Subtractor Circuit (SC)

A Half subtractor is a circuit that can be used to perform the operation of reducing binary data to 1 bit only. Half Subtractor has the following characteristics: 2 inputs, namely input A and B and 2 outputs, namely Difference (Dif) and Borow (Br). In the following example, input B is the subtractor number and input A is the number being subtracted. While the full subtractor circuit is used to perform the operation of reducing binary numbers that are more than 1 bit. With 3 input terminals that it has, namely A, B, and the Borow input terminal and 2 output terminals, namely Dif and Borow out.


  1. So that students are able to understand the working principles of Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor Circuits.
  2. So that students are able to construct Subtractor circuits using basic logic gates.

Practical Steps

  1. Prepare the equipment and materials needed.
  2. Implement the circuit schematic to be tested into the project board and ensure all connections and wiring are good and correct.
  3. Connect the adapter to the power outlet, then check the output from the adapter.
  4. Provide input with logic 0 by connecting the input to ground and 1 by connecting the input to the positive power supply (+5v)
  5. Perform step 6 according to the truth table requirements.
  6. Observe the changes in the LED and record the results in the lab results table.
  7. Repeat steps 2 - 6 for the other practical series.
  8. Finished.

EXPERIMENT 1 (Half Subtractor)

Truth table of practical results

The Half Subtractor Demo in this Video will answer the truth table above,

Download Half Subtractor Circuit.ms11(63.7KB)

EXPERIMENT 2 (Full Subtractor)

Truth table of practical results

Full Subtractor Demo in this Video will answer the truth table above

Download Full Subtractor Circuit.ms11(93.4KB)

Evaluation & Conclusion

  1. Based on the results of experiment 1 (half Subtractor), it is proven that as long as the subtracted value (A) ≤ subtractor (B), then the out Borrow is always 0, but if the subtracted value (A) < subtractor (B), then the out Borrow is always high (1),
  2. Meanwhile, the Out Difference in experiment 1 will have a value of high(1), if one of the two inputs has a value of high(1).
  3. In experiment 2 (Full Subtractor), it was proven that the working principle is still the same as experiment 1, the only difference lies in the input, namely having 3 inputs (A, B, and Borrow in). 
  4. Still experiment 2, namely, Borrow out will have a value of high(1) as long as the reduced value (A or B) < the subtractor (B or Borrow in), while Difference will have a value of high(1), if one or all three inputs have a value of high(1).
  5. Why when A = 0 and B = 1, makes Dif Out = 1 and Borrow Out = 1?, based on experiments 1 and 2, the answer is as explained in the Basic Theory (supporting) about logic diagrams, that the Dif Out characteristic can be expressed as XOR = A'.B + AB', so that when one of the inputs is logical 1, then Dif Out is logical 1.
  6. Meanwhile, Borrow Out is composed of a combination of NOT and AND gates, thus forming the equation Borrow Out = A'.B, this is specifically designed to overcome when the input condition is reduced < subtractor or 0 -- 1.
  7. Meanwhile, for experiment 2 it is also the same, where Dif Out = XOR, so we can give an example as follows:
  8. When all inputs are high, Borrow in = 1 (+) (B = 1 (+) A = 1) = 0 (+) 1 = 1 
  9. Or when one of the three inputs is high, Borrow in = 0 (+) (B = 1 (+) A = 0) = 1 (+) 0 = 1
  10. Meanwhile, Borrow Out will have a high value when the reduced condition < subtractor or 0 -- 1, because Borrow Out is composed of NOT, AND and OR gates, so that this equation is formed, if A' -- B = x, then Borrow Out = (x' . Borrow in) + x.


STMIK El Rahma Yogyakarta Module (By: Eko Yunianto / Ecko Anto. Blog: )



  1. MUHAMMAD SAEPULLOH || Apr 3, 2016, 16:05:00 = coooool.
  2. GENTA ADIASA || Jun 4, 2016, 00:30:00 = what is the difference between half subtractor and full subtractor?


  1. Hello MUHAMMAD SAEPULLOH, thanks
  2. Hii genta, I'll just give you a clue, so it's fair play and not too vulgar and so we can learn together. So you can make a table with 3 columns titled NO., Half and Full. Then for the points that can be compared, you can start from no.1 Configuration/Circuit, no.2 input-output characteristics, no.3 conclusion from the truth table. I think that's enough, thank you and happy learning, good luck!

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