About Google Adsense (AGA)

This e-book is published and distributed FREE of charge. You are allowed to distribute and print it to friends, family members, customers, prospects and anyone who is looking for knowledge in making money with Google Adsense. However, you are prohibited from changing all the content contained in this E-book without the permission and knowledge of gaexe.com

Greetings to all friends. Congratulations to all my friends for wanting to make extra money on the internet. Today's internet world is still vast for all of us. I would prefer if more Malaysians entered this field. I feel a sense of satisfaction if more Malaysians enter the e-biz field and try to make money with Google Adsense.

I took these tips and secrets from several masters in Internet Marketing where their monthly income with Adsense exceeded $15,000, in fact they reached $24,000 a month. Imagine the Malaysian people who have such income. Say the exchange rate between US currency and Malaysian Ringgit is US1=RM3.5. Then the monthly income is RM84,000.

However, in Malaysia there are still many people who don't know Google Adsense directly even though they have an IT background. That is from my observation of students majoring in IT at several higher education centers. They are not yet aware that they can make money by just creating web pages. The "studying just for the exam" scenario among IT students and graduates is increasingly becoming a reality. This is what causes Graduan IT to become popular in the market.

I also remember the song "The Warmth on the Market" with the song Graduan IT today. The IT major is the hottest major on the market where almost all universities and colleges offer this major. This causes a wave of unemployed graduates from this department. With few job opportunities, if there are any, it is definitely those who already have experience who are the choice of IT companies today.

I started getting involved in making money on the internet since my final year at university, namely early 2004. I found this field can provide a decent return if you follow the method. One way is with Google Adsense. I started creating web pages using free sources. Now I have more than 20 web pages that I use for Adsense and other advertising providers such as Bidvisor, Clicksor and so on.

I hope that more Malaysians will enter this field. Circulate this e-book to friends, close friends and so on so that their minds and hearts will be opened to making extra money on the internet in this way.

Basically, Google Adsense is a type of advertising provided by Google where they share their income with webmasters or web page owners who place Google ads on their pages. Google will pay for every click that brings traffic to their customers. In other words, Google pays for clicks that go through Google Adsense to leave your web page.

Don't be confused with Google Adword where it is for advertisers. They will pay for every traffic brought to their web page through Google Adsense. It's fun. Every time a visitor to your website clicks on a Google ad placed on your website, you will get money. The more clicks you get, the more money you get.

Adsense is provided to make it easy to read, it is based on text, does not disturb visitors to your website, does not drown out what you want to convey on your website. Actually, you have seen it and have clicked on Adsense and without realizing it, the website owner has received money from the clicks you made.

Don't be afraid to click on Adsense ads, you are actually helping to increase the development of business on the internet by clicking on Adsense. This is because more and more advertisers will make their investments in advertising. Indirectly, we as visitors or users can make money from investments made by other people with Adsense.

You can put the Adsense code on every page of your website. You can put up to 3 Adsense codes on one page. Google will determine which ads will appear on your page. It will be based on what you convey on your website. If you have a page about CreditService or Loan or whatever. Google will display ads related to your web page. How many will you get?

You will be paid from $0.10 cents to $50 for each click. It depends on certain keywords. The higher the advertiser bids for clicks on their ad/webpage, the higher you get. The higher the value of the keyword, the higher the mark with Google Adsense.

How does Google pay? Google will pay after your Adsense account reaches a minimum amount of $100. If your account still does not reach $100, it will be carried over to the next month. So don't worry, you won't lose your money if you are honest with Adsense. You will lose the money if you violate Google's terms and conditions. These are some of the reasons why you were kicked/banned by Google:

  • Don't click on your own ads.
  • Don't change the adsense code.
  • Don't tell people to click on our ads.
  • Don't place ads on websites that have porn, racism, gambling and more.
  • If Google contacts you, reply immediately. Usually if you violate the TOS or they feel doubtful about your account, they will contact you.
  • Don't use software for ads with clicks or so on.
  • Don't mix Adsense and other advertisers such as Yahoo and so on.

Have you ever seen an advertisement like the one above? I'm sure you've seen it on most websites today. Actually, if you click, the owner of the website gets money. Do you want money?? Pat your chest, ask about your tastes..Opportunities in front of you..Examples of their expert income: Let's look at the Adsense report for Michael Cheney...One of the Grand Masters of Adsense today.

Joel Comm is one of the Professors in Adsense. In fact, he is the owner of Classic Games which was bought by Yahoo and is now known as Yahoo Games. He is among those who have earned at least $15,000 every month since 2004. There are still many more who have incomes exceeding $20,000 a month. Would you like to be like him?

Follow his tips and secrets in making unlimited money

First Secret: Ad Format

Choose the appropriate ad format. You can choose banners, skyscrappers, squares, links and so on. You can see it and choose at https://www.google.com/adsense/adformats You can put up to 3 ads on one page. Actually, if there are lots of ads but no one clicks, it's useless. Make sure the ads choice is appropriate for your web page. I suggest you use 336x280 and 300x250 ads for the middle part of the web page.

Second Secret: Make sure the Ads don't look like Ads

Most people surfing the internet want to find information, not to click on ads. The ads that are entered must be customized so that they can adapt to the web page. The main mistake that most publishers/webmasters make is placing the ads provided by Google by default. They don't change it directly to make it look more attractive and can adapt it to the web page such as background color and text.

Third Secret: Use Text Ads

Choose Text ads, people won't click on the image. Use text ads, people will definitely click if they see a link from your website. Imagine if you were a visitor, would you click on a picture?

The Fourth Secret: Design

Build a website featuring Adsense. Don't hide your ads. Don't place your ads in places where visitors won't see them. No one will click if it is hidden. Make your ad look like it is part of the content of your web page. The probability of people clicking on your ad is high if your ad is accompanied by content. People say "it's so mixed that it's no different from other ingredients." It's like cooking too..he.he.he..;-)

Secret Five: Remove Borders

Make sure the ad border matches the background color of the web page. Change the color so it looks like part of your web page link. Click-Through pages can also be duplicated by removing border ads.

Secret Six: Text Ads Color

The color of the ad text is also a design. Make sure the text color for your ads is the same as the color for your web page text. An example of fun is like a blogger

Secret Seven: Less Ads, More Good

Sometimes, placing a lot of ads can sometimes reduce our AdSense income because low-value ads come out because there are too many ads. Use it in a position that you think will generate a lot of clicks.

Secret of Lapan: Interfere with content with Ads

You can create content intervals with ads. There are also advertisements on TV. If a visitor is enjoying the content, suddenly there will be ads. This method can generate lots of clicks.

Secret Nine: Include a Google Search Box

You must enter the Google Search box. Insert a few verses at the end of your website content. For example "Can't Find what you're looking for? Try Google Search!".. Encourage visitors to your website.

Secret Ten: Use Ads to their maximum potential

Use ads to the maximum. If you feel you need to use 3 ads on one page, use it. Make sure the ad position is appropriate.

Secret Eleven: Don't be a "Beautiful News from Appearance" website

Make sure you don't spam keywords. The visitor will definitely feel disappointed if the desired message is not found even though he was promised what he wanted. People will definitely not visit that website again if they already know what they want they will not find.

Secret Twelve: Make sure the web page content is expensive keywords

Make sure the web page content contains high-value keywords. It will increase your income even if the number of clicks is small.

Secret Thirteen: Use Channels

Use channels to track clicks. It will help to improve the performance of the website. Google allows you to create 200 channels. So you can create 200 pages. Use this convenience

Secret Fourteen: Make a keyword study and keyword value

Make a keyword study and value the keywords on the website. For further information, please get the Adsense King Guide.

Secret Fifteen: Enter Adsense on forums, message boards & discussion groups

Enter the Adsense code in the forum, message board & discussion groups that you build. This is a very effective method even though the value of the ads that come out may be of low value. However, it is a way of attracting repeat visitors.


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