Before adding a sitemap widget to our blog or website, it would be good if we first understand the meaning of a sitemap.
Cool Sitemap For Blog or Web
What is a Sitemap?
Sitemap is a content mapping model or table of contents for a site, web or blog. Designed to help users or visitors navigate the site, even search engine giants like Google or Bing also require sitemaps to crawl sites registered with them. A sitemap can be a hierarchical list, a tag / category list, or a time / date list.
I made this post when my entire sitemap was having problems, which only displayed a blank page. When I refreshed my site page, it was still the same, the table of contents failed to load.
Next I tried to check the source code, and it turned out the problem was in the javascript hosting source. Maybe Google has removed it and replaced it with another service.
Hosting Code Javascript Is No Longer Available (404)
I tried browsing here and there, but I couldn't find a solution for the source code I was using at that time. Finally, I decided to just change it. And finally I got a widget by Taufik Nurrohman.
Evaluation and Anticipation
Learning from previous experiences, I finally decided to move all the JavaScript source code into one with the CSS and XML, so that I don't have to worry about server/hosting DOWN anymore, because the source code that I will share later allows it to run on your own hosting.
You just copy-paste the code below, and make a few modifications to
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="content"></div>
/* Kode tema kustom di sini… */
<script src="//"></script>