About Composer & GitHub (ACG)

A. Create a short tutorial/guide on using composer in developing web-based applications with the CodeIgniter (CI) framework. The tutorial contains the following information:

  1. What is a composer?
  2. Why use composer?
  3. How to install it? Linux or Windows OS platform
  4. For example, if I want to add the dompdf library to the CI framework, how do I do it?
  5. Include a screenshot.

Composer & GitHub

B. Create a short tutorial/guide on using git versioning in webbase development. The tutorial contains the following information:

  1. What is git versioning (github)?
  2. Why is it necessary to have skills in using git versioning in collaborative software development teams?
  3. How to create a repository?
  4. What is the use of branches?
  5. How to download the latest data updates from the repository?
  6. How to comment and submit your work to the repository?
  7. Include a screenshot.

Update October 2016

C. Please clone on the github link below:


I have created 1 example of Categories.php to display categories data on the northwind database, create a products class to display product data. Then push your product file to the repository by creating a new branch with your nim branch name.



  1. What is a composer?
  2. Who is the creator of composer?
  3. Why use composer?
  4. How to install composer?
  5. How to use composer?


  1. What is git versioning (github)?
  2. Benefits of mastering git versioning skills
  3. How to create a Repository
  4. Branch Function
  5. How to Download Repository
  6. Sending Project to Repository
  7. Commenting on the Repository

Update October 2016
Learn to be a contributor to a project.



What is Git & How to Use It?

This page is specifically created to bind the knowledge that the author has experienced around GitHub, as well as to improve the previous page, and will be updated over time or if new problems related to GitHub are encountered. It is possible on other pages with the #GitHub tag.

About GitHub Bahasa Indonesia - Complete Tutorial

Starting from an assignment given by a lecturer that includes several topics, until now continuing into the world of work / real / field.


  1. What is git versioning (github)?
  2. Benefits of mastering / having github skills
  3. How to create a Repository
  4. What is Branch?
  5. Branch Function
  6. How to download the latest repository data
  7. How to install git versioning (github)
  8. How to send work / projects to the repository
  9. How to comment on a repository
  10. How to contribute to github

1. What is git versioning (github)?

GitHub is a web-based project repository service, for building software collaboratively with the community. More than 29 projects and 11 million people have joined it, they and other developers can find, use and contribute with a powerful workflow.

Version Control System (VCS) or also called Git, is the heart of GitHub which is open source, which is responsible for everything related to GitHub that runs on your local computer. VCS or Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 which was implemented on the Linux kernel version.

2. Benefits of mastering / having github skills

  • So that we can develop software through teamwork (collaboration),
  • In order for project work to be faster, more effective, efficient and productive,
  • In order to get the best project quality, because each team can control each other.

3. How to create a Repository

In this case, I assume that you already have a GitHub account, the registration method is easy, the same as when you register on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Kaskus, etc.

To put a project on GitHub, you need to create a repository, here's how:

3.1 In the upper right corner there is a + sign >> click, then a dropdown menu will appear >> click New repository

3.2 Make the repository name short, so it is easy to remember, for example "CI_CRUD"

3.3 Optional, add a description of your repository, for example "about create read update delete"

3.4 Determine the privileges (access rights) for your repository, Public or Private.

  • Public repositories are an option to start working with other GitHub users, so you can benefit from collaboration with the community.
  • Private repositories are an option to start working independently or individually, where the features provided are fewer than public and you can also determine who you want to collaborate with.

3.5 Select Initialize this repository with a README.

3.6 Click Create repository.

Congratulations!, now you have a repository

There are several features such as commit, branch, release and contributor, but let's start first with what is a branch?

4. What is Branch?

Branch is a kind of setting label to determine the purpose, function or need of your project, by default usually as master. You can change it to be more specific for other purposes. Example;

Branch NIM for college assignments

5. Branch Function

  • To develop features,
  • To fix bugs (errors or conflicts),
  • To experiment with new ideas safely and freely.

6. How to download the latest repository data

You can use the clone url to clone the repository to your local PC, the clone url can be accessed using GitHub Desktop (GUI), Git Desktop (GUI), Git Shell (CLI), Git Bash (CLI), or Git CMD (CLI).

You can also use the Open in Desktop menu, if you click it, the default Github GUI application on your PC will open and automatically perform the cloning process.

You can also use the Download ZIP menu, if you click it, it will download the repository in ZIP format.

7. How to install git versioning (github)

Both applications are equipped with GUI and CLI versions. You are free to choose which one to use. But in order to provide the best in this tutorial, I downloaded both, and I will demonstrate them to you. We start from the GitHub installer first, then the Git installer.

Git Versioning Installer

7.1 Install GitHub Setup

Double click GitHubSetup.exe, then a dialog will appear to ask for your permission, after you agree, the GitHub installer will automatically identify your computer system, then perform the installation online, wait until the process is complete.

Excuse Me Dialogue

GitHub Installation Process Online

After the installation process is complete, GitHub GUI will automatically open, or if not, you can click the GitHub shortcut on your PC Desktop. You are asked to log in first.

GitHub Desktop Login

Check Account Status in Settings (gear icon)

After successfully logging in, next we just need to add the project we have created to the CI_CRUD repository on the GitHub server. By following point 8.

7.2 Install Git Setup

Double click Git-2.11.0-32-bit.exe, then a dialog appears to ask for permission from you, then you will be presented with information about the license of this application. If you wish, please read it, because this is important information.

Git License Information

After that, please specify the destination for the Git application installation, if you want the default, then just continue by clicking next.

Git Application Destination

Next is the component selection, by default the icon on the desktop is not selected, because the frequency of using github is very frequent, so I choose to add an icon on the desktop. Default Git provides Git Bash and Git GUI components that are integrated with Windows Explorer, allowing us to open this application in any directory by right-clicking.

Git Components

Next I followed the default settings for the Git shortcut in the Windows Start Menu.

Git Shortcut in Start Menu

Next is the PATH environment setting, which by default Git settings refer to the Windows Command Prompt.

Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt

This option is considered safe because it uses Unix tools to minimize the addition of Git wrappers to your PATH, the goal is to avoid environmental chaos on your platform. This option allows you to use Git from both Git Bash and Windows CMD.

Use Git from Git Bash only

This option is the safest, because your PATH will not be changed by the git system at all. But you can only use Git commands via Git Bash. (not provided in Windows CMD).

Use git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt

I do NOT recommend you use this setting, as I myself am not yet familiar with the implications it may have.

PATH Settings for Git

Next is the line ending configuration, namely how should Git treat line endings in text files?

Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings

Git will convert LF to CRLF when checking out text files. When committing text files, CRLF will be converted to LF. For cross-platform projects, this is the recommended setting for WINDOWS users ("core.autocrlf" is set to "true").

Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings

Git will not convert every time it checks out a text file. When committing a text file, CRLF will be converted to LF. For cross-platform projects, this is the recommended setting for UNIX users. ("core.autocrlf" is set to "input").

Checkout as-is, commit as-is

Git will not convert text files at any time when checking out or committing them. This option is not recommended for developers of cross-platform projects. ("core.autocrlf" is set to "false").

Git Line Ending Conversions Configuration

Next is the configuration of the terminal emulator to be used with Git Bash. In this case I still use the default Git settings, which is using Min TTY.

Use MinTTY (the default terminal of MSYS2)

Git Bash will use MinTTY as a terminal emulator, which will handle program window size, non-rectangular selections and Unicode fonts. Console program windows (such as interactive Python) must be launched via 'winpty' to work in MinTTY.

Use windows' default console window

Git will use the default Windows window ("cmd.exe"), which has worked well with interactive Win32 consoles like Python or node.js, but has limited scroll-back (by default). It requires a bit of configuration to use Unicode fonts and display non-ASCII characters correctly.

Git Terminal Emulator Configuration

Next is the Extra Configuration, in this case I still follow the default settings as shown in the image below.

Enable file system caching

File system data will be read in large amounts and cached in memory for certain operations ("core.fscache" is set to "ture"). This will provide a significant performance boost.

Enable Git Credential Manager

The Git Credential Manager for Windows will provide secure Git credential storage specifically for Windows, including multi-factor authentication support for Visual Studio Team Services and GitHub. (requires .NET framework v4.5.1 or later).

Enable symbolic links

Enable symbolic links (requires SeCratesymbolicLink permission). Please note, that existing repositories will not be affected by this setting.

Extra Configuration - Git

Next is the experimental configuration option, which offers the bleeding-edge feature, so far I am still following the default settings, which is to disable this feature, as shown in the image below.

Enable experimental, builtin difftool

Using experimental builtin difftool (feels fast only during testing).

Experimental Git Configuration

Finally, click install and wait until the installation process is complete, so that the git icon appears on your desktop and is ready to use.

Git Installation Process

8. How to send work / projects to the repository

Here are some steps to send a project/job to a cloud repository:

8.1 Clone Repository

First. We first clone the repository on the GitHub server to the local PC, by clicking the plus sign in the top left bar >> select the clone menu >> select CI_CRUD >> click Clone CI_CRUD

Clone repository via GitHub GUI

Then we are asked to determine the repository destination on the local PC, and I will put it in the wamp\www folder.

Successfully cloned the repository to the local PC

If the cloning process is successful, you will find a new folder along with the repository's default README on the GitHub server.

Next, we just add the project to that folder.

Project has been prepared

8.2 Commit project

You can also see the changes in the GitHub application, you can also add a description of the project (optional), as shown below;

Project has been prepared

Next, click commit to master, wait until the process is complete. If successful, you will see the changes as below. Pay attention to the blue circle in the upper right bar, this indicates the status of the project's journey, if the blue circle is hollow then it is still local, if the blue circle is full then it is synchronized between the local PC and the one in the cloud / GitHub server.

Project ready to be pushed/uploaded

8.3 Synchronize / Push to cloud repository

The last step, click Sync to perform synchronization / push / upload by remote, wait until the process is complete. When finished, you can see the blue circle indicator, and check the repository on the GitHub server.

Congratulations! Your repository has a project.

Netizens About Bootstrap


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  2. ANONYMOUS Dec 2 2014, 08:22:00 = wow great
  3. CORO MUTANT 31 Mar 2015, 23:20:00 = thank you very much bro for sharing your knowledge. I really enjoy reading your writing, cool.
  4. DHIYAH May 8, 2015, 10:17:00 = Thanks for sharing your knowledge, bro. Continued success (y)
  5. ADI RAHMAN May 16, 2015, 11:57:00 = bro, thanks a lot for the knowledge, bro.
  6. GAME ANDROID APK 20 Sep 2015, 09:33:00 = Jos Gandos mas Gan.. thanks for the knowledge
  7. TIGER-STRONG MIND POWER 5 Nov 2015, 15:40:00 = This is really cool, thanks master..keep up the good work...can this be downloaded master?
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