Windows Media Player Encountered Problem (WMPEP)

Hi bro, have you experienced something like this?

How to Fix 'Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file'

Ok, here I will share my experience and tips on overcoming Windows Media Player errors when used to play media, be it music or video, an error prompt appears  "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file"  and when clicked to perform online troubleshooting, an error code appears  "Windows Media Player C00D11B1".

Of course, this problem has a systemic impact so that when I install other media players such as Winamp, MKV or Gomplayer, even though I have installed the most updated codec, it still cannot be used to play music or video files.

After I explored a foreign country community, thank God I found the solution, for more details, please read the following method carefully:


  1. Before you use the troubleshooting method below, make sure that your WMP is installed with the latest update of its codec package. If not, please download the codec HERE  (  25MB) *old
  2. Last updated at 11/9/2015, Codec Pack Win7(include  mkv format)  HERE  (30MB)  new
  3. Make sure your computer's performance is in good condition, by scanning using Microsoft Essential Security, if you don't have it, please download it here .
  4. Clean your computer's Cache and Registry using the CCleaner application, if you don't have it, please download it here .

If you have fulfilled the Note! above, please use WMP Troubleshooting below.

Ultimate Ways to Fix Windows Media Player (WMP)


Make sure that the error in question is this by clicking on the web help bottom "Windows Media Player C00D11B1"


Close Windows Media Player


Disable enhancements in the Sound option. How to do this --> click Control Panel --> Sound --> click hardware and sound --> Click sound

Look at the image above, if the properties button is not active then click speakers. Next if it is active --> click properties --> click the Enhancement tab --> Disable all the enhancements --> click Apply --> OK.


Restart the computer

Done, now please run your music... 

Warning! - if it still remains a problem, then use the following alternative steps.

Alternative Method 1 Repair Windows Media Player (WMP)

Changing the Registry value.


You must be logged in as an administrator, and pay close attention to the following steps, don't make any edits!


Click Start and type: regedit in the Search box.


Edit the registry by following the directory path as below.



After that, enter the data as below:

Name: DisableProtectedAudioDG
Value: 0


Restart the computer

There are friends who asked and are still confused about this Alternative Method 1, so I made a demo of it, to make it more solid and clear, let's follow me!

Attention!  - to get the Best View, don't forget to set the fullscreen mode and optimum pixel

Warning! - if it still remains a problem, then use the following alternative steps.

Alternative Method 2 Repair Windows Media Player (WMP)


Open Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services,


Look for services related to Audio Video, then Refresh, Start or Restart.


Fixed Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file

Services that need to be executed

Fixed Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file

So, hopefully it's useful and good luck!

Netizen Response

Some questions that were asked by visitors at that time (when this site was still on blogcepot):

  1. ANONYMOUS/18 Jul 2014, 21:56:00 = Alhamdulillah, thank you very much :') the information is very useful, my WMP is back now, thank you again  🙂))))))))))
  2. FEBRYANNA RAHAYU/19 Jul 2014, 23:07:00 = Thanks for the very useful information, finally my laptop can work again 😃
  3. ANONYMOUS/22 Jul 2014, 12:07:00 = Bro, I've tried the first and fourth methods and they worked, but a few days later my WMP didn't work anymore. Why is that?
  4. ANONYMOUS/6 Aug 2014, 16:33:00 = Bro, I tried it yesterday and it worked, but why is it erroring again now? How do I make an entry in step 3, the last step?
  5. ELOK FAIQATUL HIMMAH/16 Sep 2014, 18:55:00 = bro, I've done the first step but I still can't do this, there's an error in the middle, I continue to step two but I can't edit it!!! Why bro????
  6. ANONYMOUS/12 Oct 2014, 20:25:00 = bro, I've tried but how come it still doesn't work? Even if I use another player, the sound doesn't appear, even though if I open a video via YouTube there is sound. Where do you think the problem is? please help
  7. ANONYMOUS/13 Oct 2014, 19:04:00 = hmm, I have but it doesn't work, it says "this troubleshooter does not apply to your system" I'm using Windows 8.1
  8. BMW E46 MODIFICATION/Oct 31, 2014, 12:55:00 = Okay, the problem is clear... thanks bro...
  9. ANONYMOUS/25 Nov 2014, 07:40:00 = An easier & more effective way is to just go to Control Panel _ Administrative Tools _ Services (local), and find what you think is related to AV playback, right click on refresh or restart. After that, try playing AV files straight away and it will definitely work again. The method is the same whether on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 (x86/32bit or 64-bit). I found this method because I accidentally tried to sync iTunes to iPad, iPod/iPhones always failed and iTunes told me to go to the "services" menu to reset and refresh in that section. And it turns out that this method also works for other media players. Good luck...
  10. ANONYMOUS/10 Dec 2014, 07:32:00 = I have followed the steps above but it still won't open.  🙁 Maybe there is another reason?
  11. RANDY SBASTIAN/20 Dec 2014, 01:04:00 = the first time it played, it was restarted and then it came back like that.  🙁 Is it good if it's been reinstalled, friend? 🙁
  12. ANONYMOUS/25 Jan 2015, 15:17:00 = bro, I've tried the method above.. but the result is still zero. when playing music and videos there is no sound, but if YouTube has sound. I use Windows 8.1. try the tips from om ANONYMOUS25 Nov 2014, 07:40:00 but confused which one is related to playback
  13. ANONYMOUS/24 Feb 2015, 09:47:00 = thanks bro, it worked!!!!
  14. BELAJARSEARCHENGINE/25 Mar 2015, 07:20:00 = Wow, it is very useful for me personally, I am sure this article is also useful for many other readers like what I experienced. Thank you boss for the info, always be successful ..!!
  15. FARIZ YDTM/30 Mar 2015, 03:05:00 = thanks bro,  😃 I recommend the tips (y)
  16. RYAN GOMEZ/6 Jun 2015, 10:21:00 = still can't bro??
  17. KEVIN DELVIN/5 Jul 2015, 23:40:00 = Bro, that's the last step for a new DWord 32, so does it affect my 64bit PC?
  18. BUDI/15 Jul 2015, 17:27:00 = hmmm so that's how to fix windows player, okay bro thanks for the tips
  19. SYARIFAH AZZAHRA/8 Sep 2015, 20:04:00 = I still can't solve this problem. How come all the methods 1 and 2 are the same as the method you told me to restart or refresh? I'm also confused about which one to restart.
  20. MOCHAMAD ELGARIF/Oct 5, 2015, 18:16:00 = Bro, help me, why is it that when I watch a video, there is no sound on all video players, but when I listen to music, what is the solution, bro? It feels bland watching a video without sound
  21. UNKNOWN/11 Oct 2015, 15:27:00 = Alhamdulillah,, the article is very useful,, thank you very much bro,, the problem has been solved thanks to this article...
  22. ANONYMOUS/Oct 20, 2015, 09:24:00 = Bro, please enlighten me, I have a video that can't be played either in wmp, vlc, gom. The error in the windows is C00D11B1. I tried following the guide above until the last step. But why can't the video be opened? Is the video file damaged, because the other video files can still be played. What's the solution bro so that my video can be opened again,,
  23. ANONYMOUS/Oct 20, 2015, 09:48:00 = MP4 Bro, the recording result is from an Android phone, but when the video is not returned to the phone, it also cannot be played, even though it was fine before. What do you think is the reason, bro, and what is the solution, thanks?
  24. BERLIAN P/30 Oct 2015, 09:23:00 = Thanks so much gan, the post is very useful. Once tried it worked
  25. MOCHAMAD ELGARIF/8 Dec 2015, 09:41:00 = using method 1 and 2 still doesn't work, even though the error notification is the same 🙁
  26. BEEZALIEL SIMON/12 Jan 2016, 10:12:00 = sorry sir, I have tried all the steps you taught, but it still fails. I have used k lite mega also fails. Using winamp vlc Gom also still fails. I have updated all windows systems also still fails. I even followed the steps on the microsoft it forum but it still fails. I download videos through other devices and I play them on my laptop but they can't play. But if I download videos through my own laptop, it runs smoothly without any problems. Please enlighten me, thank you msi cx640 i3 gt520m winpremium
  27. ZULKARNAEN SIREGAR/Feb 20, 2016, 21:04:00 = I want to ask this.. Please reply. So, here it is, I once recorded a game called X-Shot in this game feature, there is something called voice or you could say you can talk directly in the game. Well, so I had time to record some conversations with my friends in the game.. after a few months, I experienced an error when booting, there was a message saying Flowdisck or something like that, more or less the message, sorry if I'm wrong, it was a booting error because.. at that time I was putting paste on the processor in the middle of the motherboard, the next day I found out something like that, an error.. well, before the error, there was a game recording that I recorded using bandicam that could still be played on WMP, but when it happened, the video recording was played without sound, if there was a picture.. then I thought it was an error in WMP, I tried to play music, it turned out I could, then I wondered why? Well, I tried to log in to the game, but I didn't know I could voice in the game anymore.. I don't know why.. until now I'm confused, this happened around 8 months ago in 2015, then I tried to install something called VLC, and it turned out there was sound.. it turned out I tried to reinstall the game, then log in with the hope of being able to voice again, eh it's the same.. then I got more confused, the game has been reinstalled and it's been a long time since I played it but it still can't go back to the original, then I automatically miss my friends in the game, but since I can't voice anymore, I'm too lazy to play the game, so I can only play the recording on VLC player, tried using WMP but it didn't work.. then someone suggested using WMP Classic.. it turns out the recording can be played back.. BUT, logging in to the game, then trying to voice it's the same but still no sound comes out. I don't know why.. well, so I want to ask.. what is the cause of this problem, why can't I voice in the game.. if the game is broken, why can I voice on the net.. while at home I can't? *btw I've never been to a repairman, because I still want to break it down myself.. but I can't until now.. please give me some information. Thank you very much in advance.
  28. TOPIC JLEBB/28 Feb 2016, 14:16:00 = awesome, thank you very much, bro :V /
  29. ANONYMOUS/18 Mar 2016, 10:29:00 = Mas Wawan, I'm Agung, I want to ask, when my laptop plays a video, the image doesn't show only the sound, Black Screen, I've tried it on all players but it's the same, please provide information on how to fix it, I'm really waiting, I'm having a headache, I've tried many ways but failed.. thank you, mas.
  30. DIRGA PRIYAMBADA/22 May 2016, 04:54:00 = why is there no enhancement in my sound option, I've checked the properties but it's still not there, please enlighten me..
  31. AHMAD YAYAT SUPRIATNA/25 May 2016, 07:36:00 = Bro, the Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file problem on my Asus notebook never ends. Please help.
  32. ANONYMOUS/Aug 27, 2016, 16:23:00 = The sound when playing my video is also not working properly, I have installed the most updated mega codec but it doesn't work, all videos of any type on my laptop have no sound either in wmp, mpc, vlc, etc., whereas for music and other sounds other than video formats are fine. What do you think, bro?
  33. ULFA HASANAH/10 Sep 2016, 17:54:00 = Thought this could only be done on Windows 7, but it could also be done on Windows Vista. Even though I only downloaded the Win7 codec pack, but after trying to play it, I could immediately. Thank you very much, bro^^
  34. RENO ONODERA/22 Nov 2016, 05:26:00 = My Windows Media Player has the same problem as above, but the operating system is Windows 8.1. Is the method still the same? Thanks
  35. HENDIE/30 Dec 2016, 17:32:00 = I've tried all the methods in the tutorial, well I've succeeded in the alternative tutorial 2, but when I restarted the wmp, why did it recur? Please provide a solution, bro
  36. SKY_M FX/Jan 6 2017, 14:12:00 = Thx Bro
  37. UNKNOWN/Feb 9, 2017, 09:19:00 = Sorry, I want to ask if WMP can't be opened, what's the solution, bro? Yesterday I uninstalled Avast which had expired. After restarting, WMP gave an error, but if I use Winamp, I can still play the MP3.
  38. WAQIF AGUSTA/11 Feb 2017, 06:08:00 = Thank you very much, very helpful
  39. SAHARASU/16 Jul 2018, 16:24:00 = Thanks bro, keep going with the wmp...

And here is our response at that time (when this site was still on blogcepot):

  1. You're welcome, bro,  😃 thanks for your appreciation 😃
  2. yoi febryanna, you're welcome, thx also for the appreciation 😃
  3. try reinstalling WMP first, then use the method above again. Note: make sure your Windows update is in manual mode (auto update: disable)
  4. OK, bro, for more information about the Last Step, please watch the video tutorial above, thanks.
  5. ok sis, it's not edited, but registry entry or adding 1 more registry file, with the provisions as above, have you watched the video carefully from the beginning to the end? it's easy..
  6. Please just stop by  HERE  , bro, if it's just the sound that's the problem, try the first option.
  7. I have experienced what you feel, and it turns out that the sound did not come out because I had not updated the Win7 codec, so that for videos with the *mkv format I could play them but without sound, after I updated the codec in October 2015 the result was "Successful".., I have added this codec in the tutorial, please just download it, ... thanks and good luck 😃
  8. you're welcome bro, 😃
  9. Thanks bro, for sharing your experience here.....great 😃
  10. Have you tried following the tips from mas 'ANONYMOUS 25 Nov 2014 07:04:00'? Good luck bro... thanks
  11. try to be offline when troubleshooting, oh yeah, have you tried the tips from om ANONYMOUS25 Nov 2014, 07:40:00 .. ?? just try it, hopefully it works..
  12. gosh bro, sorry this is a tutorial for window 7, while windows 8 has never experienced it, oh yes also an explanation, that this media player has nothing to do with flash player, so the comparison you mean between opening in wmp and opening in youtube has nothing to do at all, so if youtube is not using wmp but using flash player, .. mm or just like this bro, please screenshot the problem, send it to our social media inbox, please use fb, twitter or g+. I will try ... I have experienced what you feel, and it turns out that the sound does not come out because I have not updated the win7 codec, so for videos with * mkv format I can play but without sound, after I updated the codec in October 2015 the result was "Successful" .., I have added this codec in the tutorial, please just download it, ... thanks and good luck 😃
  13. Thank goodness that's the case, bro... congratulations.
  14. Amen, thank you too bro for your prayers 🙂
  15. you're welcome, bro, for sharing and recommending
  16. What OS is it bro? Win7 or 8? Because this tutorial is specifically for Win7
  17. I've never tried it, bro, but if Microsoft limits the 32 instruction set to run on 64 registers, that means it can't be done, bro, but if not, 64 should be more compatible
  18. yes bro, you're welcome
  19. Don't be confused sis, just do it one by one; 1. Install the codec, 2. practice method 1, 3. ignore method 2 (because it is an alternative method) that's it, thanks
  20. Hii Mochamad E, maybe your Audio driver is having problems.. please can you update the driver by right clicking my computer >> manage >> device manager. well there please check if there is any exclamation mark (yellow) .. if there is then, please on the problematic driver >> right click >> update driver like that and good luck. Hello Mochamad E. I have experienced what you feel, and it turns out that the sound does not come out because I have not updated the win7 codec, so for videos with * mkv format I can play but without sound, after I did the codec update in October 2015 the result was "Successful".., I have added this codec in the tutorial, please just download it, ... thanks and good luck 😃
  21. Hii UNKNOWN, good job, glad to hear that.. congratulations
  22. Please check bro... what is the video format? because the least compatible is the *mkv video format.. so you need to install a special codec for that..
  23. There is a possibility that the video file is corrupted, my tips if you record video via PDA (Personal Digital Assistant): 1. Do not use an SD card below class 10, 2. If limited, use the internal memory of the device being used, 3. Do not play videos via SD card, 4. Move/copy the video to the HDisk first, and play the one on the HDisk.
  24. Ok bro, you're welcome, glad to hear that.. good luck
  25. Bro, your audio driver is not an error, right? Try checking in Windows >> Computer >> right click >> Manage >> Device Manager >> Dropdown -> Sound, video and game controllers Is there an exclamation mark (yellow)? Note:
  26. Oh yeah bro, have you tried Method 3 (Alternative 2) above? *New (Last Update : 12-Jan-2016, 12:01 PM) Good luck and try it!
  27. Hello Mr. Beezaliel Simon, do you install premium antivirus/security (original), other than Microsoft Essential? such as Kaspersky, etc.? Note: Oh yes Sir, have you tried Method 3 (Alternative 2) above? *New (Last Update: 12-Jan-2016, 12:01 PM) Good luck and try it!
  28. Wow.. your problem is also complex, huh bro, there must be a special media to discuss your problem, because it is impossible for me to predict, because I have never experienced something like that. It needs a special media for discussion, which can include evidence / field facts in the form of images, videos or other documents. Please join our forum and be a threat starter for your problem topic, bro. Okay, good luck!
  29. Hii Topic J. You're welcome
  30. Hello Agung, Okay, first may I know the video format that Agung plays? Is it *mp4, *mkv, *avi, *mov, *wmv, *flv, or other formats? And if the discussion for this problem requires some file attachments such as images etc. to be included, then please switch to the GATEWAN FORUM, We will try to provide the best solution and in the shortest possible time, thank you, welcome to GATEWAN
  31. Hi Dirga, I think there are several possibilities: 1. The selected device is different, for example the speaker that is set is not an internal speaker (laptop) but an external speaker (active speaker), 2. The OS used is different, the tutorial above uses Win7, 3. If you are using the same OS, the menu should be there, namely the Speakers Properties dialog, the menu is at the very top and side by side: [Generan] [Levels] [Enhancements] [Advanced] If you still don't have an idea, please just include the screenshot in our forum, I think that's it for now, thank you.
  32. Have the steps above been done? If you have and it still fails, then if you need special support, please join our forum, because that's where you and we can send each other supporting files. Thank you
  33. You're welcome, Miss ULFA HASANAH
  34. Hii Reno, The principle / method is the same, only you need to adjust the location of the menu / feature / utility with the version of Windows you are using. Including adjusting the CODEC version whether 32/64 bit. Okay, good luck!
  35. Bro, try using safe mode then play audio/video, later the results whether it works or remains the same, please inform us here, thank you
  36. You are welcome, bro
  37. Wow, please try reinstalling WMP by turning off and then turning on the Windows feature again. Follow these steps: STEP 1: Open Control Panel >> Programs >> Programs and Features >> Turn Windows Features on or off. STEP 2: Wait until the Windows Built-in Features List is displayed, if all are displayed, please find "Media Features" >> click the Plus sign to display the sub list. STEP 3: You will see the "Windows Media Player" feature >> UnCheck (uncheck) to uninstall it. STEP 4: Restart the Computer STEP 5: Repeat steps 1-4, but note Check (check) the Windows Media Player feature again. Okay, I think that's all, good luck!
  38. Hii WAQIF AGUSTA, you're welcome
  39. Hi SAHARASU, you're welcome, great, good job!

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