Hi bro, here I will share my experience when I got my first statistics assignment.
In this discussion, you will encounter statistical terms that may still be unfamiliar to you, so it is a good idea to first understand these terms, such as:
- Hypothesis: a temporary answer to a problem that is still a guess because its truth still has to be proven.
- Probability or also called Chance: a way to express knowledge or belief that an event will occur or has occurred. This concept has been formulated more strictly in mathematics, and then used more widely in not only mathematics or statistics, but also finance, science and philosophy.
This test is used to determine whether there is a difference in the average or not, between two groups of samples that are not related or unpaired. The characteristic of two groups of samples said to be unpaired/unrelated/independent is the number of values/observation samples is (n1? n2).
Another requirement for the Independent Sample t Test is that the number of samples to be compared must be below 30 or in other words, n1 and n2 are <30. Remember, this requirement of 30 is not the accumulation of n from 2 sample groups but n for each sample group.
We need to know that the sample size category is divided into two, namely SMALL and LARGE. In the SMALL sample, the value of n <30 and the parametric used is the t-test as available in SPSS, while the LARGE sample, the value of n>= 30 and the parametric used is the z-test.
For more information about sample size, you can read the following reference book from Google Books "PL Mastering Statistics with SPSS 17 + CD" .
Okay bro, now it's time for us to discuss questions like the ones below.
Case study
An analyst argues that there is no difference in the average report card scores of class XID and class XIC students, but with the alternative there is a difference. To test this opinion, a study was conducted based on random sampling where there were 23 class XIC students and 24 class XID students. Using a = 5%, test the opinion, tabulate the data and analyze it using SPSS, the output results were handwritten and collected on November 25, 2014.
1). Open SPSS,
2). New Data Set >> Ok,
3). Click Variable View >> make it as in the image below, (for the first row label values are 1 = XIC and 2 = XID.
4). Click Data View, and in the student_class column, input data 1 or 2 as many as n in each sample group. While in the value column, input with random data (up to you) but still within reasonable limits, if the value is in the tens range, fill in all tens, if all units, if there is no value 0, it's okay.
5). If all data has been entered, then click Analyze >> Compare Means >> Independent-Samples T Test
6). Observe the results, then make a conclusion based on the results obtained as shown below;
F Test Analysis
- H0 = both market variants are the same (homogeneity).
- H1 = both market variants are not the same (not homogeneous)
1. If the probability value > 0.05, then H0 is accepted.
2. If the probability value < 0.05, then H0 is rejected.
It can be seen that the F-count for rice sales is 0.008 with a probability of 0.931, so H0 is accepted and both market variants are the same (homogeneous).
t-Test Analysis
- H0 = the average sales of rice in the Wage and Pahing markets are the same
- H1 = the average rice sales in the Wage and Pahing markets are not the same
1. If the probability value > 0.05, then H0 is accepted.
2. If the probability value < 0.05, then H0 is rejected.
It can be seen from the calculated t that the probability value is 0.575, so H0 is accepted.
If you guys are not clear enough with the summary above, please watch the video below.
- APRILIA DWI WIDAYATI||May 4, 2016, 14:37:00 = Sis, can you give me a reference?
- ALIFIA FITRI1||9 May 2016, 16:42:00 = Sis, may I ask
where did you get the references from? I'm curious because there are some things that are a little different from the references I got. Thank you in advance
- SANI MASRAMBI||6 Nov 2016, 21:39:00 = for example we want to test data using independent sample t-test but using two groups of data from paired sample t-test, how do you do it sir, which value do we use to do independent sample t-test? thank you.
- Hello Miss APRILIA DWI WIDAYATI, The reference is a module, so this material contains the module that we studied, and this case study is an assignment related to the module. If Miss APRILIA DWI WIDAYATI has read our article thoroughly, there will definitely be a link that leads to our reference book, that's it, thank you.
- This is a Reference Book for the introduction of the above material. The rest of the case study above, the reference is from our lecturer's module, Thank you,
Some case studies you can use for practice:
Exercise 1
Linear regression method. A study on the relationship between the number of SPG / SPB with
the turnover obtained at the 2014 handicraft exhibition,
42 participants were randomly selected from the exhibition.
Is the regression significant?
Use a = 0.05.
Exercise 2
Energy drink distributors suspect that marketing areas affect sales.
Marketing areas include areas (residential, plantation, agriculture, mining, economy, industry)
and types of places (kiosks, shops, minimarkets, malls).
Each area for each type of place has 6 sellers.
The sales level is measured by the number of energy drinks sold and assume a = 0.05 to do.
a. hypothesis test that the six regions have different selling abilities.
b. hypothesis test that the four types of places have different levels of selling difficulty.
c. hypothesis test that there is no interaction between region and type of place.
analysis results and interpretation of results,
please write by hand and submit on 9 December'14
Exercise 3
tabulate the data and perform the freq, decr, crostab procedures
for the case study, the number of students in class XII A is 25, the
student predicate (satisfactory, good, sufficient)
with the learning pattern method (colony and nested)
work with SPSS and write the results,
then collect at 19.45
Exercise 4
Head of Trade, Industry, and KUKM Department
believes that there is no difference in the average rice sales at Wage Market
and Pahing Market, but with the alternative
there is a difference, to test this opinion,
then a study was conducted based on
random sampling where
there were 27 rice shops at Pahing Market and 21 rice shops at Wage Market,
using a = 5%, test this opinion.
tabulate data and analyze using SPSS, the output results were handwritten
and collected on November 25 '14