About Operations Research (AOR)

Development of Operations Research

The roots of the development of operations research can be traced back several decades, where the use of this scientific approach began. However, the beginning of the activity called operations research has begun to be developed in the beginning of the second world war. At that time it was felt necessary to allocate some limited and scarce resources for various military operations, and the activities in each operation must be carried out in an effective manner to win the war.

Getting to Know Operations Research Techniques

After World War II, seeing the success of operations research in the military, industry became interested in this new field. The growth of industry after the war was so rapid that operations research teams became very much needed in the business world, because the problems that arose were basically the same, although the context was different, than those faced by the military. These operations research teams in the business world marked the advancement of operations research techniques.

The advancement of computer technology has also marked the advancement of operations research theory and greatly assisted in decision making, optimal problem prevention in various fields and problems. The development of digital electronic computers with their ability to perform arithmetic calculations thousands or even millions of times faster than human capabilities, is a "tremendous" development of operations research.

Meaning of Operations Research

The meaning of operations research has been defined by several experts,

1. Morse and Kimball

Operations Research as a scientific method (Scientific Method) that enables managers to make decisions regarding the activities they handle on a quantitative basis.

2. Churchill, Arkoff and Arnoff

Operations Research is the application of scientific methods, techniques and tools to address problems that arise in company operations with the aim of finding optimum solutions to these problems.

3. Miller and MK Starr

Operations Research as a management tool that combines science, mathematics, and logic within the framework of solving everyday problems, so that ultimately these problems can be solved optimally.

From the three definitions above, it can be concluded that;

Operations Research is concerned with optimal decision making and modeling of real-life systems, both deterministic and probabilistic. Applications in government, business, engineering, economics, and the natural and social sciences are characterized by the need to allocate limited resources. Operations Research, which includes both approaches and fields of application, is very useful in dealing with problems of how to direct and coordinate operations or activities in an organization with all its limitations through "Search for Opportunity" procedures.

Contributions of Operations Research Approach

The arrangement of a real-life situation into a mathematical model, and the separation of its essential elements so that a solution relevant to the goal or purpose of the decision-making can be achieved. This involves looking at the problem in the context of the entire system.

The search for structured solutions and the development of systematic procedures for obtaining them.

The development of a solution, including a theory or mathematical model, if necessary, that yields an optimal value of the system at a desired level (or a comparison of several alternative activities assessed at a desired level), usually in the business world measured in terms of costs and profits.

Some examples of problem solving using operations research methods;


Operations Research Module, compiled by Minawarti, ST.

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