Electronic Component Symbols (ECS)

Here are some topics that are often used as learning references for students, as well as the first time they are introduced to the basics of electronics:

Basic electronic component symbols


Ohm's law provides information about the relationship between current, voltage and resistance.

Ohm's Law Formula

  • Electric current: the movement of directed electric charges (amperes)
  • Voltage: the difference in electrical pressure that causes a current between two points in a closed circuit (volts)
  • Resistance: the property of a conductor that works against electric current (Ohm)


3. Active Components 

4. Wave Formation 

Waveforms, RC Circuits, Differentiation and integration networks, Multivibrators

Introduction to Electronic Components

1. DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency)

It is a microchip or IC device that functions to capture DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) signals. DTMF signals are square waves consisting of a combination of 2 frequencies produced from C and R (column and row).


DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency)

2. Elco / Capacitor

If a capacitor is passed through an AC signal, resistance will arise, which is called capacitive reactance (XC), the size of which is determined by the equation:

XC = ½ πFC

Elco (Electrolytic Condenser) / Capasitor Bipolar

Elco Symbol

Non Polar Capacitor

Capacitor Symbol

3. Inductor / Coil

If a coil is passed through an AC signal, resistance will arise which is called inductive reactance (XL), the magnitude of which is determined by the equation:

XL = 2 πFL

Inductor / Coil

Inductor / Coil Symbol

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