Display Google Drive Images to <img> (DGDII)

Hi guys, I just had a problem with Picasa Web, where my photos can only be displayed when logged in as the account owner and as Ignito. Well, when I log in with another account, what happens is the image changes to a rejection sign or broken image like the image above. Okay, long story short I switched to Google Drive, so I re-uploaded the image to Google Drive, but it still didn't produce results.

I have reviewed the Google Drive documentation, I have searched for reviews about the web, or how to share files to the web, and unfortunately it did not produce any results, there is no example of displaying a google drive image to the html tag <img src="https://blablabla..."/>, because my trial failed when I only used the sharing link generated by google drive which did not end with the extension *.png, *.jpg, or the like.


It turns out that the method is very easy, just change the link generated by Google Drive a little, pay attention to this part,

open? change to uc?

Now, you can apply it in the html <img> tag, here is an example.



Okay, done, hope it's useful!

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