Hello guys, this time I want to share about the case when I first played with json objects in Android Studio. Let's say I'm working on an android application that gets json content from a web service called "WebUntis". The Json content looks like this.
As you can see, there are also other arrays like "id", "kl", "te", "su" and "ro". When the content of those arrays contains data, then I can smoothly store them into an ArrayList. But when even one of those arrays is empty, like this (note "kl"),
So what happened was I always got an error: IndexOutOfRangeException, so the temporary solution at that time was I asked the web division to give a special value if there was no data, I know this is very silly, because I'm just learning. This is roughly what the code was like at that time.
JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject(s);
// Get the result object
JSONArray arr = jsonResult.getJSONArray("result");
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) {
JSONObject c = arr.getJSONObject(i);
anfangStunde[i] = c.getString("startTime");
endeStunde[i] = c.getString("endTime");
// get the jsonarrays (kl, su, ro)
kl = c.getJSONArray("kl");
su = c.getJSONArray("su");
ro = c.getJSONArray("ro");
// check if kl is not null
if(kl != null){
klassenID[i] = kl.getJSONObject(0).getString("id");
if (klassenID[i] != null) {
klasse = webuntis.klassenMap.get(klassenID[i]);
Log.d("ID und Klasse=", "" + klassenID[i] + ";" + klasse);
// get th ids
fachID[i] = su.getJSONObject(0).getString("id");
if (fachID[i] != null) {
fach = webuntis.faecherMap.get(fachID[i]);
Log.d("ID und Fach=", "" + fachID[i] + ";" + fach);
// "Start;Ende;Klasse;Fach;Raum" store in arraylist
webuntis.stundenPlan.add(anfangStunde[i] + ";" + endeStunde[i] + ";" + klasse + ";" + fach);
// Write Data into a file for offline use:
Of course I didn't just leave it like that, as time went on I continued to improvise on the code and the point is,
1. If the array is defined in an empty file, such as.
2. Then getJSONArray("kl") will return an array with the value "empty", but you need to be aware that the array does not mean "null". So, if you do this.
kl = c.getJSONArray("kl");
if(kl != null){
klassenID[i] = kl.getJSONObject(0).getString("id");
So it is no wonder if you always get this error. The solution is to use length(), instead.
kl = c.getJSONArray("kl");
if(kl != null && kl.length() > 0 ){
klassenID[i] = kl.getJSONObject(0).getString("id");
Remember! EMPTY != NULL
Done!, now your code is a little bit better