Interrupt Microcontroller Experiment (IME)


  1. Students understand the interrupt system on microcontrollers
  2. Students can apply interruption systems to making digital clocks.
  3. Students can understand the use of assembly language for using interrupt systems.

The microcontroller provides 5 interrupt sources, 2 external interrupts, 2 timer interrupts, and 1 serial interrupt. In order for interrupts to be served, assembly instructions must be placed at the following vector addresses, according to the interrupt source to be used.

| Source  | Vector Address |
| IE0     | 0003H          |
| TF0     | 000BH          |
| IE1     | 0013H          |
| TF1     | 001BH          |
| RI + TI | 0023H          |
Org 0000h
           Ljmp Start
           Org 000bh
           Ljmp Timer0Interupt
Start: ; Instruksi Rutinitas
           ; Instruksi Rutinitas
           ; Instruksi Rutinitas
           Sjmp Start; { Looping Forever }

In the example of the programming instruction, it is seen that if there is no interrupt, the program will go to start and run the routines continuously, but if an interrupt generated by overflow timer 0 occurs, then the program that was originally nested in the routine will jump to the vector address 0bh (the timer 0 interrupt address) and jump to the interrupt subroutine Timer0Interupt.

Experiment 11.1. Generating a clock on a digital clock  😃D by utilizing the timer 0 interrupt. 

In the experiment, the clock for a digital clock will be generated, only the tens seconds (display 1) and units seconds (display 2) sections on 7 segments.

In this mode, with a 12MHz crystal, the timer will overflow every 65,536 useconds. In this experiment, to generate an interrupt every 50,000 useconds, the data that must be filled in the TL1 and TH1 registers is as follows

65536 - 50000 = 15536 d or 3CB0h

So the TF1 interrupt will be generated every 50000 x 1 usecond = 0.05 seconds.

in this programming, RO is implemented as a software counter, Register R0 will increment every Timer 1 overflow. If register R7 has detected a value of 50 then port P0.0 (LED D0) will light up for = 0.05 x 20 seconds = 1 second.

To do this experiment, do the following steps:

  1. Connect jumper 7Segment_EN, to enable the 74LS138 Decoder.
  2. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the +5V power supply.
  3. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the programmer circuit 
  4. Open the M-IDE Studio for MCS-51 program, as a program editor and compiler.
  5. Type the following program 🙁download file prog111a.asm )
    detik equ            30h
    detikpuluhan equ 31h
    detiksatuan equ 32h
    counter20 equ 33h
               Org 0h
               sjmp Start
               Org 0bh
               Ljmp Interrupt_Timer0
               mov detik,#0
               call InitTimer
               call ClockDisplay
               sjmp Forever ; 
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               djnz Counter20, EndInterrupt
               mov Counter20,#20
               call DoClock
               inc detik
               mov A,detik
               cjne A,#60,Update
               mov detik,#0
               Update:mov A,detik
               mov B,#10
               DIV AB
               mov detikpuluhan,A
               mov detiksatuan,B
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detiksatuan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               clr P3.5 ;
               Setb P3.6
               Setb P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detikpuluhan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               Setb P3.5 ;
               clr P3.6
               Setb P3.7
               call delay
               mov TMOD,#00000001b
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               setb ET0 ;Enable Timer 0 Interrupt
               setb EA ;Master Interrupt Enable 
               setb TR0 ;Clock start running
               ;subroutine delay time
    delay: mov R1,#2
    del1: mov R2,#255
    del2: djnz R2,del2
               djnz R1,del1
               ; L O O K U P T A B L E
               ; Decode to Seven Segmen -> g f e d c b a
               DB 11000000b,11111001b,10100100b,10110000b,10011001b
               DB 10010010b,10000010b,11111000b,10000000b,10010000b
  6. Save the program you typed and name it: prog111a.asm
  7. In the MIDE program, select Build /F9 or to compile the program from *.asm to *.hex.
  8. Program the microcontroller using the ISP Software Program (See Instructions for Use) 
  9. Make observations on the displayed second time data to see whether it matches a conventional clock.
| Display Detik (:DD) | Jam Konvensional (Detik) |
| 1                   |                          |
| 2                   |                          |
| 3                   |                          |
| 4                   |                          |
| 5                   |                          |
| :                   |                          |
| 60                  |                          |

Experiment 10.2 Serial data transfer from ADC to Microcontroller to PC

In this experiment, ADC0804 data is taken using port 1 of the microcontroller and sent via the serial port to the PC.

Experiment 10.2 Serial data transfer from ADC to Microcontroller to PC

Do some trial steps as follows:

  1. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the +5V power supply.
  2. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the programmer circuit 
  3. Open the M-IDE Studio for MCS-51 program, as a program editor and compiler.
  4. Type the following assembly program: ( download the file prog102a.asm )
    org 0h
               call initserial
    start: call ADC; ambil data dari adc
               call Sendout
               sjmp start
    ADC: clr P3.3
               setb P3.3
               eoc: jb P3.2,eoc
               clr P3.4
               mov A,P1
               setb P3.4
               detect: jnb ti,detect; 
               clr ti ; 
               mov sbuf,a ; 
               mov scon,#52h;initialize serial mode 1
               mov tmod,#20h;timer1 mode 2
               mov th1,#0F3h;Reload value for baud rate 2400
               setb tr1
  5. Open Delphi Program
  6. Type the following Delphi program, to run communication through a serial port with a base address of 3F8h. ( download the ADCserial file )

ADCserial file

           Form1: TForm1;
           base = $3f8;{base address port serial}
           lcr = 3; {line control register}
           dll = 0; {divisor lacht low byte}
           dlh = 1; {divisor lacht high byte}
           lsr = 5; {line status register}
{$R *.DFM}
Procedure            Initserial;
           mov dx,base+lcr; {address line control register}
           mov al,$80 ; {10000000b = access bit divisor lacht}
           out dx,al
           mov dx,base+dll; {address divisor lacht low byte}
           mov al,$30 ; {DLLB = 30h}
           out dx,al
           mov dx,base+dlh; {address divisor lacht high byte}
           mov al,$00 ; {DLLH = 00h}
           out dx,al
           ; {Pada saat ini Port serial}
           ; {memp.baud rate = 2400 bps}
           mov dx,base+lcr;{address line control register}
           mov al,$03 ; {00000011b =}
           out dx,al ; {bit 7=0, access to Rx buffer & Tx
           ; {bit 6=0, set break disable
           ; {bit 5-4-3=000, no parity
           ; {bit 2=0, one stop bit
           ; {bit 1-0=11,data lenght 8 bit}
Procedure            Receive_Data_Serial;
           mov dx,base
           in al,dx
           mov data,al
procedure            TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
           mov dx,base+lsr ; { address line status register }
           in al,dx
           and al,$01 ; {LSR = 00000001b, detects bit 0}
           mov status,al ; {bit 0 = data ready}
           until status = $01;{ jika bit 0 = 1 then data ready}
procedure            TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  1. Save the program you typed and name it: prog102a.asm
  2. In the MIDE program, select Build /F9 or to compile the program from *.asm to *.hex.
  3. Program the microcontroller using the ISP Software Program (See Instructions for Use) 
  4. Run the Delphi program by pressing the F9 or RUN button.
  5. Make observations for the displayed ADC data.

Experiment 11.2. Generating a clock on a digital clock MM 😃D by utilizing the timer 0 interrupt 

In the experiment, a clock will be generated for a digital clock for seconds and minutes on 7 segments. To do this experiment, do the following steps:

  1. Connect jumper 7Segment_EN, to enable the 74LS138 Decoder.
  2. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the +5V power supply.
  3. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the programmer circuit 
  4. Open the M-IDE Studio for MCS-51 program, as a program editor and compiler.
  5. Type the following program: ( download file prog112a.asm )
    detik equ 30h
               detikpuluhan equ 31h
               detiksatuan equ 32h
               menit equ 33h
               menitpuluhan equ 34h
               menitsatuan equ 35h
               counter20 equ 36h
               Org 0h
               sjmp Start
               Org 0bh
               Ljmp Interrupt_Timer0
    Start: mov detik,#0
               mov menit,#0 
               call InitTimer
               call ClockDisplay
               sjmp Forever ; 
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               djnz Counter20, EndInterrupt
               mov Counter20,#20
               call DoClock
               inc detik
               mov A,detik
               cjne A,#60,Update
               mov detik,#0
               inc menit
               mov A,#60
               cjne A,menit,Update
               mov menit,#0
    Update:mov   A,detik
               mov B,#10
               DIV AB
               mov detikpuluhan,A
               mov detiksatuan,B
               mov a,menit
               mov b,#10
               div ab
               mov menitpuluhan,A
               mov menitsatuan,B
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,menitpuluhan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               clr P3.5 ;
               clr P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,menitsatuan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               setb P3.5 ;
               clr P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detikpuluhan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               clr P3.5 ;
               setb P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detiksatuan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               setb P3.5 ;
               Setb P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               mov TMOD,#00000001b
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               setb ET0 ;Enable Timer 0 Interrupt
               setb EA ;Master Interrupt Enable 
               setb TR0 ;Clock start running
               ;subroutine delay time
    delay: mov R1,#2
    del1: mov R2,#255
    del2: djnz R2,del2
               djnz R1,del1
               ; L O O K U P T A B L E
               ; Decode to Seven Segmen -> g f e d c b a
               DB 11000000b,11111001b,10100100b,10110000b,10011001b
               DB 10010010b,10000010b,11111000b,10000000b,10010000b
  6. Save the program you typed and name it: prog112a.asm
  7. In the MIDE program, select Build /F9 or to compile the program from *.asm to *.hex.
  8. Program the microcontroller using the ISP Software Program (See Instructions for Use) 
  9. Make observations for the time data displayed.
| Display Detik (:DD) | Jam Konvensional (Detik) |
| 00:01               |                          |
| 00:02               |                          |
| 00:03               |                          |
| 00:04               |                          |
| 01:59               |                          |

Experiment 11.3. Generating MM 😃D clock down by utilizing timer 0 interrupt

In the experiment, a clock will be generated with a countdown from minute 60 seconds 60 for seconds and minutes on 7 segments. To do this experiment, do the following steps:

  1. Connect jumper 7Segment_EN, to enable the 74LS138 Decoder.
  2. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the +5V power supply.
  3. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the programmer circuit 
  4. Open the M-IDE Studio for MCS-51 program, as a program editor and compiler.
  5. Type the following program: ( download file prog113a.asm )
    detik equ 30h
               detikpuluhan equ 31h
               detiksatuan equ 32h
               menit equ 33h
               menitpuluhan equ 34h
               menitsatuan equ 35h
               counter20 equ 36h
               Org 0h
               sjmp Start
               Org 0bh
               Ljmp Interrupt_Timer0
    Start: mov detik,#60
               mov menit,#59 
               call InitTimer
               call ClockDisplay
               sjmp Forever ; 
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               djnz Counter20, EndInterrupt
               mov Counter20,#20
               call DoClock
               dec detik
               mov A,detik
               cjne A,#0,Update
               mov detik,#60
               dec menit
               mov A,#0
               cjne A,menit,Update
               mov menit,#60
    Update:mov            A,detik
               mov B,#10
               DIV AB
               mov detikpuluhan,A
               mov detiksatuan,B
               mov a,menit
               mov b,#10
               div ab
               mov menitpuluhan,A
               mov menitsatuan,B
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,menitpuluhan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               clr P3.5 ;
               clr P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,menitsatuan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               setb P3.5 ;
               clr P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detikpuluhan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               clr P3.5 ;
               setb P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detiksatuan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               setb P3.5 ;
               Setb P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               mov TMOD,#00000001b
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               setb ET0 ;Enable Timer 0 Interrupt
               setb EA ;Master Interrupt Enable 
               setb TR0 ;Clock start running
               ;subroutine delay time
    delay: mov R1,#2
    del1: mov R2,#255
    del2: djnz R2,del2
               djnz R1,del1
               ; L O O K U P T A B L E
               ; Decode to Seven Segmen -> g f e d c b a
               DB 11000000b,11111001b,10100100b,10110000b,10011001b
               DB 10010010b,10000010b,11111000b,10000000b,10010000b
  6. Save the program you typed and name it: prog113a.asm
  7. In the MIDE program, select Build /F9 or to compile the program from *.asm to *.hex.
  8. Program the microcontroller using the ISP Software Program (See Instructions for Use) 
  9. Make observations for the time data displayed.

Experiment 11.3. Generating MM 😃D clock down by utilizing timer 0 interrupt

In the experiment, a clock will be generated with a countdown from minute 60 seconds 60 for seconds and minutes on 7 segments. To do this experiment, do the following steps:

  1. Connect jumper 7Segment_EN, to enable the 74LS138 Decoder.
  2. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the +5V power supply.
  3. Connect the Microcontroller Trainer module to the programmer circuit 
  4. Open the M-IDE Studio for MCS-51 program, as a program editor and compiler.
  5. Type the following program: ( download file prog113a.asm )
    detik equ 30h
               detikpuluhan equ 31h
               detiksatuan equ 32h
               menit equ 33h
               menitpuluhan equ 34h
               menitsatuan equ 35h
               counter20 equ 36h
               Org 0h
               sjmp Start
               Org 0bh
               Ljmp Interrupt_Timer0
    Start: mov detik,#60
               mov menit,#59 
               call InitTimer
               call ClockDisplay
               sjmp Forever ; 
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               djnz Counter20, EndInterrupt
               mov Counter20,#20
               call DoClock
               dec detik
               mov A,detik
               cjne A,#0,Update
               mov detik,#60
               dec menit
               mov A,#0
               cjne A,menit,Update
               mov menit,#60
    Update:mov            A,detik
               mov B,#10
               DIV AB
               mov detikpuluhan,A
               mov detiksatuan,B
               mov a,menit
               mov b,#10
               div ab
               mov menitpuluhan,A
               mov menitsatuan,B
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,menitpuluhan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               clr P3.5 ;
               clr P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,menitsatuan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               setb P3.5 ;
               clr P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detikpuluhan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               clr P3.5 ;
               setb P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               Mov DPTR,#Decoder7Segmen
               mov A,detiksatuan
               Movc A,@A+DPTR 
               mov P0,A
               setb P3.5 ;
               Setb P3.6
               clr P3.7
               call delay
               mov TMOD,#00000001b
               mov tl0,#0b0h
               mov th0,#03ch
               setb ET0 ;Enable Timer 0 Interrupt
               setb EA ;Master Interrupt Enable 
               setb TR0 ;Clock start running
               ;subroutine delay time
    delay: mov R1,#2
    del1: mov R2,#255
    del2: djnz R2,del2
               djnz R1,del1
               ; L O O K U P T A B L E
               ; Decode to Seven Segmen -> g f e d c b a
               DB 11000000b,11111001b,10100100b,10110000b,10011001b
               DB 10010010b,10000010b,11111000b,10000000b,10010000b
  6. Save the program you typed and name it: prog113a.asm
  7. In the MIDE program, select Build /F9 or to compile the program from *.asm to *.hex.
  8. Program the microcontroller using the ISP Software Program (See Instructions for Use) 
  9. Make observations for the time data displayed.

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