If you are someone who wants to create a website with the RIGHT performance, then it is important to know first about the difference between static and dynamic websites, because both are types of websites that exist in the internet world.
1. Understanding Websites
According to Saputro (2007) a website or site can be interpreted as a collection of pages used to display text information, still or moving images, animations, sounds, and or a combination of all of these, both static and dynamic, which form a series of interrelated buildings where each is connected with (hyperlinks) page networks. A website is a self-service product. (Gareett, 2010:10).
2. Static Web
It is a website that is created with the aim of displaying information that does not require regular or periodic updates. The main program structure consists of HTML, and is beautified using CSS. In addition, static websites are also unable to interact with users.
Static Web Architecture
3. Dynamic Web
It is a website that is created with the aim of displaying information that requires regular or periodic updates, so it needs a database. The program structure is not enough HTML and CSS, but also includes other scripting such as PHP, SQL, javascript, Ruby on Rails and ASP.NET. And of course, dynamic websites are able to interact with users.
There are actually two types of interactivity on dynamic web, namely front-end script and back-end script. Sometimes front-end script is also called client side and back-end script is server side.
Dynamic Web Architecture
4. How Dynamic Web Works
- Web clients make certain requests, such as requesting a page.
- The web server will read the request, for example if the request is a PHP page, then the web server will assign PHP to parse the code that will handle the request.
- After the code is parsed, the web server will provide the request results in a form that can be read by the client.
- The client reads the request results via a web browser.
- http://journal.fsrd.itb.ac.id/jurnal-design/pdf_dir/issue_2_4_2_3.pdf
- http://himakom.ugm.ac.id/komunitas/index.php?topic=34.0
- http://www.codeconquest.com/website/static-vs-dynamic-websites/
- http://techwelkin.com/difference-between-static-and-dynamic-web-pages
- Dynamic Web Programming Module STMIK EL RAHMA