Propositional Logic & Predicate Calculus (PLPC)


  1. Propositional Logic
  2. Predicate Calculus
  3. Quantifier
  4. Inference Models
  5. Automated Reasoning.

Frequently Used Terms

  • Axioms are propositions that are assumed to be true, axioms do not require further proof of truth. Example: For all real numbers x and y, x + y = y + x (commutative law of addition) applies.
  • Inference Process is a process used in expert systems to produce new information obtained from previously known information. In expert systems, the inference process is carried out in a module called the Inference Engine.
  • Propositional Connective (Statement Connector) is a connecting word used to combine two or more necessary propositions. Examples of Propositional Connective Notations or Symbols are as follows.
| English Name         | Connective Name | Symbol |
| Conjunction          | AND             | ?      |
| Disjunction          | OR              | V      |
| Negation             | NOT             | ~      |
| Material Implication | If-Then         | ?      |
| Material Equivalence | Equals          | ?      |


For further, more mature and more complete explanations, please read carefully the presentation material and modules below.


Material Module


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