Hello guys, back again with me. Sorry this time I want to complain again, the misfortune that has befallen the most historic work I have ever had, namely the thesis application themed Geographic Information System Based on Web & Android . Unfortunately, I have not had time to document the application demo into a video, WTF !. Since long ago this is the fate of the free mentality and dependence on 3rd party developers, so whatever it is I have to accept it sincerely.
In order to commemorate it as a symbol of my struggle and before I participate in shutting it down, please allow me to include the remaining remains as an inheritance .
What am I?
MySIGSAG is an application with the abbreviation name of the Geographic Information System Salam Aspal Gronjal inspired by a friend who is now officially a brother who had an accident due to a pothole and the most noisy FB group in cyberspace, namely ICJ (Info Cegatan Jogja).
What am I mapping?
Currently, this application is still focused on Traffic and Road Transportation complaints for the Yogyakarta city area and its surroundings as a strategy to approach the relevance, needs and feasibility of the system by referring to the state space, technological developments and infrastructure that are most frequently used by the public.
Based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2009 Chapter 1 Article 1 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation, it is explained that Traffic and Road Transportation is a unified system consisting of Traffic, Road Transportation, Traffic and Road Transportation Networks, Traffic and Road Transportation Infrastructure, Vehicles, Drivers, Road Users, and their management.
Everything Starts From a Dream, and Back to a Dream
Here are the legacy archives that I was able to save.
MySIGSAG Thesis Proposal
MySIGSAG Thesis Presentation
Presentation Notes
1]. Thanks be to Allah.
2]. Thank you to all the attendees, Mr. Name as blablaba. All forms of efforts made to foster me to be better. Thank you, and on this occasion of the month of sawal, if it is not too late for me to say takoballahu minna wamingkum, please forgive me physically and mentally.
3]. Next, please allow my thesis project entitled...
4]. The main topic that I want to convey includes...
5]. There are many things that inspired me to choose the title, starting from the SIG course itself, lecture by Mr. Ozon Djegoz, he also introduced us to the Google application. Until we reached the momentum 2 weeks before the final exam. He gave an extra challenge, namely, how to make your web GIS content dynamic. This challenge can be taken or not, but for those who are not disciplined in collecting previous assignments, maybe this challenge can help, because he promised to give a guarantee of an A grade, if they successfully complete the challenge. He also gave motivation that the challenge could also be used for thesis material, he also gave a general description of how to make it accompanied by several references whose conclusion is that a database and visualization are needed to be programmed by yourself. (I no longer use Google Fusion Table). and I am interested in trying it.
But what crossed my mind at that time was why not just use web service? >> I mean can the web service principle be applied to google fusion tables? because, coincidentally at that time I also took the web service subject taught by Mr. Wahyu.
Incidentally, the object of the study fell on upik jogjakota go id. is a web-based media that accommodates various kinds of public complaints related to the services of the Jogja city government. and one thing that caught my attention was the information on public reports on the left bar of the website, which was presented in the form of running text running from bottom to top. unfortunately, the running text cannot be controlled by the user so that when the user finds incomplete information, because it is too high. then they are forced to wait until one period of the runtext runs out so that it starts again from the earliest information.
Well, that's where I saw an opportunity to do something, how? by creating a prototype of a road damage complaint sig that can later be offered to the Yogyakarta city government for modeling their system updates in order to improve public services.
Well, why only complaints about road damage, because based on the book I read by Riyanto, 2010.
The most prominent advantage of fusion tables is in data visualization, including for GIS purposes, although it can also handle data storage.
Then other benefits that can be obtained by third party developers include:
GPS requires transmission from 3 satellites to obtain two-dimensional information (latitude and longitude), and 4 satellites for three dimensions (latitude, longitude and altitude). GPS consists of 3 segments, namely, space segment, control/controller, and user. The space segment consists of 24 satellites operating in 6 orbits at an altitude of 20,200 km and an inclination of 55 degrees with a period of 12 hours (the satellite will return to the same point in 12 hours) (Satria and Brahmana, 2005).
MySIGSAG Thesis Journal
Displaying Images in Google Maps Fusion Table
I have set up Google Maps to display location points via Fusion Tables. Unfortunately, the default windows info that Google Fusion Tables shows is only text.
So, the question is can an image be displayed in the info window?
Of course you can, you can even determine the scale of the photo as you like.
To insert an image in the info window simply use the standard html image tag.
You need to note that the HTML image tag requires an image source in the form of a URL, so you need to prepare a column in Fusion Tables to store this image URL.
You need to limit the image size so that it doesn't clutter the application's info window display.
<img height="300" width="200" src="{imageURL}">
<img height="{imageHeight}" width="{imageWidth}" src="{imageURL}">
For more details, you can see the following documentation:
GIS Distribution of Livestock by Type in Bangkalan
The vast area of Bangkalan Regency causes the Bangkalan Regency Animal Husbandry Service to lack information about livestock population. This lack of information has an impact on the strategic plan that has been planned by the animal husbandry service in targeting livestock population and production. It is difficult to predict the need for livestock products because the demand for livestock products currently continues to increase over time [1].
How to build a Geographic Information System (GIS) for livestock distribution in Bangkalan Regency?
1.3. SCOPE
The scope of the main problems discussed in this research includes.
- This application is internal, meaning it can only be modified by the admin of the Bangkalan Regency Animal Husbandry Service.
- The method of analysis is structured analysis.
- Mapping is only located in Bangkalan district in accordance with the RUTR (General Spatial Planning Plan) of the Bangkalan District Animal Husbandry Service.
- The polygons on the map include 18 sub-districts in Bangkalan district, sub-district points, and sub-district and district/city boundary lines.
- Attribute data information in the form of sub-district names, animal names and population numbers.
- For spatial data updates, only livestock population data can be updated.
- The database used is MySQL, the programming language used is PHP and JavaScript.
- Source map using Quantum GIS, Google Map, Google Fusion Table.
- Framework using Codeigniter.
Represented or predicted analysis:
- Milk production.
- Meat production.
- Manure production.
- Distribution of animal feed.
The primary data collection source refers to the BPS of Bangkalan Regency which can be accessed via the following address https://bangkalankab.bps.go.id/statictable/2015/02/12/112/populasi-ternak-menurut-jenisnya-2013.html.
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is a Non-Departmental Government Institution that is directly responsible to the President. Previously, BPS was the Central Bureau of Statistics, which was established based on Law Number 6 of 1960 concerning the Census and Law Number 7 of 1960 concerning Statistics. As a replacement for the two laws, Law Number 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics was stipulated. Based on this law which was followed up with the regulations below it, the name of the Central Bureau of Statistics was formally changed to the Central Statistics Agency.
The material which is new content in Law Number 16 of 1997 includes:
- Types of statistics based on the purpose of their use consist of basic statistics which are fully organized by BPS, sectoral statistics which are carried out by government agencies independently or together with BPS, and special statistics which are carried out by institutions, organizations, individuals, and/or other elements of society independently or together with BPS.
- The statistical results organized by BPS are announced in the Official Statistics News (BRS) regularly and transparently so that the public can easily find out and/or obtain the data they need.
- A reliable, effective and efficient National Statistics System.
- The formation of the Statistics Community Forum as a forum to accommodate the aspirations of the statistics community, which is tasked with providing advice and considerations to BPS.
Based on the laws mentioned above, the roles that must be carried out by BPS are as follows:
- Providing data needs for the government and the community. This data is obtained from censuses or surveys conducted independently and also from other government departments or institutions as secondary data.
- Assisting statistical activities in departments, government agencies or other institutions, in building a national statistical system.
- Developing and promoting standards of statistical techniques and methodology, and providing services in the field of statistical education and training.
- Building cooperation with international institutions and other countries for the benefit of the development of Indonesian statistics [2].
2.1. STUDY
Literature studies to support solving this problem were obtained from various sources on the internet.
2.1.1. Definition of GIS
GIS grew as a response to the need for more efficient spatial data management and the ability to solve spatial problems. Planners and managers of natural resources as well as the military who use maps to present the condition of the earth's surface, began to feel that the creation and use of manual maps had many weaknesses. In addition to being difficult to improve and add information, combining maps with information from other sources, especially multi-themed, was impossible. With the development of computer utilization for handling geographic data in the early 1980s, these obstacles were finally overcome. GIS technology also developed and continued to be refined along with the increasing number of parties who used it (Suharyadi & Danoedoro 2004).
GIS is a system for collecting, storing, manipulating (modeling), analyzing, and presenting a set of spatial data that has a geographic reference or location reference (Johnson 1996). Technically, GIS also refers to an information system that uses computers and refers to geographic locations that are useful for helping decision making (Puspisc UGM 2004) [3].
2.1.2. Definition of Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry is the activity of breeding and cultivating livestock to obtain benefits and results from these activities. The definition of animal husbandry is not only in maintenance, raising animals in small numbers and livestock with more animals, the difference lies in the objectives set. The purpose of animal husbandry is to seek profit by applying management principles to livestock maintenance factors that have been optimally combined.
Activities in the livestock sector can be divided into two groups, namely large animal husbandry such as cows, buffalo and horses, while the second group is small animal husbandry such as chickens, rabbits etc.
The history of livestock farming is estimated to have existed since 9,000 BC, starting with dog, goat, and sheep farming. Livestock farming developed further during the Neolithic period, which was the period when humans began to settle in villages. During this period, sheep and goats, which were originally only used for their meat, began to be used for their milk and wool. After the Neolithic livestock farming period, humans also began to know about cattle and buffalo farming for their skin and milk, and to use their energy to plow the land.
With all the limitations of livestock farmers in the past, livestock activities also need to develop a livestock system that is ecologically, economically, and sustainably, so that people's livestock can help the economy for owners, employees, and consumers who need cattle. An agribusiness such as livestock farming must have a useful goal as an evaluation of activities carried out during livestock farming [4].
2.1.3. Understanding Google MAP
Google Maps is a free and online virtual globe map service provided by Google. Google Maps provides advanced digital mapping technology. In addition to the expanse of the planet earth's landscape, other information such as business locations, business contacts, and the best driving routes also appear on the digital map. However, it should be noted that not all Google Maps features can be enjoyed by Indonesians. As Google's own official statement, the quality of Google Maps services varies depending on the country (Zulni, 2013). Google Maps also provides an API for application developers who want to utilize Google Map technology to be applied to the projects they create. Before starting to use the API, you must register with Google to get a Web API Key. You cannot use the Google Maps API without a key. An error will occur in the application and the map will not be displayed if you do not use the API key, as well as if you use the wrong key when you try to use the Google Maps API. For this reason, the Google Maps API key needs to be referenced in every Google Maps Application application created (Imaniar, 2012) [5].
2.1.4. Understanding API
API (Application program interface) is a service that provides data from the server requested by the client which is usually in json format. API is the most important part of a Mobile / web frontend application (Widodo W., 2017) [6].
2.1.5. Understanding Quantum GIS (QGIS)
QGIS is a user-friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) tool licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an unofficial project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). QGIS can run on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android, and supports many vector, raster and database data formats and functionalities [7].
2.1.6. Understanding CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter is a web framework created in PHP format, which is open source and used to build dynamic PHP applications.
The main goal of developing CodeIgniter is to help developers create and develop web-based applications faster, because they don't need to start from scratch when writing programs.
CodeIgniter provides a variety of reliable features in creating complex web applications, in development, CodeIgniter itself is built with the MVC (Model, View, Controller) concept, the resulting code structure is more structured and has clear standards, the MVC components include (Wiswakarma, 2010).
Figure 2.1 MVC concept scenario
Model is a data structure, in terms of specifications the model class contains code functions that will help in all processes related to the database such as entering, editing, getting and deleting data in the database.
View is information that is delivered to the user, a View is usually a web page, but in CodeIgniter it can be a page fragment such as a header and footer, a view can also be an RSS or other type of web page.
The controller acts as an intermediary between the model and view and all the necessary resources. In this controller there are classes and functions that process requests from the View into the data structure in the Model.
The Controller also should not contain code to access the database, because the task of accessing the database is the responsibility of the Model. The Controller's task is to provide various variables that will be displayed in the View, call the model to access the database, provide error handling, carry out the application's logic processes and validate or check input [8].
2.1.7. Understanding Bootstrap
Bootstrap is one of the most popular CSS frameworks among website programming enthusiasts. With bootstrap, the website design process is not made from scratch, so the website design process is faster and easier.
Since bootstrap was equipped with responsive features in 2012, bootstrap has become increasingly popular and more and more websites are found on the internet that use bootstrap in their designs. With the responsive features provided by bootstrap, websites can be viewed in various screen sizes such as smartphones or tablets with designs that remain neat and follow the screen size (Abdullah, 2015) [9].
Explanation of the Bangkalan district geographic information system that was built includes tools and materials, business processes, user operations and admin operations.
2.2.1. Tools and Materials
The tools and materials used in making the Bangkalan district geographic information system include:
- Personal Computer
- QGIS Applications
- Fusion Google Account
- CodeIgniter Framework
- Bootstrap Framework
- CI-Ion Auth Library
- Google API Client Library
- Wampserver
- Notepad++
- Internet
2.2.2. Business Process
The Geographic Information System for livestock distribution in Bangkalan Regency has a process flow starting from data input, data editing to displaying data with map visualization.
The Administrator plays a role in updating data on the number of livestock spread across all sub-districts in Bangkalan Regency. In addition, the Administrator can also review changes to the data in both visual and table modes, and whether the data in the database is synchronized with the data in the Google Fusion table.
Users are presented with visual data on the distribution of livestock in all sub-districts of Bangkalan Regency. In addition, a filtering feature is also provided which allows users to obtain visualization of livestock distribution data based on the desired category.
Figure 2.2 Context diagram of web GIS Bangkalan Regency
2.2.3. User Operations
The default home page display presents information to users about the distribution of livestock as a whole for all categories.
Figure 2.3 Default user home page
The Filter By menu allows users to focus on specific livestock information.
Figure 2.4 Filter menu by livestock category
Filter by horse, allows users to focus on horse livestock distribution information.
Figure 2.5 Display filter by horse
Filter by cattle, allows users to focus on information on the distribution of cattle.
Figure 2.6 Display filter by sapi
Filter by dairy cattle, allows users to focus on information on the distribution of dairy cattle.
Figure 2.7 Display filter by dairy cows
Filter by buffalo, allows users to focus on information on the distribution of buffalo livestock.
Figure 2.8 Display filter by buffalo
Filter by goats, allows users to focus on information on the distribution of goat livestock.
Figure 2.9 Display filter by goat
Filter by sheep, allows users to focus on sheep distribution information.
Figure 2.10 Display filter by sheep
2.2.4. Admin Operations
The default admin dashboard display presents information for the admin about the overall distribution of livestock for all categories in tabular form.
Login page, as authentication for users who have privileges to access the administrator dashboard.
There are 2 tables, the top one is the database table, while the bottom one is the google fusion table. Both tables allow the admin to review the data synchronization between the database and the google fusion table.
Search box, allows admin to sort the list of database tables based on certain keywords.
The edit button in the action column allows the admin to update livestock data per sub-district. When this button is used, the admin will be redirected to the edit page based on the selected row. On the edit page we limit only certain editable fields, the rest are disabled because they concern data integrity such as sub-district ID, geometry and sub-district name. If the admin is confident and sure about the data changes made, the submit button can be pressed to execute. However, if the admin is unsure about the data changes made, the back button on the browser can be used to cancel.
The public check button allows admins to review data changes in visual form via the public page.
The logout button allows the admin to end data update activities on the administrator panel, in addition to securing the dashboard from anyone who is not authorized to access it.
More details about the features available on the administrator panel can be seen in Figure 2.11 Default admin panel display and Figure 2.12 Edit page display.
Figure 2.11 Login page
Figure 2.12 Default admin panel view
Figure 2.13 Display the edit page
3.1. Conclusion
The results obtained in this study include:
- Produce a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) to monitor and support the government's consideration in making policies or before making decisions regarding the distribution of livestock in Bangkalan Regency.
- Responding to the challenges given by the supervising lecturer in terms of making GIS content dynamic.
- Demo application at http://gis.gatewan.com ,
- user: wkwk@gmail.com
- password: bismillah_guarante_a
- Download SHP & KML Bangkalan
- Download Bangkalan Livestock GIS Software
3.2. Suggestions
Based on experience during testing this application, the author suggests:
- When updating data, sometimes the latency value increases so that the data sent to the Google Fusion server is late, so it is necessary to refresh the admin dashboard several times.
- When updating data, sometimes the request times out to the Google Fusion server, so the effect of the data update only reaches the database, so all that needs to be done is to resubmit the row that experiences RTO (Request Time Out).
- This application can still be developed, if viewed from several aspects such as UI design, features and CRUD operations.
- [1] Tamam, B., Djasuli, M., 2016, Analysis of the Implementation of the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of the Bangkalan Regency Agriculture and Livestock Service 2013 -- 2018, Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Trunojoyo University, Madura, vol 9, pp. 85-94.
- [2] Central Statistics Agency, 2013, Livestock Population by Type, https://bangkalankab.bps.go.id/statictable/2015/02/12/112/populasi-ternak-menurut-jenisnya-2013.html , accessed 16 January 2018.
- [3] Yuwono JSE, 2007, Contribution of Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications in Various Scales of Landscape Archaeology Studies http://geoarkeologi.blog.ugm.ac.id/files/2010/06/ywn_sig-lansekap_2007.pdf , accessed 16 January 2018.
- [4] Nisa SRAK, 2015, Business Strategy Analysis and E-marketing Design at PT. Lembu Besar Sejahtera (LBS), Thesis, Information Systems and Management, BINUS University, Jakarta. http://library.binus.ac.id/Collections/ethesis_detail.aspx?ethesisid=2015-2-00237-MNSI , accessed January 16, 2018.
- [5] Nurnawati EK, Muryanto J., 2014, Location-Based Mobile Application for Health Service Location Providers in Yogyakarta, Proceedings of the 2014 National Seminar on Science & Technology Applications (SNAST), Yogyakarta, 15 November 2014. http://repository.akprind.ac.id/sites/files/A293-300%20Erna%20K.pdf , accessed 16 January 2018.
- [6] Widodo W., S.Kom., M.Kom., 2017, API Design and Testing, Web Service Course Module, STMIK EL Rahma, Yogyakarta.
- [7] Anonymous, 2018, About QGIS, https://qgis.org/id/site/about/index.html , accessed 16 January 2018.
- [8]. Wiswakarma K., 2010, 9 Steps to Becoming a CodeIgniter Framework Master, Lokomedia, Yogyakarta.
- [9] Abdullah, R., 2015, Web Programming is Easy, PT. Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta.
Bangkalan GIS Tasks
Some of the tools needed to study this topic include:
- QGIS(QuantumGIS) 2.4.0
- Google Earth Pro
- Internet Access
- Personal Laptops
- Gmail Account
Topics covered in this topic include:
- Overview
- Understanding of GIS
- Fundamental Concept (ch2)
- Polygon 1 (ch3)
- Polygon 2 (ch4)
- Polygon 3 (ch5)
- Marge polygon (ch6)
- Line (ch7)
- Points (ch8)
- Table (ch9)
- Labels (ch10)
- Data Analysis (ch11)
- Map Publication (ch12)
- WebSIG (ch13)
Results & Achievements at a Glance
Progress 1-7: Bangkalan Regency Observation & Shaping Map
Shaping 1 - download shp progress 3
Shaping 2 - download shp progress 4
Shaping 3 - download shp progress 5
Shaping 4 - download shp progress 6
Shaping 5 - download shp progress 7
Progress 8: Map Registration