Comprehensive History of Operating Systems (CHOS)

An Operating System or in foreign language called Operating System is a program that manages computer hardware. The operating system also provides a foundation for applications on it and acts as a liaison between the user and the hardware. Each operating system has its own way to complete its tasks. This gives rise to a variety of operating systems that are very amazing.

History and Origins of Operating Systems
History and Origins of Operating Systems


  1. Operating System Definition
  2. CLI/GUI Interface Model
  4. First Generation (1945 - 1955) Frimeware
  5. Second Generation (1955-1965) Batch Processing System
  6. Third Generation (1965-1980) General Purpose / UNIX
  7. UNIX Programming Principles
  8. Advantages and Disadvantages of UNIX
  9. UNIX License
  10. Fourth Generation (Post 1980s) Mac OS, Microsoft Windows
  12. UNIX and some examples of its derivatives
  13. CP/M and some examples of its derivatives.
  14. Operating System Structure

1. Definition of Operating System

An Operating System or in foreign languages ​​called Operating System abbreviated as OS, is a program that manages 3 resources including Hardware, Software / Application Programs, and Brainware / Users, so that these three resources can synergize with each other.

2. CLI / GUI Interface Model

Broadly speaking, there are two models of operating system user interfaces, namely the Command Line Interface (CLI) and the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

CLI is an interaction between users and text-based hardware (letters, numbers, and symbols or punctuation).

GUI is an interaction between the user and hardware based on images or graphics, besides that, GUI is also more user friendly.

3. History of Operating Systems

The history of operating systems is divided into 4 generations, including the following:

4. First Generation (1945 - 1955)

The first generation operating system was the beginning of the development of electronic computing systems as a replacement for mechanical computing systems. In this generation there was no such thing as a computer operating system, so the computer system was given instructions that had to be carried out directly.

Better known as a microcontroller, namely an active electronic component of the IC family in which a firmware has been embedded, which firmware is made using a low-level language (assembly language) and this method is better known as the Embedded System, namely an embedded system. Where the system is dedicated to a specific/limited function, this kind of function is often referred to as Specific Purpose.

The combination of persistent memory (ROM) and the program code embedded in it is often referred to as "Firmware".

Examples: traffic lights, digital clocks, calculators, washing machines, mp3 players, old/mono-chrome cell phones, etc.

5. Second Generation (1955-1965)

The second generation introduced the Batch Processing System, which is a Job that is done in one series, then executed sequentially. So the first process is done until finished, then the other process, and so on. In this generation the computer system is not yet equipped with an operating system, but some operating system functions already exist, for example the operating system function is FMS (Fortran Monitoring System / since 1950) and IBSYS (International Business System) operating system developed by FMS owned by IBM for the IBM7090 computer.

6. Third Generation (1965-1980)

In this generation, the operating system was developed to serve many users at once, where interactive users communicate via terminal online to the computer, so the operating system becomes multi-user (used by many users at once) and multi-programming (serving many programs at once), so that the function of the OS like this is often referred to as General Purpose, namely a system that has general functions such as functions to serve users, while the Operating System in this generation is still based on the Command Line Interface (CLI), so that there are still few users who can use it, generally programmers.

When experts from Bell Labs, a laboratory owned by AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph), worked together with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and General Electric to create an operating system called Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service). Well, this Multics operating system was initially designed with the hope of being able to create several advantages, such as multiuser, multiprocessor, and multilevel filesystem. However, in 1969, AT&T finally stopped the Multics creation project because the Multics operating system no longer met its original objectives. In other words, this project encountered obstacles because in reality Multics had many bugs and was very difficult to operate.

Several Bell Labs programmers involved in the creation and development of Multics, namely Ken Thompson where he himself is the creator of the B programming language, while the B programming language is a refinement of the previous programming language, namely BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) created by Martin Richard, then Dennis Ritchie the creator of the C programming language, which is the result of refinement of the B programming language. They unofficially continued the Multics development project. And finally arrived at a successor generation operating system from Multics in January 1970 which was named UNIX. The name UNIX was given by Brian Kernighan to emphasize that UNIX is not Multics (not the same).

In 1977, Mike Lesk developed the "ported I/O library", a library to overcome the difficulty of bringing UNIX from one computer to another because of the different handling of input and output systems of each computer. Unix was first brought into the Interdata 8/32 laboratory, a microcomputer similar to the PDP-11. In 1978, the UNIX operating system was brought into the VAX minicomputer. Until now, Unix is ​​still very much an experimental system.

Early 1973 more than 16 AT&T or Western Electric outside Bell labs were running the Unix operating system, Unix then spread. Companies began to port Unix to their machines so that several Unix variants emerged. By 1977 at least 500 places were using the Unix operating system, 125 of which were universities and more than 10 foreign countries. In 1977 Unix Version 6 was also released which had commercial support.

The University of California at Berkeley paid $400 for the complete Unix source code. Berkeley graduates Bill Joy and Chuck Haley began to modify it. In 1978 Bill Joy released 30 copies of the collection of Unix programs and modifications at a cost of $50 for replacement media and shipping.

More than 6 years Berkeley received funding from ARPA to develop Unix which was later called BSD Unix. Many developments have been made such as multitasking, file naming with up to 255 characters, and the ability to be used on local computers. In the same year AT&T continued to develop its version of Unix, and began to worry about the popularity of BSD Unix. AT&T developed a commercial Unix product, called UNIX System V and stated it as a Unix standard, and stated that BSD Unix was not a standard Unix product and was not compatible, This statement was issued by AT&T to reduce the popularity of BSD Unix, also because the copyright is with AT&T, BSD Unix is ​​stated as BSD 4.2. with Berkeley's license with AT&T, the University can freely.

7. UNIX Programming Principles

UNIX has an interesting programming culture. One of them is as Douglas McIlroy said: Write programs that do only one thing but do it really well. Write programs that work together. Write programs with text interfaces, because text is a universal interface. UNIX finally has the advantages as expected at the beginning of its creation, namely:

8. Advantages and Disadvantages of UNIX


  • Multilevel Filesystem
  • Multiprocessor, can manage many processors 
  • Multiuser, can be used by many users at once 
  • Multitasking, can run tasks simultaneously at one time 
  • Hardware-independent architectural design 
  • Various devices can be considered as special files. 
  • Has a simple user interface 
  • Suitable for programming environment 
  • Have utilities that can be combined with each other. 
  • Portability means it can be easily adapted to other computers. 
  • Hierarchical file system, organizing information or data in a form that is easy to remember and access. 
  • Stable file system for databases, Internet servers, Intranets, file-servers and Internet-clients 
  • Has better performance than Windows NT 
  • UNIX is a nearly free operating system. 
  • Used for Research and development of Operating Systems.


  • Less attractive appearance
  • Requires a large amount of memory 
  • Not User Friendly 
  • The Price is Super Expensive. And here is a list of the latest license costs for OS. UNIX along with the costs for Upgrade, reported by

9. License of UNIX

Single User Pricing

This page provides pricing information for new single-user licenses for RATS for UNIX/Linux. See Multiple User Pricing if you are interested in a multiple-user license or Update Pricing if you want to update an existing license.

Standard and Professional Level

We offer both "Standard" and "Professional" levels of UNIX RATS. Currently, the "Professional" level includes four features not available in the "Standard":

  • An additional instruction (called X11) implements the Census Bureau's X11/X12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment routines.
  • Support for reading and writing FAME data files (requires FAME software)
  • Support for reading CRSP data files
  • Direct access to the FRED database via an internet connection.

Note that the "executable only" option is not available for the Professional level of RATS since you need your own libraries to link in either FAME or CRSP support.


Standard Level

  • $700.00 >> UNIX systems.
  • $600.00 >> LINUX or Mac OS
  • $700.00 >> LINUX or Mac OS

Professional Level

  • $850.00 >> UNIX systems.
  • $850.00 >> LINUX or Mac OS

Multiple User Pricing

This page provides pricing information for new multiple-user licenses for licenses for RATS for UNIX/Linux. A Multiple-User license allows for the software to be installed on one server, with an unlimited number of contemporary users (all users must be affiliated with the company or institution holding the license). Please see Single User Pricing if you are interested in purchasing single-user licenses for UNIX RATS and Update Pricing if you want to update an existing license.

Standard and Professional Level

We offer both "Standard" and "Professional" levels of UNIX RATS. Currently, the "Professional" level includes four features not available in the "Standard":

  • An additional instruction (called X11) implements the Census Bureau's X11/X12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment routines.
  • Support for reading and writing FAME data files (requires FAME software)
  • Support for reading CRSP data files
  • Direct access to the FRED database via an internet connection.

Note that the "executable only" option is not available for the Professional level of RATS since you need your own libraries to link in either FAME or CRSP support.


Standard Level

  • $2000.00 >> Academic Institutions
  • $3000.00 >> Government and non-profit organizations
  • $4000.00 >> Commercial institutions

Professional Level

  • $2500.00 >> Academic Institutions
  • $3750.00 >> Government and non-profit organizations
  • $5000.00 >> Commercial institutions

And starting from the UNIX OS until now, various Operating Systems have emerged, so that UNIX is known as the First Parent of Operating Systems and the following are its derivatives.

Then is there a Parent Operating System other than UNIX? Of course there is. For more details, please see the development of the OS in the 4th generation.

10. Fourth Generation (Post 1980s)

Nowadays, operating systems are used for computer networks where users are aware of the existence of computers that are connected to each other. At this time users have also been comfortable with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) which is a very comfortable graphic-based computer interface, at this time also began the era of distributed computing where computations are no longer centered on one point, but are divided into many computers so that better performance is achieved. From here the concept of the operating system developed so that various GUI-based OS emerged such as: Linux, Mac-OS and Microsoft.

Mac OS or Macintosh Operating System is the first successful operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI), the operating system was introduced by Apple Computer in 1984. The modern operating system for PCs is currently dominated by Microsoft Windows which was first introduced in 1985. The popularity of Windows is currently being challenged by Linux with its open source nature and support for the development of various distros. Linux is a family of UNIX-like operating systems, the Linux Kernel was first compiled by Linus Torvalds in 1991.

The History of Microsoft Windows Allen's adventure with Bill Gates began in the winter of 1974. At that time, Allen, who was only 21 years old, bought the latest issue of the technology magazine, Popular Electronics. The contents of the magazine were so interesting that Allen enthusiastically showed it to his friend, Gates. The magazine reviewed the Altair 8800, the world's first PC (personal computer) made by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry System (MITS). Allen knew that they could create a BASIC interpreter program for the device, after receiving a phone call from Gates claiming that they had an interpreter, MITS immediately asked for a demonstration. Because at that time they did not have an interpreter, Allen created a simulator for the Altair, while Gates developed his interpreter. Although they developed the interpreter on a simulator rather than with the original device, the interpreter operated very smoothly when demonstrated to MITS in Albuquerque, New Mexico in March 1975, MITS agreed to distribute and market it under the name Altair BASIC.

They officially founded Microsoft on April 4, 1975 and appointed Gates as CEO. Allen came up with the name "Micro-Soft", as stated in a 1995 Fortune magazine article. and also the history of Microsoft's birth is fully explained by Allen himself through a book entitled Idea Man. In August 1977, the company made an agreement with ASCII Magazine in Japan and led to the establishment of its first international office, "ASCII Microsoft". The company moved to its new office in Bellevue, Washington in January 1979. Long story short, in 1975, Allen and Gates got a contract to supply BASIC as Altair filler software.

Microsoft was born. Microsoft entered the OS (operating system) business in 1980 with its own version of UNIX called Xenix, but at that time the CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputer) Operating System developed by Gary Kildall of Digital Research, Inc dominated the OS competition for Microcomputers, namely between 1970 and 1980, so that CP/M became the "Industry Standard" for all Microcomputer platforms.

Starting from Microsoft's contract with IBM to provide the CP/M version of the OS which would later be used for the IBM Personal Computer (IBM PC) product line, then in the end Xenix was sold by Microsoft to CSO (Santa Cruz Operation) Corporation and switched to 86-DOS (CP/M derivative) which was purchased from Seattle Computer Products, then Microsoft replaced it with the name MS-DOS. Since IBM registered the copyright for IBM PC BIOS and was followed by Microsoft which obtained ownership of MS-DOS, the launch of the IBM PC in August 1981 brought polemics, because other non-IBM companies had to reverse engineer the technology so that their hardware could be compatible with the IBM PC. So, from here Microsoft immediately became the leading operating system vendor of its time and IBM became the leading personal computer vendor of its time.

11. Parent Operating System (OS)

NB: There are only 2 parent operating systems in the world, namely:

  • UNIX was created by Dennis Retchie and Ken Thompson.
  • CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputer) was created by Gary Kildall.

Parent OS
Parent OS

12. UNIX and Some of Its Derivatives

So UNIX was previously written in the B programming language by Ken Thompson, then after Dennis Ritchie created the C programming language, Ken Thompson copied UNIX again using the C programming language.


Some examples of derivatives;

13. CP/M and Some of Its Derivatives

So Microsoft Windows was born not from UNIX but from the CP/M Operating System, which was written using the Altair computer (the first minicomputer/personal computer in the world).


Some Examples of Derivatives;

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