Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport (SAMSSA)

A bit of a flashback to six years ago, when I was studying at a private university in Jogja while also working as a technical assistant surveyor at a geodetic consulting company.

This was a crucial moment that led me to make a decision to temporarily pause my studies by taking a semester leave. I ended up being on leave from campus for almost a full year.

For over two years, I managed to maintain my roles as both a student and a professional electro technician. However, as fate would have it, I could no longer balance both roles. I was required to travel to Kalimantan for work, just as I was supposed to be taking my midterm exams. In the end, I decided to stop my studies for one year to focus on work and save up funds, with the intention of continuing my education the following year.

And so began my adventure of temporarily stepping away from the academic world.

The Sepinggan Airport Jet Bridge

The jet bridge (sometimes referred to as a boarding bridge) is a roofed, walled passageway that connects the passenger waiting area to the aircraft door, making it easier for passengers to board and disembark from the plane.

The business operations of PT. Angkasa Pura I at Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan are divided into Aeronautical and Non-Aeronautical Services, located at Marsma. R. Iswahyudi Street, Balikpapan 76115, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

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