Greetings to all, first of all I apologize if I can only write tips & tricks again now after some time ago my busy assignments took up all my time. Currently I am still busy with assignments but I have a longing to give a few tips for creating a Photo gallery using PHP.
Creating a Photo Gallery with PHP
OK, let's get started. What you need to prepare;
- PC (Personal Computer); what are the specifications?
- System Operation; up to you
- Web Server; IIS/PWS, apache or whatever
- PHP Zend Engine 4.2+ or 5.0+
- Text Editor.
Step 1
Create a file using your favorite text editor, then name the file gallery_config.php and the contents of the file are as follows:
$config['document_title'] = "My Gallery by Stieven R. Kalengkian";
//Gunakan format UNIX direktori dan harus dalam mode writeable (777)
//hal ini sangat pengaruh untuk sistem operasi UNIX/LINUX
$config['root_direktori_image'] = "C:/Temp/";
$config['nama_direktori_image'] = "images";
$config['thumb_direktori_image'] = "thumbs";
$config['thumbs_width'] = 150;//pixel
//harus dalam mode readable (dapat diakases)
$config['user_database'] = "C:/Temp/user.txt";
$config['kolom_tabel'] = 3; //jumlah kolom perhalaman
$config['baris_tabel'] = 3; //jumlah baris perhalaman
- $config['document_title'] for your HTML page Title
- $config['root_image_directory'] Folder for the photo and thumbnail database to be uploaded.
- $config['image_directory_name'] Folder name to store uploaded master photos.
- $config['thumb_image_directory'] Folder name for storing photo thumbnails
- $config['thumbs_width'] Thumbnail size in pixels
- $config['user_database'] User database for access to upload photos
- $config['column_table'] Number of columns in one page
- $config['table_rows'] Number of rows in one page
Step 2
Create a file named gallery_function.php
<?php class myuser { var $userdb = array(); function loaduser() {
global $config;
if (file_exists($config['user_database'])) { $fp=fopen($config['user_database'],"r"); while($fg=fgets($fp,1024)) { $fg=trim($fg);
else { die("File database {$config['user_database']} tidak ditemukan"); }
function getuser($usr,$pswd) {$this -> loaduser(); while(list($user,$pass)=each($this->userdb)) { if ($user==$usr and $pass == $pswd) { return true; }
function html_header() { global $config; echo "<html>
</head> <style>
body,td,th { font-size:9pt; font-family:Tahoma, Arial, Verdana; }
</style> <body>";
function html_footer() {
echo "</body></html>";
function imgThumbs($FILESRC,$FILETHUMBS,$wm=75,$hws=75) { if (file_exists($FILESRC)) {
list($imagewidth,$imageheight)=getimagesize($FILESRC); $mw=$imagewidth;$hw=$imageheight; if ($imagewidth > $wm) {
if ($imageheight >= $hws) {
$wred= imagecolorallocate($img_src,255,255,0); $des_src=imagecreatefromjpeg($FILESRC);
imagecopyresized($img_src,$des_src,0,0,0,0,$imagewidth,$imagehe ight,$mw,$hw);
function viewimages($imgdb,$page) { global $config,$allpage;
for($i=$page;$i<count($imgdb);$i++) {
if ($x==1) { echo "<tr>"; } echo "<td align=\"center\">
<a href=\"imageview.php?master=1&source={$imgdb[$i]}\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"imageview.php?source=".$imgdb[$i]."\" alt=\"{$imgdb[$i]}\">
</a> </td>";
if ($x==$config['kolom_tabel']) { echo "</tr>";$x=0; }
if ($l==($config['kolom_tabel']*$config['baris_tabel'])) break;
$allpage=round(count($imgdb)/($config['kolom_tabel']*$config['b aris_tabel']))." ";
$cp=$allpage*($config['kolom_tabel']*$config['baris_tabel']); if (count($imgdb)>$cp) { $allpage=$allpage+1; }
function readdbimage($page=4) { global $config;
$r=0; if
(file_exists($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['nama_direktori_i mage']) and
file_exists($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['thumb_direktori_i mage'])) {
$od=@opendir($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['nama_dire ktori_image']); while($rd=@readdir($od)) {
if ($rd == ".." or $rd == "." or !eregi("\.jpg$",$rd)) continue;
Step 3
Create a file named imageview.php
include_once("config.php"); if ($_GET['master']) {
@readfile($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['nama_direkto ri_image']."/".$_GET['source']); }
else {
@readfile($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['thumb_direkt ori_image']."/".$_GET['source']); }
Step 4
Create a file named gallery.php
* Gallery Photo versi 1.0
* Script Source by Stieven R. Kalengkian
* */
session_start(); $raw = phpversion();
list($v_Upper,$v_Major,$v_Minor) = explode(".",$raw);
if (($v_Upper == 4 && $v_Major < 1) || $v_Upper < 4) {
include_once("gallery_config.php"); include_once("gallery_function.php"); if (is_writeable(!$config['root_direktori_image'])) { die("Folder
{$config['root_direktori_image']} harus writeble"); } if
(!file_exists($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['nama_direktori_ image']))
{ @mkdir($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['nama_direktori_image
']); } if
{ @mkdir($config['root_direktori_image'].$config['thumb_direktori_imag e']); }
if ($_GET['mode'] == "upload") { if ($_POST['Submit']) { $user = new myuser;
if ($user->getuser($_POST['username'],$_POST['password']) and
$_POST['username'] and $_POST['password']) {
if (
($file_type == "image/pjpeg" or $file_type == "image/jpg" or
$file_type == "image/jpeg" or $file_type == "image/pjpg")
and $file_size < 256000
) {
$data=$config['root_direktori_image'].$config['nama_direktori_i mage']."/".$file_name;
imgThumbs($data,$config['root_direktori_image'].$config['thumb_ direktori_image']."/$file_name");
echo "<script>location.replace('?')</script>";
else { echo "Error!<br>File type image/pjpeg your file
$file_type<br>File size maximum 256 KB your file".round($file_size/1024)."
KB"; }
else { echo "Invalid Username or Password"; }
echo '
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<td>File Photo</td>
<td><input type="file" name="file"></td>
<td>User </td>
<td><input name="username" type="text"></td>
<td valign="top">Password</td>
<td><input name="password" type="password"></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> <button onClick="location.replace(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'\')">Cancel</butto n></td> </tr>
} else {
html_header(); //echo $_GET['page'];
if (!$_GET['page']){ $_GET['page']=1; };
echo "";
echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"50%\"></td><td
align=\"right\"><a href=\"?mode=upload\">Upload</a></td></tr></table>"; echo "<table width=\"100%\">"; readdbimage($_GET['page']);
echo "</table>Halaman {$_GET['page']} dari $allpage : "; for ($i=1;$i<=$allpage;$i++) { echo "<a href=\"?page=$i\">$i</a>
"; }
Stieven R. Kalengkian