Hi bro, you're still in college, oh my poor thing. It's already the end of the semester again, so tragic. This happens to be me being kind, maybe it can lighten your burden a little hehehehe. But I'm sure those of you who are looking for this cover template have been confirmed to have successfully completed your Internship (KP) assignment or have even finished conquering your Skripshit. Wow, congratulations!!
1. Research Title, Cover
- What do you want to do?
- There is an object.
- There is software.
- There is a method.
Implementation of STMIK El Rahma Personnel Information System using Visual Basic and SQL with Harvard Method.
Design and Construction of Automatic Railway Crossing Gate on Jl. Sisingamangaraja Based on Microcontroller using ATMega 2000.
Hardware Cost Efficiency By Creating PC Cloning On Linux Mandriva 2007 Power Pack Using Linux Terminal Server Project.
- Title page
- Consent Page
- Endorsement page
- Statement Page
- Motto and Dedication Page
- Foreword
- List of contents
3. Summary, Summary, Abstract
There are 3 main contents of the Essence.
- Paragraph 1 contains the formulation of the problem or issues in the research.
- Paragraph 2 contains methods for solving problems in research.
- Paragraph 3 contains the results of the research that has been conducted.
4. Introduction
1. Background of the Problem.
There are 3 main contents of the Problem Background.
- The ideal global state.
- The condition of the object is less/not ideal.
- Solutions provided/offered by researchers.
2. Problem Formulation
Contains declarative sentences and/or passive sentences.
STMIK El Rahma does not yet have/does not use a personnel SI so.....
Jl. Sisingamangaraja does not have/does not use automatic train doorstops so......
The cost of purchasing a PC is expensive.....
3. Problem Limitation
What will be discussed in the research.
Discussing attendance, cash bonds, basic salary, allowances....
Discussing about automatic railway crossing gates that can...
Discussing PC Cloning which can......
4. Research Objectives
- What will be achieved in the research.
- Starting with the verbs: create, analyze, design, calculate, evaluate, produce .....
- Building an IS that can be used for....
- Making automatic railway crossing gates that can...
- Reduce Hardware costs........
5. Benefits of Research
These are the research benefits obtained by the research object.
El Rahma Islamic College.
Users of Jl. Sisingamangaraja.
PC Cloning Users.
5. Literature Review
- Reference sources are taken from journals, seminars, proceedings.
- References are taken that have similarities/similarities in the research topic.
- Minimum 3 sources.
- Created a table.
6. Format
Agus (2017), ..... ....................... ............. ..... ............... ............ ............... ... ................. .................. ............ .. ...... ................................................ ...
Good (2017), ..... ........................... ............ ... ... ............... ............ ............... .................... ...... ... ... ...... ............ ........ ...............................................
Cagus (2017), ..... ........................... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ............... ............ ............... ... ................. ... ...... ......... ............ .. ...... ... ...... ......... ......... ............ ..... ...
7. Research Methods
- Research Materials.
- Method of collecting data.
- The Course/Steps of Research.
8. Conclusion and Suggestions
Answering the problem formulation using the system created.
intended for subsequent researchers for research development.
contains research deficiencies or what can still be improved from the research.
9. Research Schedule
10. Report Writing Systematics
Chapter I Introduction includes background, problem formulation, problem limitations, research objectives, research benefits, and research methods.
Chapter II Literature Review, contains the results of similar research taken from journals and seminars.
Chapter III Theoretical Basis, contains the theoretical basis that supports the research which comes from journals, seminars, books.
Chapter IV Research Design contains the design of the system that will be created and implemented.
Chapter V Research Results and Discussion
Chapter VI Conclusions and Suggestions
11. Bibliography
Name, year, "Book Title", Publisher, City.
Name, year, "Title of Seminar Paper, Journal", Organizer, City.
Name, year, "Article Title", Web Address, date accessed, time.
12. Example
Ainul Qolbi, 2013, West Pasaman Plantation Information System, Journal, Informatics Engineering UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta.
NRNeira, JVÁngel, 2012, "Turbide A Comparative Study on the Analysis of Student Interactions in e-Learning," Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies.
E.Sutanta, 2015,"The Development of E-Learning from Time to Time", http://www.tintaguru.com /2014/ 10/ e-Learning-dan-sejarah-perkembangannya.html, Accessed: 22-Aug-2015, at: 19.oo WIB.