I remember the journey 5 years ago, when I was preparing to launch a personal blog about movies, at that time The Movie Blog was officially launched on July 24, 2003. At that time, I did a quick search on google "movie blogs" and it showed results of around 11,000 sites. Now, I did the same thing and the results showed 17,200,000 sites. Wow, that's a very rapid growth, thick like long hair.
In general, the popularity of blogging activities is growing exponentially (Up Chart), especially movie / film / cinema blogs, as if many people want to get involved in it. Why is that? because the most enjoyable thing for a movie fan after watching a movie is telling, debating, speculating, and commenting on the movie they have watched.
I'm Not Exaggerating, I can tell you that I get at least 15-20 emails a week from people telling me about their latest movie blogs. Some say that I've inspired them to follow in my footsteps.
Blog Movie
1. Do it because you love / like watching movies
Even now I still can't tell you how many emails I've received, and most of them are asking for advice on how to create a blog that can be used as a primary source of income. There was one silly mailing list "Hi John, I just launched my latest movie blog at "www.GenericMovieBlog***.com" (it was too long so I cut it). I just said *WTF, what the heck?! Can you tell me the reason for using that name?! And I can only advise that good blogging does not come from lust, only seeking personal interests, interests of profit alone. Just so you know, I do all this and what I have achieved so far is not because of the ambition to seek profit, I do all this with love, I do all this with my heart, not lust but the desire to express ideas, thoughts or opinions. I can feel relieved only because all my ideas / thoughts have been poured into writing.
2. Getting Started With a Free Platform
So for the reason of beginners or laymen in the world of programming, so as not to bother managing this and that, which is also possible to hinder the core activity, which is creating content. then please use the following free platforms:
- blogger.com
- wordpress.com
3. Take Small Steps Like 1-3 Posts Per Day
Successful bloggers are not sprinters but marathoners, with small but consistent steps. This is the general principle of bloggers, so it is no wonder that few have this character, because surveys show that most of them (failed beginner bloggers) are those who are enthusiastic at the beginning, but fail after a few days.
4. Don't Think of It as a Burden
99% of successful bloggers are because they have a hobby of blogging, even if they are not paid they are willing to do it, even if they have to pay they are willing to do it. Not only blogging, for anything people will try to realize their hobby, regardless of age.
In the context of blogging, Quantity is not the determining factor, but rather Quality and Consistency.
5. Be Consistent
I get a lot of loyal readers, subscribers, or followers not because I managed to complete 10 to 15 posts per day, but because I was able to consistently post 1-2 per day. Because I also believe that 10-15 posts per day takes up a lot of time for both writers and readers.
6. Becoming Qualified
In addition to consistency, another thing to consider is quality, it is useless for you to make 1 to 2 posts per day but the quality is bad. This will only trigger a bounce rate .
7. Follow Experienced Blogs
If you want to be a doctor, then go to school and hang out with doctors. If you want to be a chef, then practice cooking and learn from the master. Likewise with bloggers, if you want to be a movie blogger, then learn from experienced movie bloggers. Below are just a few, and it is possible that you will find other seniors.
- www.gatewan.com
- www.screenrant.com
- www.twitchfilm.com
- www.slashfilm.com
- www.firstshowing.net
- www.cinematical.com
- www.incontention.com
- www.filmjunk.com
- www.thedocumentaryblog.com
- www.filmschoolrejects.com
- www.rowthree.com
- www.obsessedwithfilm.com
8. Don't Want to Be Left Behind (Stay Up to date)
Blogging with news sites is a different thing, if the news must uphold the truth of a news or statement before it is broadcast. Unlike blogging, I see many movie blogs that often discuss things that have the same substance. This is what is unique, so I suggest you have at least 3 or 5 trusted reference sources to get the latest movie information. If I prefer this:
- www.gatewan.com
- www.comingsoon.net
- www.iesb.net
- www.variety.com
- movies.yahoo.com
9. Fishing for Discussion
Take the initiative to ask readers for suggestions and criticisms. End your posts with open-ended questions. Encourage people to jump into the comments section. Blogs work best when they are user-friendly and interactive.
10. Writing Original Content
Most of your posts may be identical to the writings on some other sites, it doesn't matter, it's still normal. but if your writing is exactly the same as the writings on some other sites, it's not normal, even search engines don't like it. or your writing is controversial and violates the law. I hope you can realize your hobby in a good way.