As mentioned above, statements are part of a program that contains commands to be executed/run. Therefore, these statements determine how the program runs and how a variable value is manipulated/changed. Statements can be grouped into, among others:
- Simple Statement
- Compound Statement
- Selection Statement
- Iteration Statement.
1. Simple Statement
Those that are classified as simple statements are statements that do not contain other statements, as follows:
Assignment Statement
This is a statement used to assign a value to a variable, for example in Pascal (left) and C (right):
Statement for calling a function or procedure
That is a statement that calls a function or procedure that has been defined in the program. Examples of calling procedures and functions in Pascal and C (assuming the Calculate, Cetak, and GetLength procedures for the examples below have been defined first):
Jump Statement
It is a statement that is used to skip other statements. Included in this statement category are:
2. Compound Statement
A compound statement is a group of statements that consists of other statements, including iteration and selection statements which will be discussed below. In the Pascal language, a collection of statements begins with the keywords begin and is closed by the keyword end, whereas in the C language, a collection of statements begins and ends with curly brackets { and }. The following is an example of a compound statement:
3. Selection Statement
Performs value/condition checks, which then selects which statement to execute. This statement consists of 2 types, namely: if..then..else statement and case/switch statement. Here is how to write a selection statement in Pascal and C languages:
4. Iteration Statement
Iteration statements are used to repeat a set of statements (compound statements). Iteration statements in Pascal and C are as follows: