Theatre Acting Techniques (TAT)

In Chapter 7, students are expected to be able to appreciate and create theatrical arts, namely:

  1. Identifying various basic techniques for playing theater acting,
  2. Describes the basic techniques of acting in theater based on body movements, voice movements, and feelings,
  3. Performing basic theater acting techniques based on body movement, voice movement, and feeling movement,
  4. Associating basic theater acting techniques based on body movements, voice movements, and feelings with attitudes and socio-cultural life in society, and communicating the appearance of basic theater acting techniques based on body movements, voice movements, and feelings verbally and/or in writing.

Body movement, voice movement and sense movement are important requirements for a soap opera actor. The ability to process these three senses makes an actor ready to play the protagonist or antagonist well and correctly. Body movement can be done by moving to the rhythm or dancing. Voice movement can be done by singing or reading poetry by emphasizing each vowel. Sense movement can be done with pantomime movements. Observe some body movements and sense movements in the picture below.

Taste Process

After you observe the picture of the drama/theater performance above, answer the following questions:
  • Have you ever seen a drama performance?
  • Have you ever acted in a drama?
  • What would your acting be like if you were in a drama?
  • What do you think after seeing the picture of the theater performance above?
  • You can observe theater performances from other sources such as the internet, watching performances on VCD, and other learning sources. You can observe theater performances that are developing in your area, but you can also observe theater performances from other areas.
Evaluation Table

Discussion Sheet Format

After you have filled in the columns about the theater performance, then discuss it with your friends and fill in the columns below.

Theater Performance Observation Results Discussion Format

Member's name:
Observation day/date:

Discussion Table

A. Basic Theatre Acting Techniques

Before we discuss further about acting, we should know what theater art is. Theater comes from the word Theatron (Greek) which means a place of performance, some also interpret it as a performance building, and some interpret it as a stage. In a broad sense, theater is any spectacle that is performed in front of many people. While the narrow meaning is the story of human life and life expressed on stage, witnessed by many people. The media of expression used are: conversation, movement, and behavior (Acting) with or without decoration, based on concepts, scripts accompanied by music, singing and dancing.

The term acting must be familiar. People are often said to be acting if they behave differently from usual, or act by imitating other people's behavior. So what exactly is acting? Acting is the embodiment of a role according to the character desired by the script and director, both physically and psychologically. The role played by an actor, a popular term for a theater actor, must be in accordance with the demands of the character. If it is excessive, it can result in over acting, or excessive acting. Also, don't let it be under acting, the acting power is lacking.

Where does the acting capital come from? Acting capital is everyday life experiences, both one's own experiences and the experiences of others that are re-presented in front of the audience.

To show good acting requires diligent and disciplined practice. The practice includes body exercise, vocal exercise, and emotional exercise.

1. Exercise

The body is a basic element in playing theater. The body becomes the center of attention of the audience when a theater actor is on stage. The body is a language of symbols and signs in playing theater. The body through gestures reflects the character or nature of the character being played. Flexibility of body movement is a basic ability that must be mastered by theater players. Body exercises are directed to support the player's ability to realize good acting.

In physical exercise, the main thing to do is to do it in a fit, fresh, and enjoyable condition. Make all exercises like a game that is done happily.

Start by stretching all the joints and muscles of the body. Starting from the head to the feet. Or it can be reversed from the feet to the head.

a. Head Section

Examples of head exercises based on the following instructions.

b. Hand Section

Hand exercises are aimed at developing joints, muscle strength and flexibility of the hand muscles.

Hand movement processing is more varied because it can be done in all directions. Hands can be done straight up, sideways, forward, rotating the palms, flexing the fingers, and other movements.

c. Body Parts

The body parts include the stomach, chest and back. The processing of these three body parts has an important role for a theater actor because it is the part that gives effect to the body posture of the role.

Exercises performed on this part of the body can be done by moving and flexing the body forward by bending, backward by bending at the stomach so that the body curves backwards.

d. Hip Section

The hip area is also important to be worked on so that body movements are more flexible and supple. In the hip area, body movements can be done sideways, forwards, and bent.

Feel your torso parts become heavy or light. Feel your hips and torso moving freely.

e. Leg Section

The legs play an important role. Leg strength needs to be trained so that we can stand upright on stage. Standing on one leg is one of the body balance exercises.

Practice various poses with the support of the feet. Such as the pose of a sturdy tree towering high, a rock holding back the waves and various poses with the personification of nature.

2. Voice Processing

A theater actor must have good voice processing skills. Voice is an important factor because it conveys messages to the audience. Mastery of intonation, diction, articulation Every word spoken must be clear and natural according to the demands of the character of the character being played.

An actor needs to practice voice training with certain stages. Voice training can be done by pronouncing vowels such as a, i, u, e, o according to the shape of the mouth.

Now, try practicing your mouth shape when pronouncing the vowels a, i, u, e, o.

The shape of the mouth when pronouncing o, for example in the words toko, bobo, mono, moto

The shape of the mouth when pronouncing u, for example in the words kuku, duku, lugu.

The shape of the mouth when pronouncing e, such as dede, tere, tele, lele.

The shape of the mouth when pronouncing the sound i, such as kiki, lili, siri, pipi.

The shape of the mouth when pronouncing a, such as mama, papa, nama, dada.

In voice training, especially those related to reading scripts or poetry, it is also necessary to pay attention to word stress, sentence spirit, tempo and rhythm.

a. Word stress: stress on certain words that need to be highlighted in a sentence for a purpose.

The following example underlines the words that need to be emphasized. The emphasis of words in a sentence is to highlight the feelings and thoughts of the sentence.

Ten years ago he was bedridden.
Ten years ago he was bedridden.
Ten years ago he was bedridden.
Ten years ago he was bedridden.
Ten years ago he was bedridden.
Ten years ago he was bedridden.

b. The soul of a sentence is an effort or technique to bring a sentence to life with the help of emotional voice. Practice the word "what" with different feelings.

(sad) What?
(happy) What?
(angry) What?
(hate) What?
(lazy) What?
(passion) What?
(expecting) What?

c. Tempo and rhythm

Tempo and rhythm are the processing of sound by paying attention to dynamics, meaning that the sound produced is not monotonous but varied. Practice pronouncing words and sentences with different rhythms, fast, slow, firm, lilting, and so on.

I want to

Work: Jose Rizal Manua

I want to be like an eagle
fly-wander to distant lands.
I want to be like sea cucumber
dive the ocean into the deep depths.
I learned the science of tenacity from my father in the rice fields
I learned the science of fortitude from my mother at home.
I want to be like a deer
running to and fro into steep valleys
I want to learn from the mountains how to reflect
I want to learn from the waves how to move


Work: Taufikq Ismail

Our ducks quack-quack-quack
Quack quack quack
In the morning they make a quack-quack-quack sound
In the afternoon they make a quack-quack-quack sound
Twenty ducks is the number of ducks that we keep.
In a garden with a simple bamboo fence
Bran, grass and corn are his food
Plenty of water so they don't get thirsty
In the morning they make a quack-quack-quack sound
In the afternoon they make a quack-quack-quack sound
We collect the eggs in the afternoon and morning
Ten to fifteen grains result every day
We took them to their small river every now and then
So that the ducks can swim around happily
In the morning they make a quack-quack-quack sound
In the afternoon they make a quack-quack-quack sound

3. Taste Processing

Acting basically displays the beauty and skill of an actor in realizing various thoughts, emotions, feelings, and figures of the role being played according to the character. Actors must have the ability to be someone who is not themselves. Of course, this can happen if you are able to concentrate on processing feelings and emotions. For that, a theater player needs to train concentration, feelings, emotions with feeling training.

a. Concentration exercises

Concentration training is training to focus our mind on an object according to the goal. For example, the mind focuses on memorizing the script, the co-star, and the play on stage. The mind is not divided with other things.

Do concentration game exercises, two people face each other, one person is assigned to be silent without emotion, while your friend tries to tease as hard as he can, even until his opponent laughs. Do it the other way around, or play the game of concentrating on looking at certain objects without talking, while other friends suddenly interrupt you with noises, or are you tempted to talk to them and ask them to go away? If you are still tempted and still can't concentrate, try again with another game.

b. Imagination exercises

This exercise is an exercise to process your imagination, as if it is happening now and you feel it. It can be done individually or by imagining together. Do an imagination game, for example you imagine going on an adventure to the wilderness, climbing a high peak, descending a steep ravine and meeting various animals, both tame and wild. Also find various situations such as refreshing waterfalls, fallen trees, getting rained on or feeling a mountain that is about to erupt.

You can set different situations in each exercise so that your imagination becomes diverse with various situations, such as cities, the sea, rice fields, etc.

Play this imagination game with your friends, it will definitely be fun.

c. Emotional Memory Exercises

This exercise is an exercise to remember various emotions that you have experienced or have seen other people with their emotions. Such as seeing people sad, happy, angry, disappointed, hesitant, desperate, tickled, funny, laughing out loud and various other emotions. Then those emotions are displayed one by one during the exercise so that they will appear in facial and body expressions.

Remember and show one of those emotions and your friends will see your expression interestingly. Find more forms or make your own games about concentration, imagination, and emotional memory so that your theater practice becomes creative and fun.

Do some of the following facial expressions as well as body language with concentration, imagination, and emotional memory.

After reading the concept of theater acting techniques, answer the questions below:
  1. Describe two traditional theaters that you know.
  2. Explain the function of a theater script in traditional theater performances.
  3. Why is traditional theater underdeveloped?
  4. How can traditional theater continue to develop?

B. Competency Test

  • Explain what is meant by taste processing?
  • Explain what is meant by physical exercise?
  • Explain what is meant by voice processing?
Do 4 angry expressions.

C. Summary

It is important for a theater actor to have basic theater acting technique skills. There are three skills in basic theater acting technique, namely; (1) body movement; (2) voice movement; and (3) feeling movement. These three skills are a complete unity.

Body exercises function for flexibility of movement so that players can do body language well. Voice exercises function so that players have good intonation and articulation skills. Feeling exercises function so that players are able to focus their minds and play their imagination and emotions to live the character of the character being played.

D. Reflection

Playing theater not only develops the ability to become an actor or player but also practices and learns to foster intelligence, cooperation, discipline, responsibility, and respect for others.

Next, carry out a self-assessment by giving a check mark (v) in columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to your opinion.

Communicating Activities

Write about a theater performance performed by another group.
The maximum writing is 50 words and is based on the results of observations made by one of the groups.

Writing provides constructive criticism so that you and your friends know your weaknesses and shortcomings so that you can perform better theater performances.


Arts and Culture / Ministry of Education and Culture.-- Revised Edition. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture, 2014. viii pp., 132 pp.; illus. 17.6 x 25 cm

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