Ethics Etiquette & Aesthetics (EEA)

A. Definition of Ethics

The term Ethics comes from ancient Greek. The singular form of the word 'ethics' is ethos while the plural form is ta etha. Ethos has many meanings, namely: a common residence, pasture, stable, habit/custom, morals, character, feelings, attitudes, ways of thinking. While the meaning of ta etha is customs.

In the old Indonesian Dictionary (Poerwadarminta, since 1953 -- quoting from Bertens, 2000), ethics has the meaning: "the science of moral principles". Meanwhile, the word 'ethics' in the new Big Indonesian Dictionary (Ministry of Education and Culture, 1988 -- quoting from Bertens 2000), has the meaning:

  • knowledge of what is good and what is bad and of moral rights and obligations (ethics);
  • a collection of principles or values ​​relating to morals;
  • values ​​regarding right and wrong that are held by a group or society.

1. The Role of Ethics

The role of ethics for student activities is to be a foundation for carrying out activities that continue to refer to or observe values ​​and norms, so that all our actions and behavior can be accepted by society.

2. Function of Ethics

With ethics a person or group can express an assessment of human behavior.

To be a control tool or a guide for a person or group in carrying out an action or activity as a student.

Ethics can provide prospects for addressing the moral difficulties we face today.

Ethics can be a fundamental principle for students in carrying out their student activities.

Ethics are a guide to be polite and courteous, and with ethics we can be labeled as good people in society.

3. Case Example

From the understanding of ethics, we will give an example of a case related to ethics and students. This incident occurred in Makassar, the perpetrators of this incident were UMI (Muslim University of Indonesia) students who at that time were wearing green alma mater jackets while demonstrating. The UMI students were beating up one of the professors who was sick at that time and was about to be taken to the hospital, just because his son wanted to move the fence blocking the main road because he was in a hurry to take the professor to the hospital. Embarrassing! Maybe that's what you said when you found out about the incident involving these students. Where are their ethics? Did they think about the impact they would receive after they abused the professor? The students claimed democracy in carrying out this action, but does democratic freedom ignore the meaning and role of ethics?

B. Definition of Etiquette

The term etiquette comes from the French word etiquette, which means invitation card, which was commonly used by French kings when holding a party. In further developments, the term etiquette changed to no longer mean the invitation card used by kings when holding a party. Today the term etiquette emphasizes more on polite ways of speaking, how to dress, how to receive guests at home or in the office and other manners. So, etiquette is the rule of politeness in socializing.

Etiquette is also a conventional rule through individual behavior in a civilized society, is a formal procedure or outward manners to regulate interpersonal relations, according to the social status of each individual. Etiquette is supported by various values, including:

  • public interest values
  • values ​​of honesty, openness and kindness
  • welfare values
  • values ​​of politeness, respect
  • discretion value (discretion: consideration) full of thought. Able to distinguish something that should be kept secret and may or may not be said to be secret.

1. The Role of Etiquette

The role of etiquette is to be a foundation for carrying out activities that still refer to or observe values ​​and norms, so that the rules of social interaction that are agreed upon by a particular society become norms and guidelines for the behavior of members of that society.

2. Benefits of Etiquette

The benefits of etiquette are establishing good relationships with guests. If we have implemented etiquette in serving guests, then the guests will feel that they are cared for and appreciated. Thus, a sense of mutual respect will be established and good relationships will be built, including:

  • Cultivate friendship, so that we are accepted in society.
  • To please and satisfy others.
  • So as not to offend and hurt other people's feelings.
  • To build and maintain good relationships.
  • Persuade and retain existing clients.

3. Case Example

The secretary in serving his guests must be polite and friendly, showing a sweet face. If this is not adhered to, then the secretary is considered to have violated etiquette.

C. Understanding Aesthetics

Aesthetics is a science that discusses beauty, aesthetics is also called the philosophy of beauty, which comes from the word aisthetika or aesthesis (Greek) which means things that can be perceived by the senses or sensory perception. Aesthetics discusses matters related to critical reflection on the values ​​of something that is called beautiful or not beautiful. And beauty includes; artistic beauty, natural beauty, moral beauty, and intellectual beauty.

1. The Role of Aesthetics

As a basic thought to become a person who continues to refer to or see the values ​​of beauty as a guide in behavior and appearance, so that in social interactions one can be accepted and seen as good.

2. Aesthetic Function

Developing aesthetics and building the country towards a more superior and dignified civil society. Building a country and nation is not only limited to the physical aspect, such as the construction of road infrastructure, bridges, reservoirs, rivers, office buildings, and housing. It is also necessary to build the character of the nation in terms of mental spirituality so that the future of the nation and state becomes stronger, more dignified, and more civilized.

3. Case Example

The beauty of the arrangement of sounds and words in a literary work, for example, can create a melodious rhythm, pleasant to hear, smooth to pronounce, interesting and full of charm to sing. The aesthetic value can also provide entertainment, satisfaction, pleasure, and inner happiness when the literary work is read or listened to or absorbed.

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