Understanding Data Representation (UDR)

The foundation of this material is to enable an easy understanding of the chapter on computer data representation. A basic knowledge of number systems and mathematical logic is necessary.

Number System Numbers have a base. The commonly used one is base 10, or decimal.

Given a number: 5736

Examples of other bases commonly encountered:

  • The clock system, which uses base 12.
  • Calculating days, which uses base 7 (for example, assuming Sunday=1, Monday=2, ... Saturday=0). In a number system with base N, digits 0,1,...,N-1 are used.


  • The decimal system (base 10) uses digits 0,1,2,3,...,9.
  • The binary system (base 2) uses digits 0 and 1.

If X is a value represented in a base N number system, forming a sequence of digits like (b_i...b_2b_1b_0), then:

In theory, number systems can be created with any base (positive integer >1).

Base Conversion Every specific value or quantity can be represented in various number systems. Therefore, base conversion can also be done.

From Base N to Base 10 Conversion from base N to base 10 can be done using the formula above.


For digits after the decimal point in fractional numbers, the same formula applies.


From Base 10 to Base N Conversion from base 10 to base N is done with integer division and modulus (remainder) operations by N. Example:

For digits after the decimal point in fractions, conversion is done by multiplying the fraction by the base. The integer part of the result is then taken.


Arithmetic in Base N Addition and subtraction can be performed on two numbers in the SAME base. Arithmetic calculations in base N are similar to those in base 10.

If the numbers in the above examples are converted to base 10, the calculated results remain the same.

Basic Mathematical Logic Set Theory A set is a collection of various elements with similar characteristics. A set exists within a particular universe that limits its scope.


  • Set of positive integers < 10
  • Set of prime numbers < 100
  • Set of Computer Science students
  • etc.

Set Relations

  • Set A is a subset of B, (A \subseteq B), if and only if every element of A is also an element of B.
  • Set A equals B, (A = B), if and only if (A \subseteq B) and (B \subseteq A).
  • The complement of set A, (A = { x | x \notin A }).

Set Combinations There are several types of set relations:

  • Union of sets A and B, (A \cup B)
  • Intersection of sets A and B, (A \cap B)
  • Symmetric difference (not yet discussed).

Example: From the following Venn Diagram:

Set Algebra Here are the basic operations in set algebra:

Logic In mathematical logic, each question or combination of statements has a value of TRUE or FALSE. Statements can be combined in logical operations, with the following basic operations:

  1. Negation (NOT): Gives the opposite truth value of a statement. The truth table for Negation is as follows:

  2. Disjunction (OR): In this operation, if either statement is true, the combination is true. The truth table for Negation is as follows.

  3. Conjunction (AND): In this operation, if either statement is false, the combination is false. The truth table for Negation is as follows.

Boolean Algebra Rules:

Understanding Basic Data Types There are three basic data types in computers:

  • Integer numbers
  • Floating-point numbers
  • Symbols or characters Computers represent data in binary form because each data cell/bit in a computer can only store two states: high voltage and low voltage. This voltage difference represents TRUE and FALSE, or bit '1' and '0'.

Representation of Integer Numbers Unsigned integers can be represented by:

  • Binary numbers – octal – hexadecimal
  • Gray code
  • BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal)
  • Hamming code

Signed integers (positive or negative) can be represented by:

  • Sign/Magnitude (S/M)
  • 1's complement
  • 2's complement

For positive integers, there is no difference between the three representations above. In all three representations, the MSB (Most Significant Bit) is used as a sign indicator. The MSB is '0' for positive numbers and '1' for negative numbers.

Sign/Magnitude The negative representation of a number is obtained by changing the MSB of the positive form to 1. If N bits are used to represent data, the representable range is:

Example: if 5 bits are used for number representation

  • +3 = 00011
  • -3 = 10011

1's Complement The negative representation of a number is obtained by complementing all bits of its positive value. If N bits are used for data representation, the range of values representable is:

Example: if 5 bits are used for number representation

  • +3 = 00011
  • -3 = 11100

2's Complement The negative representation of a number is obtained by subtracting (2^n) from its positive value. If N bits are used for data representation, the representable range is:

Comparison Below is a comparison table for the three ways of representing signed integers.

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