Mount Sikunir Climb (MSC)

On Saturday, June 21, 2014, I, along with the GETER TEAM (Gumuk Touring Route), embarked on a journey from Yogyakarta to Mount Sikunir, Dieng, Kejajar, Wonosobo, Central Java, 56354. We traveled from 7:00 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. at an average speed of 80-100 km/h, so our trip took around 4 hours and 45 minutes. However, please note that this duration is conditional. Here’s the route we used.

It took us approximately 2 hours to reach the summit of Mount Sikunir. The hike was truly exhausting but also satisfying, especially when done with the GETER Team.

You should know that Mount Sikunir, located in the village of Sembungan, has an altitude of about 2,350 meters above sea level. The temperature ranges between 15 – 20°C during the day and drops to around 10°C at night.

There are many exotic natural panoramas to soothe the eyes of those weary of city life. The scenery includes vast green mountain ranges such as Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, Mount Sumbing, and Mount Sindoro, the iconic mountains of the region. There’s also a lake in the valley of Mount Sikunir, attracting many people, especially domestic tourists.

One of the most sought-after moments for hikers is witnessing the sunrise as it rises from the eastern horizon, casting a red glow across the sky. Many people call this phenomenon the "Golden Sunrise Sikunir"—an unparalleled aesthetic created by the Almighty.

Here are the exploration results I was able to capture.

That concludes our journey. I hope it’s beneficial and inspires everyone. Greetings from Indonesia.

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