Preventive Maintenance - Equipment maintenance is an activity carried out to maintain the condition of equipment so that it returns to optimal operational conditions.
Types of Electronic Device Maintenance
- Preventive Maintenance (routine/preventive maintenance)
- Corrective Maintenance (re-maintenance)
- Breakdown Maintenance (maintenance after damage/repair)
- Scheduled (programmed) maintenance
- Unscheduled (unprogrammed) maintenance
Maintenance Objectives
- To ensure a facility is always in optimal condition
- To improve efficiency of use
- Ensuring user safety
- Extend the life of the facility
- Reducing operational costs
- Minimize downtime
Electronic Device Maintenance Philosophy
- Maintenance of infrastructure facilities must ensure the readiness of the infrastructure facilities themselves.
- Ensuring the realization of security in use
- Utilizing resources economically
- Have a maximum and optimal system
Principles of Electronic Device Maintenance
- Must be optimal (level, sequence and frequency)
- Must be effective and efficient
- Readiness and Reliability
- Quick response
- Flexible
- Centralized and distributed
Problems in Electronic Device Maintenance
- Technical issues
- Economic problems
- Management issues
Preventive Maintenance Activities Include
- Inspection, namely maintenance activities by checking the condition of components, production equipment and the surrounding area.
- Running maintenance, namely maintenance activities carried out by running production machines in exercise mode, in order to track the wrong patterns of a production machine within a certain time period.
- Small component replacement (small repair), namely maintenance activities in the form of replacing small components.
- Shutdown maintenance, namely maintenance activities carried out only when production equipment stops.
In addition to preventive maintenance being carried out in a scheduled and mature manner, there is also preventive maintenance that is carried out predictively (predictive maintenance), which can also be interpreted as a maintenance strategy whose implementation is based on the condition of the work equipment.
Given that 100% certainty never exists, people tend to use estimates to express their opinions. While in the technical world, in this case preventive maintenance, it requires data support and fairly in-depth knowledge about the behavior of the observed production equipment, in order to obtain a fairly accurate prediction approach value.
Some examples of knowledge support needed to anticipate the condition of work equipment include:
- Mastery of the working principles of the tool in question.
- Mastery of tool characteristics.
- Past experience of operating the same tool either by yourself or others.
- Mastery and retrieval of appropriate data.
- Mastery of data processing.
- The ability to correlate one event with another event, in relation to the maintenance field.
- Broad insight into the field of technological advancement
The Impact of Smoking Around Electronic Equipment
This note is my editorial about the real effects of cigarette smoke on humans and electronic devices.
If you still doubt the dangers of chemical compounds in tobacco that impact your health and the health of those around you, then whatever I say below will just pass you by.
Smoke Detector
Several hundred chemical compounds found in tobacco smoke have effects on electronic devices, including your lungs and those around you.
Some of the effects that arise are:
- Optical Coatings are often used in player devices such as CD/DVD Drives, CDROMs, DVDROMs, and other devices that use them.
- Maybe it is no longer used today, but in the past, it was very familiar, namely floppy disks or diskettes, or other devices that used recording tape.
- The controller needles on the disk player can also be affected, as can those on the hard disk.
- Causes the lubricating fluid in electronic devices to become corrosive.
- Affects the reduction of rubber quality in electronic devices.
- Affects the coating on TV and Monitor screens.
- The chemical effects caused may cause certain parts to not function optimally, smoke contamination can cause storage media to be inaccessible or corrupt.
Now, the decision is in your hands!