To calculate the number of days between two dates using Kotlin, you can use the LocalDate class provided by the Java Time library. Here is an example of its use:
import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit fun main () { // Enter the start and end date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format val startdate = LocalDate.parse( "2024-01-01" ) val enddate = LocalDate.parse( "2024-03-04" ) // Calculate the number of days between two dates val differenceDays = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(StartDate, EndDate) println( "The number of days between $StartDate and $EndDate is: $DayDifference days" ) }
Make sure to replace the StartDate and EndDate values with the dates you want. This program will print the number of days between the two entered dates.
Hi guys, this time I want to share with you about a case study that I am currently facing, namely how to calculate days from 2 dates that we know.
The story is that I am working on a feature to display tip info that is only displayed once a week, so the steps I took were:
- Saves the last date the tip info was displayed
- Compare with current date.
- Subtracts the current date from the last date displayed.
Unfortunately, the date is a string, so I need to convert it to a Long first. So Long-Long = Long, then I convert the Long result to a day using the following function:
fun longToDays (milliSeconds: Long): Long = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(milliSeconds)
Good job!