Operation Not Possible Due to RF-kill (ONPDRk)


The "Operation not possible due to RF-kill" error commonly occurs in Linux when your Wi-Fi card is blocked. To resolve it, you can use commands like rfkill unblock wifi or rfkill unblock all.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solution, let me clarify: I aim to keep things simple and conversational, as though I were talking to a friend. So, bear with me! Let’s get started.

This issue happens because your wireless card has been marked as inactive by the system. To fix it, we first need to confirm its status and check if another application is causing the problem. Start by typing this command:

sudo rfkill list

You should see something similar to the image above. Aha! It turns out that another system is blocking my WLAN access. Don’t worry, stick with me, and we’ll resolve this together. Next, type the following commands:

sudo rfkill unblock wifi
sudo rfkill unblock all

Run the sudo rfkill list command again to confirm that your Wi-Fi card is no longer blocked.

Wow, wasn’t that easy? Now it’s time to get back online and enjoy browsing! Great job! 🎉

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