KEYWORD in the form of questions and answers.
1). What are the contents of a summary?
- Formulation of the problem
- Problem solving methods
- The result
2). Explain what should be included in a research title?
- Method
- Software
- Object or place of research
3). What are the main ideas in the background of a study?
- Ideal global state
- Object state
- The solution that will be offered or that you will offer
4) What is the problem formulation?
- Passive sentences
- News sentence
5). What is the content of the Problem Limitation?
What will be discussed in the research?
6). What is the content of the Research Objectives?
Something or Results to be achieved in research
7). What are the Benefits of Research?
Benefits of the object to be studied (for what? / for whom?)
8). Where did the literature review come from?
- Journal
- Seminar
- KPTA Thesis Results
9). What is the content of the Research Method?
- Tools & materials
- Method of collecting data
- The course of research
10). What is the content of the Conclusion and Recommendations?
- Conclusion, which contains the answer to the problem formulation
- Suggestions, which contain recommendations for further research or solutions to weaknesses in research results.
11). Change the bibliography below according to the rules for writing a bibliography!
Abidin, Zainal. 2007. Jakarta; PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Analisis Eksistensial.
On Estimating the Industry Production Function Aigner, D.J. and S.F. Chu. 1968.. American : Economic Review.
Mantra, I.B. dan Kasto 1989. Metode Penelitian dan Survei. Jakarta : LP3ES
Abidin, Zainal. 2007, Analisis Eksistensial, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta.
Chu, S.F. and D.J. 1968, On Estimating the Industry Production Function Aigner, Economic Review,
Mantra, I.B. dan Kasto. 1989, Metode Penelitian dan Survei, LP3ES, Jakarta.