This adventure began with an invitation from some college friends who were bored from dealing with various assignments, like internships, and even some who were bogged down with their thesis work—looking quite worn out when they finally arrived at the meeting point, as if they were victims of some hardship... quite the sight, haha, so sad.
Alright, the starting point of our adventure wasn’t far from the Prambanan temple. Imagine, out of the 10 people who were excitedly chatting in the WhatsApp group, only three actually showed up! Surprised? I sure was. But, looking on the bright side, fewer people meant we could better manage our expenses, haha. Okay, moving on.
Suddenly, we arrived at our first destination, Umbul Manten Klaten. We thought the place would be as interesting as the pictures we’d seen on Google. And after investigating... it turned out, it really was as beautiful as it looked online.
The place was so appealing that we struggled to find a spot to put our belongings and settle in, especially since we were getting warm under the sun. No wonder it was difficult—it seems this tourist attraction has become popular with modern travelers, haha. Anyway, without further ado, here’s our documentation of the trip.