PHP looping is used to execute a block of code/program several times (a certain number of times).
In a loop, it generally consists of 3 components, namely:
- Initial Value/Initialization, namely determining the initial value in the loop
- Loop Conditions, if the value meets certain conditions, the loop will continue, otherwise the loop will be stopped.
- Value Changer, during the loop the value will be changed continuously.
Note!: Before the loop is run, you need to know first when the program / loop / loop will stop / be stopped. Otherwise, your computer will experience Deadlock / Hang-up.
for (init counter; test counter; increment counter) {
code to be executed;
Example 1
echo("Ini no ke-$a<br>");
See the results ->
Ini no ke-1
Ini no ke-2
Ini no ke-3
Ini no ke-4
Ini no ke-5
Ini no ke-6
Ini no ke-7
Ini no ke-8
Ini no ke-9
Ini no ke-10
Ini no ke-11
Ini no ke-12
Ini no ke-13
Ini no ke-14
Ini no ke-15
Example 2
for ($i=1;$i<=15;$i++)
//$i=1 >>> Nilai awal perulangan
//$i<=15 >>>kondisi syarat perulangan
//$i++ >>> pengontrol variabel perulangannya
echo("<font size=$i>$i</font><br>");
See the results ->
PHP foreach loop
The foreach loop only works on arrays, and is used to traverse each key/value pair in an array.
Each iteration (1x) of the loop, the array value is assigned (remember the assignment operator!) to $value (the name of the free variable!), while the array pointer moves once until it reaches the last element.
Each pointer (key/address) indicates the value of each element.
Here I will not repeat the discussion about arrays. If you still do not understand the concept of arrays, please understand it first here:
foreach ($array as $value) {
code to be executed;
$colors = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");
foreach ($colors as $value) {
echo "$value <br>";
See the results ->