Black Hat SEO (BHSEO)

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I like to keep things simple. I think anyone can create complexity. You know, take something simple and make it complicated, so people will worship your knowledge.

I think that's reason enough to sort through the complexity and find the inherent simplicity. I've always felt that all great ideas are conveyed simply.

Evil Thoughts To Create Something That Is Considered Better
Evil Thoughts To Create Something That Is Considered Better

Alexander the Great conquered the world on the basis of his short sword, a simple weapon. So let's go back to the basics and the inherent simplicity of this business. Here's the important thing:

  1. Targeting a group of people with the same wants or needs.
  2. Find out what they find valuable.
  3. Offer it to them with a sales process that gets them interested in buying.

The first step is where most naive people falter. But what I have noticed is that more than that, the next is the problem of people selling their products, services or information for cheap.

Why? Because they do not know or do not feel how the process of creating value for the product, service or information.

Sometimes I feel hurt. So people want to buy from "gurus" who give them hot balls for nothing. Can you see how absurd that is? I don't mean to criticize the gurus. I understand that they generate leads and probably expect something back (profit / return on investment). My point is that many people really don't get it. They think the best "gurus" are bought at the cheapest price!

If someone doesn't know how to create a product that has a perceived value, and he himself can't even feel it, then what's the reason he gets paid for that product, tell me, will they teach YOU how to get a decent profit on what you sell, huh?!

Pimp or Marketing? That really confuses me.

So the question is, “How do you create perceived value?” I’ll tell you a story that illustrates it.

There is a TV show in the United States called "Pickup Artist." It's about a guy named "Mystery" who teaches how to get dates, meet women, etc. It's always a good topic. Part of the show is shown on I don't know if I'm supposed to be a middle-aged man, or if the show is really as entertaining as I find it.

Normally, I don't watch reality TV.

Anyway, one of Mystery's big themes is that a guy (or girl) should know how to project VALUE. For example, Mystery says the #1 indicator of value in a guy is a big smile. I never thought of it that way. But a smile projects confidence.

He goes on to talk about other indicators of value. This show is kind of addictive to watch. I really have no interest in TV shows other than sports and anime. But there are so many parallels to marketing, it's amazing. I've NEVER thought about the point he made about social value. It will really make you think too.

Basically, the same thing that goes for marketing a product or service is true for marketing a person.

So, let’s say you’re just starting out. You’re a newbie and you have a product or service to sell. You have to create perceived value for it to sell. Otherwise, you’ll be selling $7.00 info products for the rest of your life. Not that there’s anything wrong with $7.00. But you know, there’s not a lot of perceived value there.

You create value through packaging, appearance, presentation, tone, etc. And only by believing that you are actually offering something of value, WHAT THE FUCK!, THAT'S BULLSHIT!.

Another thing I will say about the TV show is I never knew the guy was Mystery from Adam. But based on the fact that he is now on TV, what do you assume? The guy must know what he is talking about.

This is why books, publicity, article writing, and speaking engagements are such an important part of the information product business. They all create the perception of value.

Opinion leaders read more than the average person. And they attend more social functions, seminars and networking events than anyone else. So by putting out articles, books, product info and then speaking at events, you can gain opinions.

And they are the ones who influence other people's opinions. These are some of the people who understand about business product info. Now you know. Now, you are in it.

Speaking at seminars, having product info, books, articles - all of these are ways to build SOCIAL Ranking and proof. Mystery will be proud. Talking about all of these things on stage is a great tool for recruiting affiliates.

Now, you may not be able to write or speak. But if you understand the whole principle behind social value, you can find other ways to build it, so that you can work for you. If you haven't read the book "Influence by Caldini", then you should read it immediately.

And if you’re in the US and happen to be up late at night like I often am, then you might want to watch the Mystery. And you’ll learn a thing or two about social dynamics, creating perceived value and packaging the offer.

I realize if you are a newbie or just getting into the "game" this may seem a little over your head. Sometimes I have to talk about more advanced topics for the consumption of those who are no longer newbies.

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