This material is part of the solution for the category:
- Can't play videos in google chrome
- Youtube video is blank black when played with google chrome
- Facebook video goes blank black when played on Google Chrome
- Twitter video blank black when played on google chrome
And try to answer public questions about:
- How to fix video player in google chrome?
- How to solve blank YouTube videos on Google Chrome?
- Why is the YouTube video blank and black?
- Why is the Facebook video blank black or can't be played?
- Why does only sound appear when playing a video?
- How to fix google chrome crash flash player?
Hi bro,
Have you experienced something similar, when playing videos with the Google Chrome browser, whether on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, or other sites, but only sound and a black screen are displayed?
Okay, here I will share my experience when I successfully applied a tutorial from a neighboring forum, it's simple, just follow these steps;
1 ]. Type [chrome://flags](chrome://flags/) in the search box of the site address or url.
2 ]. Press CTRL+F to search for the setting "Disable hardware-accelerated video decode", so you find this setting
Oh yes, for those of you who have updated Chrome to the latest version, don't worry if you haven't found the settings above, please change the keyword to "Hardware-accelerated video decode" and it will display the same settings as this;
Make sure that the button status is "DISABLE" or make sure the condition is the same as the image above.
You need to know that this is an indication that the setting status is ACTIVE, if it is still "ENABLE" it means it has not been activated, so you need to press (click) it to activate it.
3 ]. The last step is to press the "Relaunch Now" button as shown in the image below, just scroll down until you find the button.
Hopefully it is useful, that's all and thank you
Netizen Response
Questions that were asked by visitors at that time;
- JAMKHO CHOLESTEROL || Jul 8, 2015, 09:05:00 = how to do it in Google Firefox
- UNKNOWN || Oct 19, 2015, 23:31:00 = thx bro for the info... now it's not blackscream anymore when watching streaming
- RATNA RIANI || Mar 16, 2016, 23:16:00 = I have tried the method as you explained, but why does it still not work? still blank and only sound
- RATNA WIDYA || Jul 22, 2016, 13:47:00 = try changing it to enable, I tried changing it to enable, now I can display the video
- TIANA PATIANA || Mar 18, 2016, 16:26:00 = How do I do it for Android? Because I can't watch the video, there's only sound but no picture (blank black) please help me, sob
- TIANA PATIANA || Mar 18, 2016, 19:19:00 = I've reinstalled it but it still doesn't work, there's only sound but no picture, oh yeah, yesterday I just reinstalled my Samsung phone, before reinstalling it there was no problem, but Samsung CS said it was Chrome's fault.
- TIANA PATIANA || Mar 19, 2016, 19:23:00 = I've downloaded it, what else do I do? Oh yeah, if my phone doesn't support Chrome to open streaming videos, is that possible?
- TIANA PATIANA || 19 Mar 2016, 19:41:00 = Yes, you can, that's why I'm confused
, okay, thank you, yeah
- ODDY RAHMADIAN || Jun 5, 2016, 20:55:00 = bro, this is on my laptop at step "2. Press CTRL+F to search for the setting "Disable hardware-accelerated video decode", so you find this setting ". there is no disable hardware-accelerated video decode in the settings "chrome://flags" on my laptop. what is the solution bro?
- ODDY RAHMADIAN || Jun 16, 2016, 09:36:00 = this still doesn't work, the text "Disable hardware-accelerated video decode" or "Hardware-accelerated video decode" is not there at all.
- ANONYMOUS || Jun 14, 2016, 11:35:00 = bro..if you've found it, do you need to enable it? After that, disable it again? I don't understand this bro..the relaunch now button also can't be found even though I've scrolled all the way to the bottom
- UNKNOWN || 18 Aug 2016, 02:37:00 = bro, I want to ask, my chrome can't stream films, it just loads and plays, but on YouTube it works fine. I wonder why?
- ANONYMOUS || 24 Aug 2016, 10:08:00 = Wow, my trouble is exactly the same as the anon above, I've tried it but it still doesn't work on Chrome, but when I switch to Mozilla the same thing happens, please help me, Mr. Wawan
- ANONYMOUS || 24 Aug 2016, 09:52:00 = Bro, I want to ask, I stream movies on several websites, all that happens is continuous buffering without anything (like loading but no sign of the movie coming out even though the internet is fast), I tried on YouTube and it runs smoothly, I have followed your method but it still doesn't work, and it often says your Adobe Flash is outdated, I have followed Chrome's advice to fix it but it still doesn't work, reinstalling Chrome is the same, and installing Adobe Flash fails without knowing why, please help, bro
- DADAN PURNAMA || Feb 3, 2017, 07:33:00 = Bro, I've searched and changed the keyword, but why isn't there a setting to disable hardware-accelerated video decode or hardware-accelerated video decode?
- DFSR || Jun 8, 2017, 09:26:00 = what if it still doesn't work, bro? when searching for disable hardware-accelerated video decode, it still doesn't appear, what's the solution, bro?
- SUKI-SUKI || Mar 29 2018, 22:25:00 = thanks bro, it works!
- AUTHENTIC LIFE || Apr 8, 2018, 17:59:00 = thanks suhu....success
- RIZAL AVIB Jul 15, 2018, 21:34:00 = thank you, very useful from the various ways that I searched on the web, only this one worked hehe thx bro
- FIDEL RAMADHAN || 25 Mar 2018, 09:54:00 = Thanks bro for the info
- IKHSAN HIDAYAT DAILY || Jul 18, 2018, 13:29:00 = wow,, thank you very much bro,, very useful,, now all videos from chrome can be played bro... awesome..
- UNKNOWN || Jul 25 2018, 15:08:00 = Thank you! Worked! God bless ur whole life..
- WINARTO || 1 Aug 2018, 14:54:00 = Thanks Gan... success finally
and here is our response;
- Update FlashPlayer then reset Mozilla Firefox, how to do it is here HOW TO RESET MOZILA FIREFOX 2. Hi Unknown, you are welcome..
- Maybe your Cache, History and Registry have not been cleaned before, making the settings less proper.
- Hii RATNA WIDYA, good job! congratulations!
- Hi TIANA PATIANA, if you use Android you have to install the most updated Chrome browser.
- There may be an incorrect automatic setting that may have been done unintentionally, please check your Android behavior using THIS application , who knows the automatic application used to play streaming videos is not suitable.
- Wasn't it possible to make video streaming before (reinstalling)? hmm, it seems difficult to troubleshoot without the item, but if TIANA PATIANA really wants to be helped in this way, then I suggest you join our Forum, then please create a topic based on the Case Experienced, hopefully the discussion in the Forum can be more detailed, because you can also attach the Error Screenshot, files, etc. that's it, thank you..
- You are welcome
- Hii Pop Farsar, you're welcome
- OOhh Chrome has been updated, right bro, there are indeed changes in the latest version.. for the settings above (step 2) please CTRL+F again but with this keyword "Hardware-accelerated video decode" Oh yeah, so at the same time we also updated the tutorial above, that's it bro, thanks
- There is, bro. For CTRL+F, don't use the complete keyword, bro. Just take "Hardware", then scroll a bit and you'll find it.
- if you find the blue text "enable" it means you need to change it to "disable" then relaunch Chrome, Well here after I reviewed the latest version it turns out the button is no longer there, actually this is the same as if you Restart Chrome (Close-Open), but to make sure that your chrome is really Close, then look first in the Task Manager process section, if there is no more chrome running it means it is really closed. Or if you don't want to bother, just after the "Hardware-accelerated video decode" setting is complete, >> Restart your computer. Done.
- Are you using Google Chrome? It is Google's policy that for security reasons, videos in the form of a flash player are disabled by default, so it is not surprising that videos on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram cannot be played.
- Alternatively you have to use another browser to play it. Or you can activate it by typing the following address in the chrome address bar, or just copy paste: chrome://plugins
- Hello ANONYMOUS, if you still want to use Chrome to play Flash type videos, please follow these steps: Type in the Chrome Address bar "chrome://plugins" without the quotation marks. >> Enter >> Find the setting that shows Adobe flash player (shockwave flash) >> Click Enable >> Check Always Allow to Run >> Close Chrome >> Done. Note!: Make sure Chrome is really closed and not running by looking at the task manager >> see the process, make sure there is no Chrome process running, if there is please stop it. If Chrome is completely Close/Stop after the Plugin settings. The finishing step "Restart your PC", and happy surfing watching FLV type videos again.
- Please follow our answer above, bro, dated: 24 Aug 2016, 12:46:00, thank you.
- you're welcome bro
- Hii Edwin, welcome, okay go ahead, good luck, you're welcome.
- If you use Mozilla, the method is HERE, Ms. Ayu
- You're welcome Eric's blog, good job!
- Hi DADAN PURNAMA, please do a speculative search (manual search / any keyword that is close), so you can find settings that are identical to "Hardware-accelerated video" If you haven't found it, please inform the OS & version you are using. Good luck!
- There are still some, you can type About: Flags or chrome://flags in your browser, then use CTRL+F to make it easier to search, type "hardware" and you can find it at the top of the 16 lists found, here's the proof, you can see the date listed on the SS.
- Hii FIDEL RAMADHAN, ok you're welcome
- yup, ok bro, good job!
- very nice, good job!
- Hi RIZAL AVIB, you're welcome, great, good job!
- Hii IKHSAN HIDAYAT DAILY, you're welcome. Good Job! (y)
- Hi UNKNOWN, you are welcome. Good job!
- Hi WINARTO, Good job!