Find Out Trending Topics (FOTT)

Like most people on social media, they tend to share posts or news that they experience or that is booming in their country, their city, or their area. What happens every day, week, month or year will be monitored by the following pages:

How to Know Trending Topics

1. Buzzfeed

This site summarizes what is trending around the world, especially America, England, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Deutchland (Germany), Espana, Espanol, France, India, Japan and Mexico. Buzzfeed's trend section shows readers what is trending right now.

2. Google Trends

This tool has been around for years, but it has only recently boomed, after releasing a new display for keyword trends entered into Google search engines. You can see 1 to 25 types of the most trending searches simultaneously, and can also limit the scope such as countries and cities. The visual display is quite interesting.

Google Trends Grid

Alternatively, you can also check out  Google Trends Top Charts  and search for specific, relevant topics that you want.

Google Trends Top Charts

3. Google+

If you have a Google+ account then please monitor what's trending on this social media through "What's Hot". If you switch to the latest version of Google+ then please go to this link .

Trends on Google+

4. Trends24

This Indian tool can also be used to monitor what is trending on Twitter Indonesia, updated every hour. Trending hashtag tracking results are only available within a 24-hour period, or in other words, this tool only summarizes trending topics during / lasting 1 day.

5. Facebook Trends

Trending shows you a list of topics and hashtags that are growing in popularity on Facebook. This list of topics is personalized based on a number of factors, including the Pages you like, your location, and what’s  trending across Facebook . Learn more about how to use trending and how we determine what trends to show.

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