To dynamically replace string.xml values ​​in Android, you can use several approaches depending on your needs and the context of your application. Here are some commonly used methods:

1. Using String Format:

You can add placeholders in string.xml and replace them dynamically in Java code. First, add placeholders with the format  %s,  %d, or any other format type as per your requirement in the string.xml file:

<string name="welcome_message">Selamat datang, %s!</string>
<string name="app_version">Versi aplikasi: %s</string>

Then, in your Java code, you can replace those placeholder values ​​using the  getString and  functions String.format:

// Mengganti nilai string dengan parameter dinamis
String userName = "John";
String welcomeMessage = getString(R.string.welcome_message, userName);

// Mengganti nilai string dengan parameter dinamis lainnya
int appVersionCode = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE;
String appVersion = getString(R.string.app_version, String.valueOf(appVersionCode));

2. Use of Resources by Name:

You can dynamically assign string IDs by using the  getIdentifier and  methods Resources to access and update strings defined in the string.xml file:

String dynamicStringName = "welcome_message"; // Nama string yang akan diubah nilainya
String newMessage = "Hello, world!"; // Nilai baru untuk string tersebut

// Mendapatkan ID string berdasarkan nama string
int stringId = getResources().getIdentifier(dynamicStringName, "string", getPackageName());

if (stringId != 0) {
    // Jika string ditemukan, perbarui nilainya
    String dynamicMessage = getResources().getString(stringId);
} else {
    // Jika string tidak ditemukan, berikan pesan kesalahan atau tindakan lainnya
    textView.setText("String tidak ditemukan");

3. Using Databases or External Sources:

If you want to retrieve string values ​​from an external source, such as a database or API, you can download those values ​​and replace them in your Java code before assigning the values ​​to a view component (for example, a TextView).

Remember to make sure that you use safe values ​​and avoid using direct user input to prevent attacks such as SQL injection or other malicious code injection.

Choose the method that best suits your needs and application layout. With the right approach, you can dynamically replace string values ​​and make your application more dynamic and engaging for users.

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