Basic Logic Gates (BLG)


  • So that students can understand the basic concepts of basic logic gate circuits.
  • Able to prove the truth of each basic logic gate truth table
  • Able to explain the differences or characteristics of each basic logic gate as reviewed from the results of observations.


Logic gates are circuits that consist of one or more inputs, but will only produce one output in the form of high voltage or (1) and low voltage or (0). Analysis of logic gates usually uses Boolean Algebra, which is why basic logic gates are often called logic circuits. Logic circuits are often found in digital circuits that are implemented electronically using diodes and transistors that function as switches.


  1. OR Gate
  2. NOR Gate
  3. AND Gate
  4. NAND Gate
  5. NOT Gate
  6. EX-OR Gate
  7. EX-NOR Gate
  8. OR Gate Analysis and Truth Table
  9. Analysis and Truth Table of NOR Gate
  10. Analysis and Truth Table of AND Gate
  11. NAND Gate Analysis and Truth Table
  12. Analysis and Truth Table of NOT Gate
  13. Analysis and Truth Table of EX-OR Gate
  14. Analysis and Truth Table of EX-NOR Gate
  15. Difference between CMOS and TTL ICs 
  16. CMOS and TTL IC reactions when given zero (0) input without connection to ground (GND)

1. OR Gate

OR Operation:

  • If one or both inputs A OR B have input HIGH (1), then output F will be HIGH (1).
  • If inputs A and B are both LOW (0), then output F will be LOW (0)

2. NOR gate

NOR Operation:

  • It is the opposite of the OR gate.
  • If input A NOR B one or both have input HIGH (1), then output F will be LOW (0).
  • If inputs A and B are both LOW (0), then output F will be HIGH (1)

3. AND gate

AND operation:

  • If inputs A and B are both HIGH (1), then output F will be HIGH (1)
  • If one or both inputs A AND B have input LOW (0), then output F will be LOW (0).

4. NAND gate

NAND Operations:

  • It is the opposite of the AND gate.
  • If inputs A and B are both HIGH (1), then output F will be LOW (0)
  • If one or both of A NAND B's inputs have a LOW input (0), then the F output will be HIGH (1).

5. NOT Gate

NOT operation:

  • The result (F) is the inverse of the input (A)
  • If input A is HIGH (1) then output F is LOW (0) and if input A is LOW (0) then output F is HIGH (1)

6. EX-OR Gate

Ex-OR Operation:

  • It stands for Exclusive OR
  • If inputs A and B are both HIGH (1) or both LOW (0), then output F will be LOW (0)
  • If input A Ex-OR B one of the two has input LOW (1), then output F will be HIGH (1).

7. EX-NOR Gate

Ex-NOR Operations:

  • It is the opposite of the Ex-NOR gate.
  • It stands for Exclusive NOR
  • If inputs A and B are both HIGH (1) or both LOW (0), then output F will be HIGH (1)
  • If input A Ex-OR B one of the two has input LOW (1), then output F will be LOW (0).

This time our experiment will involve 2 types of IC, namely TTL and CMOS, please observe the differences between the two using the steps below,

Although the practical instructions below must use a project board, I will try to prove it using the Electronics Work Bench software or please download the latest version, namely Multisim.

Practical Steps:

  1. Prepare the equipment and materials needed.
  2. Implement the circuit schematic to be tested into the project board and ensure all connections and wiring are good and correct.
  3. Connect the adapter to the power outlet, then check the output from the adapter.
  4. Provide input with logic 0 by connecting the input to ground and 1 by connecting the input to the positive power supply (+5v)
  5. Perform step 6 according to the truth table requirements.
  6. Observe the changes in the LED and record the results in the lab results table.
  7. Repeat steps 2 - 6 for the other practical series.
  8. Finished.

8. OR Gate Analysis using TTL IC 7432 and CMOS IC 4071

You can find out the results behind several question marks in the OR truth table above through the results of the experiment using the project board or you can also use the EWB software as shown in the following video.

Want to try it yourself? Okay, so you don't have to bother making the circuit, you can download the circuit here  Analisa-OR.ewb (18KB) .

9. NOR Gate Analysis Using TTL 7402 IC and CMOS 4001 IC

As always, check out this video to find out the value behind those question marks.

Want to try it yourself? Okay, so you don't have to bother making the circuit, you can download the circuit here  Analisa-NOR.ewb (18KB) .

10. AND Gate Analysis using TTL IC 7408 and CMOS IC 4081

As always, check out this video to find out the value behind those question marks.

Want to try it yourself? Okay, so you don't have to bother making the circuit, you can download the circuit here  Analisa-AND.ewb (18KB) .

11. NAND Gate Analysis using TTL 7400 IC and CMOS 4011 IC

As always, check out this video to find out the value behind those question marks.

Want to try it yourself? Okay, so you don't have to bother making the circuit, you can download the circuit here  Analisa-NAND.ewb (18KB) .

12. NOT Gate Analysis using TTL IC 7404 and CMOS IC 4069

As always, check out this video to find out the value behind those question marks.

Want to try it yourself? Okay, so you don't have to bother making the circuit, you can download the circuit here  Analisa-NOT.ewb (18KB) .

13. EX-OR Gate Analysis using TTL IC 7486 and CMOS IC 4030

As always, check out this video to find out the value behind those question marks.

Want to try it yourself? Okay, so you don't have to bother making the circuit, you can download the circuit here  Analisa-EX-OR.ewb (18KB) .

14. EX-NOR Gate Analysis using TTL IC 74266 and CMOS IC 4077

As always, check out this video to find out the value behind those question marks.

Want to try it yourself? Okay, so you don't have to bother making the circuit, you can download the circuit here  Analisa-EX-NOR.ewb (18KB) .

15. Differences between CMOS and TTL ICs 

  • The most significant difference is in the voltage supply, where CMOS ICs have a voltage tolerance of between 3 Volts to 15 Volts, while TTL ICs have a voltage tolerance of between 4.75 Volts to 5.25 Volts.
  • In terms of code, both have their own characteristics as written on their backs, where CMOS ICs start with (4xxxxx) while TTL ICs start with (74xxx)
  • The construction of the components is also different, we can see this from the name where CMOS is Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, while TTL is Transistor Transistor Logic.

16. CMOS and TTL IC reactions when given zero (0) input without connection to ground (GND)

  • Both of these things can be known when conducting a NAND gate truth test where the CMOS IC does not respond at all when both inputs are not connected to a voltage source, either positive (+) or negative (-).
  • Meanwhile, in the same case, the reaction caused by the TTL IC is different, this is indicated by the lighting of an indicator (LED) when one of the TTL inputs is lifted (open) from ground (GND).
  • This difference does not rule out the possibility that it also occurs in other basic logic gates, such as NOT, OR, NOR, AND, etc.


SMTIK El Rahma Yogyakarta Module (by: Eko Yunianto / Ecko Anto)

Universal Logic Gate Circuit Analysis Using Manual & Computer Methods

Question No.1

Observe and analyze the logic circuit below to determine its output, which includes OUTD; OUTE; and OUTF; then enter the results into Table 1 below! (Score 16). Based on the data obtained and entered into Table 1, provide a conclusion about the function of the logic circuit for what! (Score 10).

Write a Boolean statement/expression from the logic circuit above, with the provisions that INA is denoted by A; INB is denoted by B; INC is denoted by Din, while OUTD is denoted by Sub; OUTE is denoted by XE and OUTF is denoted by Dout! (Score 14).

Question No.2

Arrange a truth table from the following boolean statement: A.B+B.C+B'.C = A.B+C Where the truth table, the purpose is to prove that the left side of the boolean statement is the same as the right side. The first expression (left side): F1= A.B+B.C+B'.C and the second expression (right side): F2= A.B+C Based on the first and second expressions, describe each logic circuit! (Score 20).

Question No.3

Complete the logic circuit diagram in the box that still has a question mark (?), if the Boolean statement/expression is as follows: (Score 24)

(B.C'+A'.D).(A.B' + C.D') = Y

Complete the following Truth Table, based on the logic circuit image above! (Score 16)


The demo video link in the document below is outdated, so we have moved the video here.

No. 1 truth table analysis using computer methods

No. 2 analysis of universal logic gate circuit output

No. 3 logic gate circuit analysis



Eko Yunianto ST.



  1. I WAYAN RENTANU||22 Dec 2014, 19:23:00 = This is great, I'll suck it up... the information is really good, hopefully we can exchange ideas in the future, bro...
  2. ANONYMOUS||22 Jan 2015, 08:06:00 = very you have any references for learning EWB software in Indonesian?
  3. ISLAHUN NIHAYAH||13 Mar 2015, 17:01:00 = Thank you very much for the article, it is very useful. It helps me understand the electrical lessons at school.
  4. ANONYMOUS||1 Nov 2015, 18:41:00 = Sir, if we create a gate engineering from a boolean equation that only allows us to use one gate, is there an example? Thank you, very useful.
  5. MAHADWI||2 Nov 2015, 10:50:00 = Bro, explain the steps to create a CMOS circuit based on the truth table,,, thanks for the info.
  6. ADE PUTRA||26 Nov 2015, 20:52:00 = Bro, I can't download the video. Can you send it to my email?
  7. HARIS FIRMANSYAH19||29 Dec 2015, 01:41:00 = Sir, yesterday I made a 7402 IC circuit and it didn't work, the input tag is 5v, for the input pin there is a tag of 1.2 volts, how do I fix it, sir? Thank you


  1. Hello young scholars, thank you for your appreciation, amen, nice to meet you
  2. As far as I know, no one has reviewed from beginner to expert about ewb (Indonesian version; google has it) except for the help feature on ewb (English version). For those who have never known electronics before, as an initial process it will be easier to use ewb, but if you have known electronics, my suggestion is to start directly from the latest version of EWB, namely MULTISIM (
  3. okay miss, you're welcome... good luck
  4. Hi Anonymous, of course you can, please use the Boolean equation for the XNOR Gate logic gate which is formed by only one logic gate, namely the NAND Gate, for example here " Getting to Know Logic Gate Combination Circuits " or here " Getting to Know Basic Digital Systems (see the simulation table) "
  5. Hi Mahadewi, Okay, next time I will show you how to use the EWB application to assemble logic gates from CMOS ICs and other components, I will try to release the Ebook about the EWB guide soon... thank you,
  6. Hello Ade Putra, to download the video, please use the service on this site  How to: copy the desired video url, then paste it into the field on the site above, >> then Download. That's it, thank you and happy learning
  7. Can you use a multimeter/multitester? try checking, if the IC has been supplied with the appropriate working voltage but does not produce output.. then the IC is damaged.., the damage can be total or only on a certain gate section.. so.. please just replace it with a normal IC.. thanks

Q1: How do you discuss the Nor logic gate which has 3 inputs?

A1: Yes, just add up the 3 inputs.. then the result is negated. For those of you who want to experiment at home, you can download my electronic workbench project here.

Bit Manipulation with Logic Gates

1. NOT Gate

The NOT operator will invert a value as seen in figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1. NOT Operator Table

The Not operation in assembler is used with the syntax:

Operasi Not di dalam assembler, digunakan dengan syntax:

Bit Manipulation and Logic

The result of this not operation will be stored in the Destination, for example, the NOT AL,3Fh instruction will produce the value C0h for AL. Maybe there are still readers who are confused about this operation. Well, for more details, let's see the operation above per bit.

Negation Operation

2. AND gate

The AND operator will produce a zero value if one of its operands is zero. And it will only be worth one if both operands are worth one.

Figure 10.2. AND Operator Table

The AND operation in assembler is used with the syntax:

AND Tujuan,Sumber

The result of this AND operation will be stored in the Destination, for example, the instruction:


The above command will produce a value of 1A for the AL register.

Remember! Every bit that is ANDed with 0 will definitely produce a bit of 0 as well, while every bit that is ANDed with 1 will produce that bit itself.

3. OR Gate

The logical OR operator will produce a value of zero if both operands are zero and one if one of them is one.

Figure 10.3. OR Operator Table

The OR operation in assembler is used with the syntax:

OR Tujuan,Sumber

The result of this OR operation will be stored in the Destination, for example, the instruction:


The result of the OR operation above will produce a value of 3F for the AL register.

Remember! Every bit ORed with 0 will produce the same bit, while every bit ORed with 1 will produce the same bit.

4. XOR Gate

The XOR operator will produce zero for two values ​​that are the same and one for those that are different.

Figure 10.4. XOR Operator Table

The XOR operation in assembler is used with the syntax:

XOR Tujuan,Sumber

The result of this XOR operation will be stored in the Destination, as, for example, the instruction:

MOV AX,0A12h

The result of the XOR operation above will definitely produce a value of 0 for the AX register.

Remember! Every number that is XORed with the same number will definitely produce the number 0.


The Test command is used to find out the value of a bit, with the syntax:

TEST Operand1,Operand2

The test command will AND both operand values, but the result obtained will not affect the values ​​of the two operands.

After the Test command is executed, the ones that will be affected are the Flags, so this command is often followed by commands related to the flags condition. The flags that are affected are CF, OF, PF, ZF, SF and AF.

JNZ Proses ; Lompat jika Zerro flag 0

In the command above, the computer will go to the Process label if there is one or more bits of AX that are equal to 0Fh. If followed by the JC Process command, the computer will go to the process label if all four low bytes in AL are all 1(?F).

6. SHL (Shift Left)

The SHL operator will shift operand1 to the left by operand2 per bit. Then the empty bit that has been shifted to the right will be given a value of zero. The SHL operator is used with the syntax:

SHL Operand1,Operand2

To make it clearer, you can see in Figure 10.5. Operand2 must use the CL register if the shift is done more than once.

Figure 10.5. SHL operation

SHL AX,CL ; Geser 3 bit ke kiri

Will produce the value F8h in the AX register. The detailed operation can be seen below.

3Fh : 0011 1111
SHL 1 : 0111 1110 (=7Eh)
SHL 2 : 1111 1100 (=FCh)
SHL 3 : 1111 1000 (=F8h)

7. SHR (Shift Right)

The SHR operator will shift operand1 to the right by operand2 per bit and add zero to the shifted bits as in the SHL operator. The SHR operator is used with the syntax:

SHR Operand1,Operand2

To make it clearer, you can see in Figure 10.6. Operand2 must use the CL register if the shift is done more than once.

Figure 10.6. SHR operation

SHR AX,CL ; Geser 3 bit ke kanan

Will produce the value 07h in the AX register. The detailed operation can be seen below.

3Fh : 0011 1111
SHR 1 : 0001 1111 (=1Fh)
SHR 2 : 0000 1111 (=0Fh)
SHR 3 : 0000 0111 (=07h)

Hope this is useful & happy learning!

Logic Gates Summary

A logic gate or logic gate is an entity in electronics and Boolean mathematics that converts one or more logical inputs into a logical output signal. Logic gates are primarily implemented electronically using diodes or transistors, but can also be built using an arrangement of components that utilize electromagnetic (relay), fluid, optical and even mechanical properties.

If we list all the possibilities of the combination of 2 input variables, then we get 16 kinds of output combinations as shown in Figure 2.3. These functions are called Boolean logic functions. The AND function will be true (result 1) only if both A and B are 1, while the OR function will be true (value 1) if either A or B has a value of 1, which also means if both have a value of 1. The function will produce false if the output has a value of 0. Therefore the False function always produces 0 while the True function always produces 1.

Functions A and B only repeat the input values ​​of A and B while functions.

Figure 2.3: Truth table for all possible functions of 2 inputs

 is the complement of A and B which is the opposite value of A and B. This function can also be written as NOTA and NOTB. The NAND function is short for NOTAND while NOR is short for NOTOR. The XOR function is true if one of the inputs is true, and not both are true. The XNOR function is the complement of XOR. The other functions can be guessed by themselves.

Logic gates are physical devices that are implementations of Boolean functions. Functions such as those shown in Figure 2.3 have logic gate symbols, and some can be seen in Figure 2.5 and Figure 2.6. For each function, the inputs are A and B and the output is F.

In Figure 2.5, AND and OR gates have been explained previously. The output of the AND gate will be true if both inputs are true, and false for any other combination. The output of the OR gate is true if one or both inputs are true, and false if both inputs are false. The buffer gate only passes the input value. Although logically the buffer gate has no role, in practice it is important because it can control a number of gates with just one signal. The NOT gate (also called an inverter) produces 1 for input 0 and produces 0 for input 1. Again, the output of this inverter is the complement of the input. The small circle at the output or input also functions as a complement.

Figure 2.4: AND, OR, and NOT functions as builders of other functions
Figure 2.4: AND, OR, and NOT functions as builders of other functions

In Figure 2.6, the NAND and NOR gates produce the complements of the AND and OR gates. The XOR gate produces a 1 if one of its inputs is 1, but not both. In general, the XOR gate produces a 1 if there is an odd number of 1 inputs. This is important to remember because the XOR gate does not always have 2 inputs. The XNOR gate produces the complement of the XOR gate.

Logic symbols such as Figures 2.5 and 2.6 are only basic forms. There are still many variations of symbols that are often used. For example, it can be AND with 3 inputs as in Figure 2.7a. A small circle as a complement symbol can also be installed on the input section as in Figure 2.7b.

Figure 2.5: Logic gate symbols for Boolean functions AND, OR, buffer, and NOT.

Physically, logic gates are not magical objects, because they are only electronic circuits that produce certain outputs. 

Implementation of Logic Gates in Electronic Devices

Electronically, logic gates have terminals for connecting to power sources that are usually not shown. Figure 2.8a shows an inverter with the +5V and 0V (GND) terminals shown. The +5V signal is usually called VCC, which stands for collector-collector voltage. In a physical circuit, all VCC and GND terminals are connected to a suitable power source.

Logic gates are made up of electronic devices called transistors, which can act as switches that control strong electronic signals using weak electronic signals. Transistors also act as amplifiers that can amplify input signals so that they can be used to connect many logic gates. Without amplification, we might only be able to send a signal to a small number of logic gates, before the signal mixes with noise and becomes undetectable.

The transistor symbol looks like Figure 2.8c which is used as an inverting gate. For input of 0 (0 V) at the base will produce an output of 1 (+5 V) at the collector, because there is no current from VCC to GND because the transistor is off. If a signal of 1 (+5 V) is input to the base, then there will be an electric current from VCC to GND because the transistor is on. Therefore at the collector the voltage is small enough to be considered logic 1. So the output will be 0 (0 V).

Figure 2.6: Logic gate symbols for the Boolean functions NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR.
Figure 2.6: Logic gate symbols for the Boolean functions NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR.

Figure 2.7: Variations of logic gates (a) three inputs and (b) inputs with complements.
Figure 2.7: Variations of logic gates (a) three inputs and (b) inputs with complements.

Since there will always be current flowing even though the output shows logic 0, then we need to determine the safe voltage limits for logic 0 and 1 values. If we strictly determine that logic 0 is 0 V and logic 1 is 5 V, then it is possible that our circuit will not work properly if the output is 0.1 V instead of 0 V. This can happen in practice. For this reason, the determination of voltage values ​​for logic 0 and 1 uses threshold limits. In Figure 2.9a logic 0 is determined at a voltage in the range of 0 V to 0.4 V and logic 1 in the range of 2.4 V to 5 V. The voltage range in Figure 2.9a is for the output signal. Because the signal can experience attenuation, the input signal is given a difference of 0.4 V as shown in Figure 2.9b. However, the voltage range listed here is not binding, depending on the logic gate family used.

Figure 2.8: (a) inverter with power terminals shown and (b) transistor circuit for the inverter.
Figure 2.8: (a) inverter with power terminals shown and (b) transistor circuit for the inverter.

Figure 2.9: Determination of voltage values ​​for logic 0 and 1 (a) output logic gate, (b) input logic gate
Figure 2.9: Determination of voltage values ​​for logic 0 and 1 (a) output logic gate, (b) input logic gate

Figure 2.10 shows the transistor circuits for NAND and NOR logic gates. For the NAND circuit, both inputs A and B must be in the logic 1 voltage region to produce an output in the logic 0 voltage region. For the NOR gate circuit, either input A or B is at logic 1 voltage, resulting in the output being in the 0 voltage region.

Figure 2.10: Transistor circuit (a) 2-input NAND (b) 2-input NOR
Figure 2.10: Transistor circuit (a) 2-input NAND (b) 2-input NOR

This is an old version of the notes, please see the new version of the notes which is more interactive because it is complete with simulations and the ewb framework, see here  GETTING TO KNOW BASIC LOGIC GATES .

Getting to Know Truth Tables

In 1854 George Boole published his paper on algebraic representation of logic. Boole was interested in mathematical thinking to express the statement "The door is open" or "The door is not open". Boole's algebra was later developed by Shannon into its current form. In Boolean algebra, calculations are based on binary variables that have a value of 0 or 1. This value refers to the values ​​0 volts and 5 volts as written in the previous section. References to these values ​​can be exchanged. This means that the value 0 refers to +5 V and the value 1 refers to 0 V. To understand the behavior of digital circuits, the discussion focuses on the symbolic values ​​0 and 1 only. In other words, physical values ​​are put aside first.

Boole's important contribution was the construction of truth tables, which express logical relationships in tabular form. For example, there is a room with 2 switches A and B that control lamp Z. Either switch can be on or off, or both switches can be on or off.

Figure 2.2: Truth table for switches A and B and lamp Z.
Figure 2.2: Truth table for switches A and B and lamp Z.

If only one switch is on, lamp Z will be on. If both switches are on or off, lamp Z will be off. A truth table can be constructed by listing all possible combinations of the states of switches A and B and the state of lamp Z as in Table 2.2. In the table, a value of 0 indicates off, while a value of 1 indicates on or lit.

In a truth table, all possible binary combinations of 0 and 1 for the input values ​​are listed and each of these combinations produces an output value of 0 or 1. For Figure 2.2.(a) the output Z depends on the input values ​​A and B. For each combination of inputs, the value X is either 0 or 1. We can define another table like Figure 2.2.(b) which means the lamp will be on if both A and B are off or both are on. The number of possible combinations for 2 inputs is 22 4 . The number of possible output combinations is 24 If only one switch is on, lamp Z will be on. If both switches are both on or both off, lamp Z will be off. A truth table can be constructed by listing all possible combinations of the states of switches A and B and the states of lamp Z as in Table 2.2. In the table, the value 0 indicates off while the value 1 indicates on or on.

In a truth table, all possible binary combinations of 0 and 1 for the input values ​​are listed and each of these combinations produces an output value of 0 or 1. For Figure 2.2.(a) the output Z depends on the input values ​​A and B. For each input combination the output value X is either 0 or 1. We can define another table like Figure 2.2.(b) which means the lamp will be on if both A and B are off or both on. The number of possible combinations for 2 inputs is 22 4 . The number of possible output combinations is 24 16 , because there are 4 input combinations with each row of input combinations having 2 possible output values. In general, since there are 2 n  input combinations for n inputs, there are 22   input and output combinations.16, because there are 4 input combinations with each row of input combinations having 2 possible output values. In general, since there are 2 n  input combinations for n inputs, there are 22 n * input and output combinations.


  1. Difference between Digital system and Analog system
  2. NOT GATE / INVERTER (inverting)
  3. NOT GATE truth table
  4. 7404
  5. OR GATE
  6. OR Truth Table
  7. 7432
  9. Truth Table AND GATE
  10. 7408
  12. NAND GATE truth table
  13. 7400 
  14. NOR GATE
  15. NOR GATE truth table
  16. 7402
  17. EX-OR GATE (Exclusive - OR) 
  18. EX-OR truth table
  19. 7486
  20. EX-NOR GATE (Exclusive - NOR)
  21. EX-NOR GATE truth table
  22. 74286

1. Differences between digital and analog systems:

| DIGITAL                                    | ANALOG                                |
| Penunjuk angka                             | Penunjuk jarum                        |
| Komponen digital                           | Komponen analog                       |
| Gelombang kotak                            | Gelombang sinus                       |
| Tegangan 3 volt,  5 volt, 12 volt, 15 volt | Tegangan yang dibutuhkan lebih besar  |
| Daya kecil                                 | Daya yang dibutuhkan lebih besar      |
| Sensitive terhadap temperatur dan getaran  | Tahan terhadap temperatur dan getaran |

2. NOT GATE / INVERTER (inverting)


If the NOT Gate input is given logic 1, then the output will produce logic 0, in a digital system the value of logic voltage 1 = 5 volts and 0 = 0 volts.

Equations in electronic circuits can be described with a transistor circuit, look at the picture below:

TTL type IC (transistor-transistor logic) on NOT Gate, has a logic schematic as below:

3. 7404



The output of the OR gate will be logical 1 if one or both inputs are logical 1. The logic of the OR gate is the same as two switches connected in parallel. For more details, see the image below:

OR Truth Table

TTL type IC (transistor-transistor logic) on OR Gate, has a logic schematic as below:

5. 7432



The And Gate output will be logic 1 if the 2 And Gate inputs are logic 1. The circuit equation is as shown in the image below:

Truth Table AND GATE

TTL type IC (transistor-transistor logic) on AND Gate, has a logic schematic as below:

7. 7408

The combination of basic gates will form new gates, including:



It is a combination of AND logic and NOT logic. The NAND Gate output will be logic 1, if one or all of its inputs are logic 0.

NAND GATE truth table

9. 7400 



It is a combination of NOT and OR logic. The NOR GATE output will be logic 1, if all inputs are logic 0.

NOR GATE truth table

11. 7402

12. EX-OR GATE (Exclusive - OR) 


It is a combination of OR logic gates that are designed exclusively, pay attention to the logic structure in the image on the side! The EX-OR output will be logical 1 if the two inputs are different (0 and 1 or 1 and 0).

EX-OR truth table

13. 7486

14. EX-NOR GATE (Exclusive - NOR)


It is a combination of exclusively designed Nor logic, pay attention to the logic structure in the image on the side! The EX-NOR output will be logical 1 if both inputs are the same (0 and 0 or 1 and 1).

EX-NOR GATE truth table

15. 74286

NOTE! - NAND GATE and NOR GATE as UNIVERSAL GATE, meaning both gates are the same type but can function as other gates.

16. Logic Gate Combination Table

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