Create an information system design consisting of:
- Menu Design
- Normalization
- Table Data Dictionary
- Data Flow Diagram (DAD) / Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
- System Flow Chart
- Flow Chart Program
- Input Design
- Output Design
- Use Case Diagram
1. Menu Design
Main Menu (Administrator)
Vehicle Sub Menu
Report Sub Menu
2. Normalization
| Data Tidak Normal |
| user_list |
| username |
| userpassword |
| usertype |
| keterangan |
| sisa_tempat |
| tanggal |
| sisa |
| parking |
| no_plat |
| jam_masuk |
| operator_masuk |
| jam_keluar |
| operator_keluar |
| biaya |
| setting_id |
| setting_value |
| set_id |
| jam1 |
| jam2 |
| Normal Pertama (1NF) | | |
| user_list | biaya_parkir | parking |
| username | jam1 | tanggal |
| userpassword | jam2 | no_plat |
| user_type | biaya | jam_masuk |
| keterangan | | op_masuk |
| | setting_id | jam_keluar |
| sisa_tempat | set_id | op_keluar |
| tanggal | set_value | biaya |
| sisa | | keterangan |
3. Table Data Dictionary
Officer Table
- Table key: id_pejabat
- File type: master file
- Use: store officer data
| No. | Nama field | Tipe | Panjang | Keterangan |
| 1 | id_petugas | character | 5 | id petugas |
| 2 | nama_petugas | character | 30 | nama petugas |
| 3 | alamat_petugas | character | 50 | alamat tinggal petugas |
| 4 | jenis_kelamin | logic | 1 | laki-laki / perempuan |
| 5 | no_hp | character | 13 | nomer hp petugas |
| 6 | foto_petugas | medium blob | 1048576 | pass foto petugas (max 1MB) |
| 7 | username | character | 8 | username petugas |
| 8 | password | character | 16 | password petugas |
Vehicle Table
- Table name: VEHICLES
- Table key: vehicle_no.
- File type: master file
- Use: store vehicle data
| No. | Nama field | Tipe | Panjang | Keterangan |
| 1 | no_kendaraan | character | 12 | nomor plat kendaraan |
| 2 | nama_kendaraan | character | 30 | jenis dan merk kendaraan |
| 3 | nama_pemilik | character | 30 | nama pemilik kendaraan |
| 4 | keterangan | character | 50 | keterangan tambahan |
Parking Table
- Table name: PARKING
- Table key: no_parking
- File type: transaction
- Use: save history / vehicle entry and exit activities
| No. | Nama field | Tipe | Panjang | Keterangan |
| 1 | no_parkir | character | 15 | no. karcis |
| 2 | no_kendaraan | character | 12 | no. plat kendaraan |
| 3 | id_petugas | character | 5 | id petugas |
| 4 | tgl_masuk | date | 8 | tanggal masuk kendraan |
| 5 | jam_masuk | time | 4 | jam masuk kendaraan |
| 6 | tgl_keluar | date | 8 | tanggal keluar kendaraan |
| 7 | jam_keluar | time | 4 | jam keluar kendaraan |
| 8 | biaya | numeric | 10 | biaya parkir |
| 9 | keterangan | character | 50 | keterangan tambahan |
4. Data Flow Diagram (DAD) / Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
DAD Level 0 Data Process
DAD Level 0 Transaction Process
DAD Level 0 Report Process
DAD Level 1 Data Entry
DAD Level 1 Transaction Process
DAD Level 1 Report
5. Flow Chart System
Flow Chart System
6. Flow Chart Program
Flow Chart Program
Vehicle Menu Program Flow Chart
Flow Chart Program Report Menu
7. Input Design
Login Page
Registration Page (Sign up)
Vehicle Input Page
Vehicle Input Page Out
Officer login: will / only work for registered officers.
- cannot be empty, must be filled in and is case sensitive (username field),
- cannot be empty, must be filled in and is case sensitive (password field),
- field for the name of an officer who is new/has never been registered (required),
- The field is for the new officer's address and cannot be empty,
- choice for male (L) or female (P), only one choice is allowed,
- field for no. New officer's cellphone must not be empty.
- button to upload photos, maximum file size 1MB,
- field for username, must be unique and cannot be empty,
- field for password, must not be empty and must be at least 8 characters,
- field for plate no. vehicle and must not be empty,
- filled in with Wheel 2 or Wheel 4 format and cannot be empty,
- full name of the owner according to the ID card,
- date entered if clicked a pop up date/calendar appears,
- clock in, if clicked a pop up will appear in the clock format,
- date entered if clicked a pop up date/calendar appears,
- clock in, if clicked a pop up will appear in the clock format,
- Information is optional, so you can fill it in or not.
8. Output Design
Report Per Date
Report Per Date
Monthly Report
The appearance is the same as above, only the header / report header explains the relevant month (past).
Parking Entry Slip
Parking Entry Slip
Parking Exit Slip
Parking Exit Slip
Object Oriented System Design CD Rental
Requirements Analysis:
Mr. Joko, the owner of a video rental, wants to computerize the video rental system at his place of business. Because Mr. Joko does not provide a large budget, he wants to ask for your help to create a system for his video. The working method and description of the system to be built are as follows.
If a customer wants to rent a movie, Mr. Joko must be able to search for the customer in the system or to add a new customer (name, ID number, address, phone number) to the system. If a customer wants to know if a movie is available, the customer must be able to search the system.
If a new movie is purchased, Mr. Joko should be able to add it to the system. He should also be able to edit the information about a movie, such as its rental price. In order to attract more customers to his store, Mr. Joko has a special offer "Rent Four Movies, Get the Fifth for FREE!". This offer should be handled automatically by the system.
When a customer rents several movies, the total rental fee to be paid should be listed automatically, so that Mr. Joko does not have to do the calculation manually. It is also important to note that customer data can be updated if necessary.
Mr. Joko also wants to be able to monitor what movies someone has rented and when they are due to return. Therefore, he wants a list of all the movies rented and when they are due to be returned sorted by date so that he knows which customers need to be called or visited by his thugs.
Mr. Joko also needs to be able to delete customer data if the customer wants. He also wants to be able to delete a movie if it is considered old.
Requirement List:
From the narrative, a Use Case Diagram will be created. Sentences containing verbs are selected to be used as use cases. Here is a list of sentences containing verbs and their doer information:
- Customers can rent movies if they are registered as members.
- Mr. Joko can search for customer data in the system
- Mr. Joko can add new customer data
- Customers can search for movies
- The system can track copies of movies rented by customers.
- Mr. Joko can add new film data
- Mr. Joko can edit the film data information, for example changing the rental price.
- The system can handle a borrowing bonus if a customer borrows 4 films.
- Mr. Joko can update customer data
- Mr. Joko can monitor what films a customer has rented and when they will be returned.
- Mr. Joko can delete customer data
- Mr. Joko can delete movie data
Actors and Use Cases
From the list of system requirements, it can also be seen who the actors involved are. Here is a list of existing actors:
Mr. Joko (or operator)
Customers consist of two types:
- Member (already registered)
- Non-Member (not registered)
Use Case Diagram
From the resulting requirement list, a Use Case Diagram can be compiled as follows:
Use Case Diagram
List of Actors
From the requirements analysis, the following actors were obtained:
The operator is the person who will operate the Video Rental software that will be created. In this case, the operator can be Mr. Joko or one of his employees.
Customers are people who come to Mr. Joko's Video Rental. Customers are those who are already registered as members and customers who are not yet registered as members.
Customers who are already registered as members can make loans, while customers who are not registered as members must register first. The registration process will be carried out by the operator.
Description of Each Use Case
Use Case Viewing Loan List
Operators can view a list of collections that are currently being borrowed. The information displayed includes the collection that is currently being borrowed, the date of borrowing and who is borrowing.
Use Case Add Members
Operators can add members by entering the required data (member number, name, ID card number, address, telephone number) of the members they wish to register in the system.
Use Case Delete Member Data and Include Search Member
Operators can delete member data. To delete, operators must first search for the member data to be deleted. If the member data is found, then the operator can delete the member data.
Use Case Changing Member Data and Including Searching for Members
Operators can change member data if necessary. For example, changing a member's address or phone number. To change, the operator must first search for the member data to be deleted. If the data is found, then the operator can change the member data.
Use Case View Catalog
Customers can see the list of films (catalog) available. Customers can see the catalog first to find the film they want to rent.
Use Case Recording Loans and Extensions Recording Bonuses
Operators can record borrowings made by customers. If a customer meets the requirements (i.e. borrowing 4 movies at once), then the customer is entitled to borrow 1 free movie. The system can handle this by recording bonuses.
Use Case Recording Returns and Extension Recording Fines
Operators can record returns made by customers. If the return passes the loan deadline, the customer is required to pay a fine. The system can handle this by recording the fine.
Use Case Adding Collection
Operators can add new movie collections.
Use Case Change Collection and Include Search Collection
Operators can change existing collection data. For example, changing the rental price of a movie. To change collection data, the operator must first search for which movie the data will be changed. If the movie to be changed has been found, the operator can then immediately change the data.
Use Case Delete Collection and Include Search Collection
Operators can delete existing collection data. For example, to delete a film that is damaged, lost or considered old. To delete, the operator must first search for the film to be deleted. If the film to be deleted is successfully found, the operator can immediately delete the film data.
Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram for Use Case Viewing Loan List
Activity Diagram for Use Case Add Member
Activity Diagram for Use Case Searching for Members
Activity Diagram for Use Case Deleting Member Data
In this activity diagram there is an activity to search for member data. In the Use Case deleting member data always searches for member data first. Member data found according to the search can be deleted immediately.
Activity Diagram for Use Case Changing Member Data
This activity diagram contains the Search Member activity, because in the process of changing member data, the operator must first search for the member whose data will be changed. After the member data is found, then the data can be changed.
Activity Diagram for Use Case Viewing Catalog
Activity Diagram for Use Case Recording Loans and Extensions Recording Bonuses
Activity Diagram for Use Case Recording Returns and Extension Recording Fines
Activity Diagram for Use Case Adding Collection
Activity Diagram for Use Case Searching for Collection
Activity Diagram for Use Case Changing Collection
This activity diagram contains the Search for Collection activity, because in the Change Collection Use Case, the process of searching for the collection is always carried out first. After the collection whose data will be changed is found, the data change process can be carried out.
Activity Diagram for Use Case Delete Collection
This activity diagram contains the Search for Collection activity, because in the Use Case Deleting a Collection, the collection search process is always carried out first. After the collection to be deleted has been found, the deletion operation can be performed.
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Viewing Loan List
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Adding Members
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Searching for Members
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Deleting Member Data
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Changing Member Data
Sequence Diagram for Catalog Viewing Use Case
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Recording Bonus
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Recording Borrowing
Sequence Diagram for the Use Case of Recording Fines
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Recording Returns
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Adding Collection
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Searching Collection
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Changing Collection
Sequence Diagram for Use Case Deleting Collection
Class Diagram
The class diagram only shows the relationship between entities (Member, Transaction and Movie). Boundary class and control class are not shown in this class diagram.
Member Entity is the embodiment of a member, where a member has data on name, address, ID number, telephone number. A member can also borrow or return
Transaction Entity is the embodiment of a film loan or return transaction. Transactions can record loans, record returns, regulate loan bonuses and fines.
The Film Entity is a manifestation of the film collection owned by Mr. Joko's Video Rental. Films have film id data, film title, rental price, and loan period.
The relationship between the Member class and the Transaction class is an Association relationship, where each Member can have 0 or more Transactions (Borrowing or Returning).
The relationship between the Transaction class and the Film class is a Composition relationship, where one Transaction consists of 1 or more films. A borrowing transaction consists of borrowing 1 or more films. The relationship is composition because if the Transaction is deleted (canceled) then the list of borrowed films will also be deleted (canceled).
Benefits of Computing Technology
Computers are the result of advanced industry that are useful, in the past they were large and took up space, now they are small with the computers that we know today are the result of the development of electronics and informatics technology so that the form of computers that originally had great capabilities. The progress of the IC (integrated circuit) electronic component industry has encouraged the creation of various IC chip devices that are diverse and support various needs for making electronic products. The progress of electronic technology is inseparable from the progress in the field of knowledge and processing of semiconductor materials, especially silicon.
The benefits of computers today are quite diverse, starting from being a tool for writing, drawing, editing photos, playing videos, playing songs to analyzing research data or operating programs to solve scientific, industrial and business problems.
The world of children has long been familiar with gaming devices controlled by computer systems.
In the industrial sector, computers have been used to control production machines with high precision (for example CNC, a multi-purpose machine in the metal industry) so that we can find various metal industry products that are varied and we can imagine that they would be difficult to work on manually.
Many machines in the garment industry are also equipped with computer control, for example, a cap company can produce caps with uniform embroidery image quality in large quantities in a short time.
In trading companies such as department stores, cash register machines are used which are equipped with computer control so that the machine can be controlled by the manager only from his work room.
In the field of education, in addition to being found as a teaching aid, many laboratory equipment are equipped with computers so that the equipment can work more accurately and can overcome the obstacles of human sensory barriers.
From the field of education and research that uses such tools, various useful research results are produced that are not felt to have been widely used in the daily lives of many people. Various medicines for human health needs as well as agriculture and animal husbandry have been widely used by the community.
In biotechnology, many culture equipments are equipped with computer control to ensure precision in sterile rooms. Australian companies have developed robots for this biotechnology purpose.
Many new vehicles are equipped with computer systems so that fuel consumption can be adjusted to a very efficient level for long-distance travel. Passenger buses are equipped with computer control systems and sophisticated sensors so that driving the bus feels safer. The most sophisticated application of computer control is found in airplanes and spacecraft. To overcome various natural obstacles and difficult for a pilot to do manually, an airplane can be controlled automatically so that it can fly safely to its destination.
Nowadays, managers, educators, officials, researchers and the international community have widely used computers in their daily lives as very useful tools. Thus, computers have become equipment for the needs of the wider community and are not limited to certain groups only.
If people already know the benefits of computers well, then in this internet era, everyone who has a personal computer can access internet information just by adding a few additional devices. It is as if the more people who know the benefits of computers, the more ready they are to compete in the world in the era of globalization. Foreign language barriers can still be overcome with diligent efforts from each computer user, so that in a short time language barriers can be overcome by their own efforts. It would be better if computer users also take foreign language courses such as English or other languages, but because generally the language contained in computer application programs and the internet is English text, computer users who study on their own can overcome this obstacle.
The benefits of computers are so great, that in this article we will introduce a computer and how to assemble it. This article does not explain in detail how to build a computer electronic circuit or build a computer software, to be able to know this you still have to study in the field of Electronics and Informatics.
This article is intended so that you do not misunderstand computers or understand them, by being able to recognize computer parts, assemble them and know how they work, especially knowing how to operate their application software, you will feel the enormous benefits of computers. Here, the history of the discovery of computers is not explained, you only need to believe that computers are the result of an industry that utilizes various research results and tests from several scientific fields. For example, the science of electronics, informatics, management, material chemistry, material physics, physical chemistry, electrochemistry and others.
If in this article must be explained each of the complicated scientific fields, then the purpose of this article will not be achieved, namely you will become more confused and increasingly unfamiliar with computers. If you are interested in knowing each of the scientific fields, you should choose only one because one scientific field will require one period of higher education for strata 1 (S1) or strata 2 (S2).
However, if this writing is given to high school students, it will provide new courage and new insights for students in understanding computer-controlled equipment. Students will not find it strange if they later undergo vocational education that is often related to computers. If students who have finished and have to work in sophisticated industries as operators, the students will not experience obstacles in learning short programs to control production machines. The unpreparedness of human resources in sophisticated industries often has fatal consequences and causes casualties or helplessness.
For example, in a factory that operates a CNC machine, it has resulted in a STM student dying because he carelessly put his head into the hole of his machine. The student was curious why the metal without shape at first, after being put into the machine for a while, came out on another part of the machine in the form of finished goods.
Curiosity that is not guided has caused many undesirable consequences among teenagers. Hopefully, this article can be a guide for high school teachers and the wider community that can lead to a better understanding of computers and their benefits.
In this article, the author suggests that you view a computer like a motorbike, you simply follow the manufacturer's instructions (manual from the factory) then you can ride the motorbike and maintain it including ensuring that the battery water is not empty, you can find out minor causes that can cause the motorbike to break down including keeping the spark plugs clean with the help of sandpaper.
Likewise, with this writing, the author hopes that you can find out simple troubleshooting if your computer is having problems. In certain conditions, you can also increase the number of personal computers in your place by simply assembling them yourself for the purpose of building a cheap computer network and for the development of its information system.
1. What is a Computer?
From the advancement of electronics and informatics technology, what is a computer, why does modern society seem to depend on computers? Computers are the result of functioning as a tool to write, draw, edit images or photos, create animations, operate scientific analysis programs, simulations and to control equipment.
The form of the computer that used to be large enough to operate a program, is now small with the ability to operate various programs. Electronic equipment (hardware) and programs (software) have made a computer into a useful object.
A computer that only has electronic equipment or software will not function. With both, the computer can function as a useful tool. Some hobbyists or engineers can develop the ability of ordinary computers to control production machine equipment or household appliances.
By adding electronic circuits made by him, ordinary computers can be used to control industrial and household equipment. The tendency to use computers for such control with the support of IC chip technology has enabled people to create small, useful robots such as vehicle robots used in space missions.
2. What does a computer consist of?
Keyboard, and monitor. CPU Personal computer (PC) consists of a central processing unit (CPU), which functions as a data processor, a keyboard as a tool for entering letters and numbers or control commands to the computer to operate a particular data processing.
Personal Computer
Monitor is a tool to display letters, numbers and images. The development of electronic and informatics technology has provided additional devices on a personal computer such as a mouse (a computer control tool to operate program commands easily), a modem (a tool to convert digital data into voice data or vice versa so that data from a computer can be communicated to another computer via a regular telephone line, radio communication or earth station), game and sound cards, video cards, television receiver cards, radio receiver cards and ethernet cards as well as various printers (desk jet, bubble jet, laser jet, plotter) and printed image translators (digitizers and scanners).
3. How does a computer work?
Entered by the computer user via the keyboard (letters and briefly the computer works in the following way: Numeric data) or mouse and scanner (graphic/image data) into the CPU. The data is sent to the application software to be processed in the processor and displayed on the monitor screen. If it is considered that what appears on the monitor screen is in accordance with the wishes of the computer user, then the user will order the computer to save the results of his work in storage media (diskette or hard disk) or order the computer to print it through a printer.
In the CPU, there is a data communication process, namely data delivered to the application program is immediately forwarded to the operating system program. By the operating system program, this data is converted into machine language that can be understood by the electronic equipment in the computer so that the monitor screen can display what the user wants or the computer can communicate with the printer and tell the printer to print the file the computer user wants.
4. How to assemble a personal computer?
To be able to do this, first you must be able to understand the English language descriptions written in the manuals of computer electronic equipment and computer programs, if necessary prepare an English dictionary. The English used in this case is quite simple and easy to understand, just by knowing a little English grammar you can understand the meaning of the factory manual and the operating system program and its application system.
In computer assembly, your hands should not be wet (sweaty) and you should not hold the middle part of the IC chip including the processor and memory. Sweat can cause a short circuit of the motherboard's electronic circuit when you turn it on. Holding the middle part of the IC chip can damage its contents because your hands contain static electricity.
If necessary, it would be better if when assembling, you wear a bracelet made of metal cable (a cable that has had its skin stripped off) and connected to the floor or ground (grounding), so that the electricity from your hand does not damage the IC chip but is passed on to the ground.
1) Important components needed to assemble a PC
To build a personal computer, you will need at least the following electronic equipment:
Monitor Screen
shaped like a television because it has an RGB glass tube. There is also an LCD (liquid crystal display) monitor screen that only requires a little electricity. You can choose one of the VGA, SVGA or LCD types (these types are widely used as standard equipment on a personal computer today).
Motherboard (mainboard)
can be selected from the type of motherboard that is able to control the AT 486 processor or processors from various types of Pentium (Pentium 90, Pentium 100, Pentium 133, Pentium 166 MMX, Pentium 200 Mhz, Pentium 233 MMX, Pentium Celeron, or the latest type, namely the Pentium II class). The more you choose the latest type of processor, the more expensive the cost you have to spend. AT 486, Pentium 90 to Pentium 233 MMX processors are old types and are no longer produced by the factory, but you can get them on the second-hand market at a fairly cheap price. Choose a second-hand goods seller who can guarantee that the goods are still good and you can see the proof.
RAM memory (random access memory)
can be selected according to the type that matches the motherboard you have. There are several types of RAM and you can ask the store which type of RAM matches the motherboard you are going to buy. Types of RAM include EDO RAM, SIM RAM, SDRAM with varying capacities ranging from 4 Mbyte, 8 Mbyte, 16 Mbyte per piece. Memory functions to temporarily store application programs and operating systems as well as work files while the computer is operating. The larger the size used, the more reliable the computer you assemble will feel when typing or drawing.
Floppy drive and its cable
You can choose the standard and commonly installed on PCs today, namely the 3.5 inch floppy drive type with a capacity of 1.4 Mbyte.
Hard disk and cable
You can choose the type of hard disk according to your needs starting from a capacity of 1 Gbyte, 2.3 Gbyte to 10 Gbyte. There are 2 types of hard disks, namely SCSI and IDE types. The SCSI type is usually used in a server computer. But the development of IDE technology today allows IDE type hard disks to be used in a server.
I/O card if needed
Some of the latest motherboard products have slots that function as I/O slots, in this case you no longer need to buy an I/O card.
Keyboard, you can choose a keyboard that suits your taste.
Mouse, can be selected according to needs.
Other devices that you can add are CD ROM drive, sound card & speaker system, internal modem, video card or TV and radio tuner.
A diskette or CD ROM containing operating system software and application software.
Commonly used operating system software is DOS, Windows 95, and Windows 98. Commonly used application software is MS Office (containing MS Word/word processor, Excel/spread sheet, Power point/design for presentation display, MS Access/data organizer, and Clipart/images database). Some application software such as Corel Draw/for drawing, Photo Paint or Paint Brush can be added if you want to work in creating images and editing photos and making cartoon animations. Currently, various interesting application software have emerged and you can also add them, but you must be aware of whether the software is compatible with the operating system you are using. You can ask the software seller whether the software is compatible with your computer's operating system. Some application software makers mention compatibility with several Windows 95, Windows 98, or Macintosh operating systems.
Each component can be selected from various brands according to your financial condition. You don't need to hesitate because all computer components sold on the market from various brands follow IBM standards so that you can use any brand. You can also use used components as long as you know the condition is still good (you can ask the seller of the goods and you can witness the test).
2) Equipment needed
The equipment needed is as follows:
- Screwdriver, pliers, AVO meter (if any), solder, soldering iron, insulation, cable ties and a log book. Solder and AVO meter are rarely used when using components that are still good.
- Measuring current and voltage is only done if the components used are used components that you do not know whether they are still good or not. It is better not to use an AVO meter on the motherboard if the motherboard is still good, because you do not know which points are the measurement points.
Carelessness in this case can have fatal consequences. If you are using new components, you do not need to measure current and voltage with an AVO meter. An AVO meter may need to be used only to find out the voltage in your home's electrical grid. If you already know, look at the computer's power supply (located in the computer's casing/box) whether it has been set to a voltage scale that matches the voltage in your place or not.
If the power supply type is classified as an automatic type, you don't need to worry. If the power supply is classified as semi-automatic, you may have to move the voltage control switch position to the voltage position that matches the voltage in your place.
3) Steps for assembling a personal computer
To assemble a personal computer you can follow these steps:
Take the motherboard and adjust the position of the "jumper" connector, according to what is written in the manufacturer's manual. Remove the plastic "jumper" connector connecting the pins on the motherboard and move it to another position that connects one pin leg to another pin leg according to the recommendations written in the motherboard manual. Usually the factory states a certain jumper position according to the type of processor to be used. Pay close attention so that you can achieve good results. Adjust the "jumper" connector according to our needs by following the manufacturer's manual. Adjust the position of the jumper to the type of processor you are going to install. Adjusting the position of the "jumper" allows the motherboard to provide the right electricity and according to the electricity needs of the installed processor. If it is wrong, it will damage the processor. If you are going to use a Pentium 166 Mhz processor, pay attention to whether the processor is coded 55C or 54C. Both require different power supplies, one requires 3 volts and the other requires 3.4 volts.
Install the processor in its place (socket) pay attention to the mark on the processor must be placed according to the mark on the socket (must not be reversed). Lock the locking rod that is usually located on the side of the processor socket. Pay attention to the dot code or the side of the processor with a slanted shape is an indication that the processor part is installed in the slot that has the same mark. Read the processor manual from the manufacturer carefully If you are not careful or install the processor upside down it can have fatal consequences. If you are in doubt, you should ask the seller when buying a motherboard. Then install the cooling fan on top of it. The latest processor products are equipped with cooling fans. On the Pentium II processor type, the processor socket is made together with a special circuit board, so to install the processor simply install the circuit board to the motherboard and lock it properly. Installing the processor in the socket or place on the motherboard must not be reversed because it can damage the motherboard or processor.
Install the RAM memory in its place properly, pay attention to the corner of the memory which is usually curved and must be placed in its place carefully. If you install it upside down, the memory will be difficult to insert. In the SDRAM memory type, the memory holder on the motherboard has a lock that will move to lock together with the insertion of the memory into it.
Insert the motherboard into the casing (computer box), hook the plastic hooks usually provided by the casing manufacturer, into the holes on the motherboard. At an angle that allows you to place the bolts, bolt the motherboard to the casing to avoid shifting the motherboard when you move the CPU later. You should be careful installing the motherboard on the casing because it is thin and small and has a complicated electronic circuit.
Install the special motherboard power supply cable on the power supply (usually written P8 and P9), the black cables from both connectors must be installed side by side. If you are using an ATX type motherboard, install the special power cable on the special ATX power slot on the motherboard.
Install the hard disk, floppy drive in the place provided in the CPU casing, tighten the holder with bolts carefully. If there is a CD ROM drive, install this device carefully and tighten it with bolts.
Connect the cable from the power supply to the power slot on the hard drive, floppy drive and CD ROM drive. Note the angle of the plastic connector on the cable, usually it is designed to fit the holder on the hard drive, floppy drive or CD ROM drive. If you install this connector upside down, then when you insert the connector it will feel a little difficult. Immediately unplug the connector and reinsert it in the right position.
Connect the ribbon cable (data cable) to the hard disk, floppy drive and CD ROM drive holders. This cable functions to connect the equipment to the motherboard. Note that the red side of the cable must be placed on the number one leg (see the information written on the hard disk or floppy drive or CD ROM drive). If installed upside down, the computer will not work properly and can damage the equipment. The cable connected to the floppy drive is narrower when compared to the hard disk or CD ROM drive connecting cable. The hard disk and CD ROM drive connecting cable are the same size.
Connect the cable from the floppy drive to the slot for the floppy drive, likewise connect the cable from the hard disk to the IDE slot number 1, and the cable from the CD ROM to the IDE slot number 2. Also note that the red side of the cable must occupy the number one leg on each slot. You can see the information written on the motherboard or in the motherboard manual.
Install the VGA card into its slot, if you have an ISA type card, you must place the card into the ISA bus slot on the motherboard. If you have a PCI type VGA card, you must install the card into the PCI bus slot on the motherboard.
Connect the "Reset" button cable connector to the "Reset" pin on the motherboard. Also connect the speaker cable connector to the speaker pin on the motherboard. Often written with the code LS. Some casings have also been equipped with indicator light cables and connecting cables complete with connectors so that computer assemblers only need to connect to the motherboard.
Connect the data cable from the monitor to the slot on the VGA card, note that the connector has 3 rows of neatly arranged legs, with a trapezoid-shaped connector.
Plug the keyboard connector into the keyboard slot on the motherboard.
Connect the power cable from the monitor screen to the power slot located on the back of the power supply that has been installed on the CPU casing. If the connector does not match, you can connect the power cable to your home's electrical grid. You will need a T connector to divide the electricity to the monitor and the CPU that you are assembling. Connect the power cable for the CPU to the slot located on the power supply on the back of the CPU casing.
Now you have successfully assembled a Personal Computer, but you cannot use the computer yet. You still have to set the BIOS program, and install the operating system program and application programs onto the hard disk.
Before you set the BIOS program, you check again all the steps you have done earlier. Pay attention to the position of the "jumper" there is nothing wrong, as well as the processor and RAM and the cables connecting the hard disk, floppy drive and CD ROM drive. After you are sure and in accordance with the information listed in the factory manual of each of the equipment. You can do the BIOS program settings.
4) BIOS program settings
The BIOS program is a standard controller program installed on the motherboard. This program is stored in an IC chip called ROM (read only memory) and always works to control the hardware installed on the motherboard even though the computer is not in use (turned off). This is made possible by the presence of a small battery installed on the motherboard.
People often call this IC chip as IC ROM BIOS. When finished assembling the computer, this program must be set according to the types of electronic equipment that will be connected to the motherboard.
Thus, the BIOS program always controls the installed hardware even when you turn off your computer. This control at all times allows the computer to always be ready to use when you turn it on. In low battery conditions, the settings in the BIOS program are usually lost, making it difficult for you to use the computer. You must reset the BIOS program as you did when assembling the computer. To set the BIOS program, you must first turn on the computer. Follow these steps.
- Connect the power cable from the CPU to your home's electrical grid.
- Set the power switch on the CPU and Monitor to the ON position.
- Wait a few moments until a display appears on the monitor screen, note that at the bottom of the screen it will say "Press Del for setting or Esc for cancel", before the display disappears from the monitor screen, you must immediately press the Del button on the keyboard.
- Now you will see the BIOS program display on the monitor screen.
Select the "autodetect hardisk" command by moving the arrow keys on the keyboard up or down, and press the "Enter" key. The computer will automatically detect the type of hardisk installed on the CPU. If there is a new display containing information about the hardisk size, press the "Y" key and press "Enter".
If a display appears again on the monitor screen and does not contain any information, press the "Y" and "Enter" keys. Once finished, press the "Esc" key so that the display changes to its original display. Then select the first command (written at the top) by pressing the up arrow key, after the first command is selected, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
The display will immediately change and provide a new display that contains information on the date, month and year and time (hours, minutes and seconds). Then information on the size of the hard disk, CD ROM, floppy drive, monitor and keyboard attached to the computer's CPU.
Set each of these descriptions, except for the hard disk description which does not need to be edited because it has been written automatically when you operate the "autodetect hard disk" command. The date, month, year and time are set to match the date, month, year and time when you assembled the computer. This setting is important because it will affect the performance of the software that you will apply later. The computer is very dependent on this time setting when operating. To make these settings, you simply use the "Tab" button and the up and down arrows on the keyboard.
After finishing press the "Esc" button, so that the display changes to the original display. Then select the next command by moving the arrow keys, and press the "Enter" button.
After changing, press the "F6" button so that the display is automatically set according to factory standards. Do the same for other commands, except the "autodetect hardisk" command does not need to be set again.
Select the last command "Save setting to ROM", press the "Enter" and "Y" keys, wait a few moments for the computer to automatically enter your settings into the BIOS ROM chip.
Once finished, the display will change and on the next display you will get a statement on the monitor screen that your assembled computer is detecting memory automatically, and when it is finished checking the memory, the computer will immediately read the floppy drive and hard disk. Because you have not yet inserted the operating system diskette (DOS or Startup Windows 95 or Windows 98) into the floppy drive and the hard disk does not contain the operating system, the monitor screen will display the statement "Insert Operating Disk in drive A" or a similar command which means that you insert the diskette containing the operating system into the floppy drive.
Insert your operating system diskette, and press the "Enter" key, then the computer will immediately read the operating system and process it so that the display on the monitor screen will immediately change and display the message "Starting Windows 95 ......".
After the computer has finished reading the operating system, the Windows 95 image will appear on the monitor screen for a moment and then "prompt" A will appear. This means that the computer is ready to work by reading the application program from floppy drive A. Meanwhile, the hard disk cannot be used because it has not been "formatted".
From step (d) you have completed the BIOS program settings and also know that the computer can work properly, namely it can recognize the hard disk, floppy drive or CD ROM drive. From this step you also know that your assembled computer can read the operating system program contained in the diskette that you inserted into the floppy drive earlier. The next step is to install the operating system program and application program into the hard disk. Do not turn off your computer yet. Remove the diskette from the floppy drive.