Function Information in Android Studio (FIAS)

Hi dev, this question actually arose when I migrated from Windows to Linux operating system, so I had no choice but to re-set up Android Studio, as a consequence all the settings became fresh.

Unfortunately, I never recorded the new things I did to optimize my IDE, so I was forced to let go of all the brilliant performance of my Android Studio running on Windows, and I had to adapt to a fresh Android Studio setup.

I used to be able to highlight information from methods I hovered over with my mouse, so this case study is about how we setup a fresh Android Studio to be able to do that.

Let's start.

If you are a Windows/Linux user, do this.

Masuk ke menu File > Settings > Editor > General

If you are a Mac user, do this method.

Android Studio > Preferences > Editor > General

You will be presented with a general settings display, so please check the following options:

  1. Show quick documentation on mouse move
  2. Highlight modified lines in gutter

For more details, see this image.


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