To understand the basic concept of using the statement "if" dan "else" dengan operator "<" dan ">"
, to state greater or less, then I will share a simple program example. For more details, please see the review below:
1. Determine the Largest Value of 2 Inputs
Source Code:
*Menentukan Nilai Terbesar Dari 2 Inputan
void main() {
int a, b;
cout << "menentukan nilai terbesar 2 buah input \n";
cout << "masukkan nilai 1 : "; cin >> a;
cout << "masukkan nilai 2 : "; cin >> b;
if ( a > b )
cout << "nilai terbesar : " << a << endl;
cout << "nilai terbesar : " << b << endl;
2. Determine the Largest Value of 3 Inputs
Max of 3 inputs
Source Code:
*Menentukan Nilai Terbesar Dari 3 Inputan
void main() {
int a, b, c;
cout << "menentukan nilai terbesar 3 buah input \n";
cout << "masukkan nilai 1 : "; cin >> a;
cout << "masukkan nilai 2 : "; cin >> b;
cout << "masukkan nilai 3 : "; cin >> c;
if ( a > b && a > c )
cout << "nilai terbesar : " << a << endl;
else if ( b > a && b > c )
cout << "nilai terbesar : " << b << endl;
cout << "nilai terbesar : " << c << endl;
That's all for this simple discussion, if you have any questions, please just comment below, greetings programmers.
Comment 1
ANONYMOUS 29 Sep 2015, 10:24:00\
How do you determine the largest number of N in a number of N numbers?
GALEREEN HITH 11 Dec 2015, 20:20:00\
How to determine the highest value from the loop below?
cout << "Yuni Indriati"<> Dmhs[3].nama;
cout << "Stambuk: ";
cin >> Dmhs[3].stambuk;
cout << "Nilai: ";
cin >> Dmhs[4].nilai;
AHMAD UMAR 5 Dec 2016, 22:50:00\
what if we use pointer parameters?
Response 1
please use the concept of water transfer in a reservoir, before comparing the two reservoirs, thanks
Which one is looping neng GALEREEN HITH? is there a loop in that piece of code?
we will release the material about pointers soon, thank you